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Subject: 2nd Call for Papers: Adaptive Hypermedia & Adaptive Web Based Systems'2002 Date: Mon, 03 Dec 2001 18:52:32 -0500 From: Peter Brusilovsky peterb@mail.sis.pitt.edu To: tasso@dimi.uniud.it (Carlo Tasso), Paul De Bra debra@win.tue.nl, Massimo Zancanaro zancana@irst.itc.it, Wendy Hall wh@ecs.soton.ac.uk, Wolfgang Nejdl nejdl@kbs.uni-hannover.de, Liliana Ardissono liliana@di.unito.it, Vittorio Scarano vitsca@dia.unisa.it, Carlo Strapparava strappa@itc.it, Alfred Kobsa kobsa@ics.uci.edu, Barry Smyth barry.smyth@ucd.ie, Oliviero Stock stock@itc.it, "Mark T. Maybury" maybury@linus.mitre.org, Ricardo Conejo conejo@lcc.uma.es, elisabeth.andre@dfki.de, Elisabeth Andre andre@informatik.uni-augsburg.de, pazzani@ics.uci.edu, acristea@win.tue.nl, derosis@di.uniba.it, franca.garzotto@polimi.it, lynda@cwi.nl, henze@kbs.uni-hannover.de, kia@sics.se, johnson@isi.edu, judy@cs.usyd.edu.au, pmaglio@almaden.ibm.com, eva@lcc.uma.es, maria@dynamicmultimedia.com.au, tanja@cosc.canterbury.ac.nz, Dunja.Mladenic@ijs.si, mnanard@lirmm.fr, schwabe@inf.puc-rio.br, shavlik@cs.wisc.edu, Marcus.Specht@gmd.de, myra@ebusiness.hhl.de, jiv@cs.usas! k.ca, weber@cogpsy.uni-trier.de
Dear Colleagues, please, share this CFP with researchers in your communities.
PB ------------------- 2nd Call for Papers: Second International Conference on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web Based Systems
May 29-31, 2002 @ Málaga (Spain)
Endorsed by IW3C2
The 2nd International Conference on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web Based Systems will be held in Málaga, Spain, May 29-31, 2002. The AH'2002 Conference continues from AH2000 held in Trento, Italy (http://ah2000.itc.it/) and a series of successful workshops on the topic of adaptive hypermedia and adaptive Web-based applications (http://wwwis.win.tue.nl/ah/proceedings.html). The conference aims to promote a cross-fertilization of ideas and to highlight the prospects for future collaboration.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
* adaptive hypermedia systems and techniques * adaptive information filtering in the WWW context * adaptive IR systems with Web or hypermedia interfaces * intelligent tutoring systems on the WWW * Web-based recommender systems * personalized Web sites and services * adaptive Web-based collaboration systems * adaptive dynamic natural language generation (for the Web) * adaptive navigation support in large hyperspaces * adaptive presentation of multimedia content * empirical studies of adaptive hypermedia and adaptive Web-based systems * Web data mining for personalization and adaptivity * personalization and adaptivity in E-commerce * methods, techniques and tools for user modeling in adaptive hypermedia and in Web-based applications * intelligent Web agents for personalization and adaptivity * distributed and open adaptive applications on the WWW * security and privacy aspects of user models on the WWW * Web metadata as a basis for user modeling and adaptivity (including the Semantic Web initiative) * dealing with changing interests and preferences of Web users * user interfaces for all usability aspects of adaptivity * Web servers for user models/profiles * adaptation to user interface platforms, including PDA's. WAP-enabled mobile phones or other handheld devices * adaptive mobile applications (in-car, in-flight, etc.) * cross-platform adaptivity in ubiquitous systems * social navigation (group adaptation on the Web)
Call for Contributions ----------------------
Submission categories: all submissions must be in LNCS format * Full papers: 10 pages, approx. 25 minute presentation original and previously unpublished mature research results * Short papers: 4 pages, 10 minute presentation original and unpublished ongoing research, presented through a short presentation * Posters and demonstrations: 4 pages original and unpublished ongoing research, presented in a poster and demonstrations session * Panels: 4 pages, 1 hour panel discussions panels of 4 or 5 experts discussing a topic with the public after short introductions by the panelists * Doctoral consortium: 4 pages phd students are invited to present the topic and progress of their research, in order to get feedback from a panel of experts * Workshops and tutorials: send a description (2-4 pages) to the workshop and tutorial chair as soon as possible, but no later than the general submission deadline. Workshops and tutorials will be held on May 28, 2002.
The proceedings of AH'2002 will be published by Springer-Verlag in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS). For instructions on the LNCS paper format, see http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html. Submissions must be formatted according to the LNCS rules, and submitted electronically as PDF or Postscript through the conference Web site (http://www.lcc.uma.es/AH2002). Please indicate whether the first (or main) author is a student. This is needed in order to qualify for the best student paper award.
All submissions will undergo a thorough reviewing and refereeing process in order to decide on acceptance. The program committee may accept submissions in a different category, for instance full paper submissions may be accepted as short papers or posters; full or short papers by students may be accepted for the doctoral consortium, etc. All accepted contributions (full and short papers, poster, demo or doctoral consortium) will be included in the proceedings.
Important Dates --------------
All submissions: January 7, 2002.
Notification of Acceptance: March 1, 2002.
Final versions due: March 18, 2002.
Workshops and tutorials: May 28, 2002.
Main conference: May 29-31, 2002.
Committees ---------
Conference co-chairs: * Peter Brusilovsky, University of Pittsburgh * Francisco Triguero, Universidad de Málaga
Program Committee chair: * Paul De Bra, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven
Doctoral Consortium co-chairs: * Jose-Luis Perez de la Cruz, Universidad de Málaga * Wolfgang Nejdl, University of Hannover
Workshops/tutorials chair: * Carlo Strapparava, ITC-IRST, Trento
Industry chair: * Barry Smyth, Changingworlds, and University College Dublin
Program Committee: * Elisabeth Andre, DFKI GmbH * Liliana Ardissono, Università degli Studi di Torino * Alexandra Cristea, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven * Fiorella De Rosis, University of Bari * Franca Garzotto, Politecnico di Milano * Wendy Hall, University of Southampton * Lynda Hardman, CWI, Amsterdam * Nicola Henze, Institut für Technische Informatik, Hannover * Kristina Höök, Swedish Institute for Computer Science * Lewis Johnson, University of Southern California * Judy Kay, University of Sydney * Alfred Kobsa, University of California at Irvine * Paul Maglio, IBM Almaden Research Center * Mark Maybury, The MITRE Corporation * Alessandro Micarelli, University of Rome 3 * Eva Millan, Universidad de Málaga * Maria Milosavljevich, Dynamic Multimedia Pty. Ltd. * Tanja Mitrovic, University of Canterbury, New Zealand * Dunja Mladenic, J. Stefan Institute, Slovenia * Marc Nanard, LIRMM * Vittorio Scarano, Università degli Studi di Salerno * Daniel Schwabe, Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro * Jude Shavlik, University of Wisconsin * Marcus Specht, GMD * Myra Spliopoulou, Handelshochschule Leipzig * Oliviero Stock, ITC-IRST, Trento * Carlo Tasso, Università degli Studi di Udine * Julita Vassileva, University of Saskatchewan * Gerhard Weber, Pedagogical University Freiburg * Massimo Zancanaro, ITC-IRST, Trento
Local organization chair: * Ricardo Conejo, Universidad de Málaga
Local organization committee: * David Bueno, Universidad de Málaga * Eduardo Guzman, Universidad de Málaga * Eva Millan, Universidad de Málaga * Rafael Morales, Universidad de Málaga * Jose Luis Perez de la Cruz, Universidad de Málaga * Monica Trella, Universidad de Málaga
Cooperating Societies and Sponsors ----------------------------------
The conference is organized in cooperation with:
* ACM - the Association for Computing Machinery (http://www.acm.org) and special interest groups SIGWEB, SIGIR, SIGART, SIGCHI, and SIGECOM * AEPIA - Spanish Association for Artificial Intelligence / Asociación Española para la Inteligencia Artificial (http://aepia.dsic.upv.es/) * ECCAI - the European Coordinating Committee for Artificial Intelligence (http://www.eccai.org/) * The International Artificial Intelligence in Education Society (http://www.cbl.leeds.ac.uk/ijaied/aiedsoc.html) * EUNITE - European Network on Intelligent Technologies (http://www.eunite.org/eunite/)
The conference is endorsed by IW3C2 - International World Wide Web Conference Committee (http://www.iw3c2.org/)
Best paper award and best student paper award/travel grant are sponsored by Kluwer Academic Publishers (http://www.wkap.nl/) and by Dr. James Chen family.
Venue -----
Málaga is located in Andalucia, in the south cost at the Mediterranean sea. It is the economic head of Andalucía and capital of Costa del Sol (Coast of the Sun). Its main business is based on tourism, services, SMEs, and agriculture. The airport is among the largest in Spain, and is well connected by train or highway to other Andalucía main towns (Granada, Córdoba, Sevilla) and by direct flight to all major Spanish and European cities.
Please, visit the conference Web site for more information about the conference and the venue: http://www.lcc.uma.es/AH2002