-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [isworld] Call for Papers - MESPUL 2009 Datum: Mon, 4 May 2009 06:51:54 -0400 Von: Muhammad Ali Babar muhammad.alibabar@lero.ie Antwort an: Muhammad Ali Babar muhammad.alibabar@lero.ie An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network isworld@lyris.isworld.org
Call for Papers
The Third International Workshop on Management and Economics of Software Product Lines (MESPUL09)
!!!!The Workshop on Value-Base Product Line Engineering!!!!
is part of the
12th International Software Product Line Conference (SPLC 2009) San Francisco, USA
(The workshop is scheduled for Tuesday, 25 August 2009)
Product line engineering (PLE) has become a viable and important software development paradigm. Many companies adopted a product line engineering approach to improve the efficiency of their development processes, to increase the quality of end products, and reduce time-to-market and cost.
Researchers and practitioners have proposed several methods, techniques, and tools to support the technical aspects of software product line engineering. Research has also been reported on different mechanics of calculating ROI, understanding Cost-Benefits, and critical factors in adopting software product lines. However, the body of knowledge on management and economics aspects of software product lines is still very small.
Adoption and management of software product lines is often said to require a significant initial investment to successfully maximize the business value. Further, managing a product line project is far more complex and difficult because of the inter-related structure between core assets and products, multiple deadlines, resource allocation, etc. Software product line practitioners need new approaches, models, and tools for addressing the challenges related to the management and economics of software product lines. There is also a significant need for gathering more empirical evidence regarding the different approaches of PLE.
The international workshop on management and economics of software product lines aims to bring together researchers and practitioners from academia, industry and government to report and discuss the challenges and opportunities of adopting and managing software product lines from managerial, organizational, and economics point of view. The workshop will provide a forum to present ideas about existing management and organizational strategies and economic models for software product lines and/or propose new approaches, techniques, and tools for business and technical managers to maximize the business value of software product line engineering.
The workshop will cover a broad spectrum of research papers, experience reports, and position papers relevant to the economic, management, and organizational aspects of software product line engineering.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: � Models for cost-benefit analysis � Economic models applicable to software product line engineering � Managerial strategies for successful software product line engineering � Product line strategy definition and scoping � Application of value-based approaches to software product line engineering. � Cost-benefits tradeoffs in technical aspects (e.g., architecture definition) � Management, organizational, and business strategies for adopting software product lines � Mechanics of calculating ROI for software product line engineering � Risks and economic benefits of using Open Source Software in SPLs � Cost and effort estimation models for developing core and product specific artifacts � Opportunities and Challenges in using agile approaches for software product lines � Empirical studies of product line engineering benefits � New approaches to the empirical analysis of product line engineering
Submission Guidelines: Papers should be submitted in PDF format. The results described must be unpublished and must not be under review elsewhere. Submitted papers must conform to the IEEE format (2-columns, 10pt, 8.5"x11") and may not exceed ten pages (incl. all text, figures, references, and appendices). See www.sei.cmu.edu/splc2009 for details.
Accepted Papers: Accepted papers of the workshop will be published in the workshop proceedings of the SPLC 2009. For more information about the venue, details on organization, etc. please visit the conference homepage at http://www.sei.cmu.edu/splc2009/.
Important Dates for Paper Submissions Submission Deadline: 5 June 2009 Notification of Acceptance: 15 June 2009 Camera-Ready Version: 1 July 2009 Workshop: 25 August 2009
Workshop Homepage http://www.lero.ie/mespul09
Workshop Organizers - Klaus Schmid, Univ. of Hildesheim, Germany - M. Ali Babar, Lero, University of Limerick, Ireland - Paul Grünbacher, JKU Linz, Austria
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