-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: SOFSEM 2006 - SECOND CALL FOR PAPERS Datum: Mon, 25 Jul 2005 13:56:44 +0200 Von: Julius Stuller stuller@cs.cas.cz Firma: Institute of Computer Science An: sofsem2006@cs.cas.cz CC: sofsemIS@cs.cas.cz, sofsemPC@cs.cas.cz, sofsemSC@cs.cas.cz, sc@sofsem.cz, semweb@cs.cas.cz, seminar@utia.cas.cz, u20@cs.cas.cz, sofsem@cs.cas.cz, sofsem@sofsem.cz
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32nd Conference on Current Trends in Theory and Practice of Computer Science January 21 - 27, 2006, Hotel VZ MERIN, Czech Republic http://www.sofsem.cz
Submission deadlines: Abstracts - August 15, 2005 Full papers - August 22, 2005
SOFSEM (SOFtware SEMinar) is an annual international conference devoted to the theory and practice of Computer Science. Its aim is to foster co-operation among professionals from academia and industry working in various areas of Computer Science. The program consists of series of Invited Talks, given by prominent professionals and researchers, Contributed Talks selected by the Program Committee from submitted papers, Working Sessions discussing work-in-progress, and the Student Research Forum.
SOFSEM offers a unique opportunity to quickly obtain a representative overview of the areas that are selected as the topics of the year. To avoid excess diversity among the conference participants and to foster the atmosphere of close professional interaction, SOFSEM is organized in tracks with topics narrow enough to attract a community of researchers that share very specific fields of interest. The schedule is tailored so that a unique opportunity to interact with other participants (invited speakers, researchers, students) of the tracks is given. SOFSEM provides an ideal framework for discussions and meetings, for establishing personal contacts, and for socializing. SOFSEM is especially suited for young computer scientists.
Foundations: S. Barry Cooper (UK): How Can Nature Help Us Compute?
Wireless, Mobile, Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks Sotiris Nikoletseas (Greece): Models and Algorithms for Wireless Sensor Networks (Smart Dust) Christian Schindelhauer (Germany): Mobility in Wireless Networks Burkhard Monien (Germany - title to be announced later )
Database Technologies: Georg Gottlob (Austria): Monadic Queries over Tree Structured Data
Semantic Web Technologies: Marie-Christine Rousset (France): Somewhere in Semantic Web Dimitris Plexousakis: (Greece): Evolving Ontology Evolution
(The list to be completed)
For the SOFSEM 2006 the following 4 tracks with selected topics have been chosen:
FOUNDATIONS (Track Chair & PC Co-Chair: Gerard Tel, University of Utrecht, The Netherlands) Recognized core areas of Computer Science Foundations are the study of Algorithms and Complexity, and of Languages and Semantics. Both subjects have traditionally received a lot of attention at SOFSEM conferences, since the birth of SOFSEM in 1974. Through all these years, theoretical studies have had their impact on implemented systems. For example, planarity testing is now used in network drawing tools, and semantics is applied in automated program verification packages. All contributions to the Foundations of Computer Science are welcomed, but in both areas we especially seek contributions that illustrate the value of fundamental research for fielded applications. * Algorithms * Language and Automata Theory * Artificial Intelligence and Robotics * Programming Logic and Calculi * Coding, Cryptography, Compression * Specification and Verification Tools * Computational Biology, Chemistry, Geometry, Linguistics, ... * Speech Understanding and Natural Language Processing * Distributed or Parallel Computing
WIRELESS, MOBILE, AD HOC and SENSOR NETWORKS (Track Chair & PC Chair: Jiri Wiedermann, Institute of Computer Science, Prague, Czech Republic) The rapidly growing area of mobile ad hoc networking and computing emerges from the integration among personal and distributed computing, distributed sensing, wireless multihop communication and web technologies. Unprecedentedly growing amount of interaction between communication and computing, its versatility and mobility is changing the information access, exchange and exploitation. Many challenges need to be overcome in this research area to realize its potential. The track intends to cover such challenges. The relevant topics include, but are not restricted to the following aspects of wireless, mobile, ad-hoc, and sensor networks: * Formal Models and Architectures * Security, Privacy and Fault-Tolerance * Algorithms and Their Analysis * Simulation and Performance * Distributed Systems, Database and Multimedia Aspects * Implementations and Experiments * Integration and Inter-Networking * Applications
DATABASE TECHNOLOGIES (Track Chair & PC Co-Chair: Jaroslav Pokorny, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic) Database systems are increasingly used to store and query XML data. During the last few years, a variety of companies have developed so called native XML databases. These software products are designed to efficiently store and manage the growing numbers of XML data users are creating, especially in Web interactions. Improving their effectiveness, increasing efficiency, and reducing inaccuracies are seen as a challenge for database research today. The track is aimed at academics, practitioners, users and vendors who are interested in XML data management in a database way. We invite them to share their experiences, results, and contributions, which may help better understand the issues and reality of XML databases. The relevant topics include, but are not restricted to the following areas of interest: * Indexing and Querying XML Data * XML Information Retrieval * Approximate Searching in XML Data * XML Benchmarking * Querying Compressed XML Data * Architectures on Native XML Databases * Storage and Compression of XML Data
SEMANTIC WEB TECHNOLOGIES (Track Chair & PC Co-Chair & General Conference Chair: Julius Stuller, Institute of Computer Science, Prague, Czech Republic) The Semantic Web ideas have already got, in a relatively short time, many advocates together with possibly as many opponents. While on the "Why" side there exists a larger agreement, the "How" side, despite the great efforts of W3C Consortium, divide the proponents in many, unfortunately too many, more or less isolated communities. Nevertheless many well-known companies are involved, similarly as a large number of researchers all around the world, and a lot of interesting research studies and results have already appeared, software tools and methodologies are evolving, new applications are realized. All contributions to the Semantic Web Technologies are welcomed, especially on topics which include, but are not restricted to the following areas of interest: * Languages, Tools and Methodologies for Semantic Web Data * Semantic Web Trust, Privacy and Security * Ontology Creation, Merging, Extraction, Linking & Reconciliation * Data Semantics * Semantic Integration and Interoperability * Semantic Web Mining * Semantic Web Services: Description, Invocation and Composition * Visualization and Modelling * Semantic Web Middleware * User Interfaces * Searching, Querying and Viewing the Semantic Web * Semantic Web for e-business and e-learning * Database Technologies for the Semantic Web * Fundamental Issues * Semantic Web Inference Scheme and Rules * Semantic brokering * Tools and Methodologies for Semantic Web agents * Knowledge Portals
The Program Committee especially solicits original and unpublished papers on the listed topics. All submissions will be peer-reviewed by referees expert in the given topic.
An integral part of the SOFSEM 2006 will be the Student Research Forum (Chair: Mária Bieliková, Slovak University of Technology, Bratislava) organized with the aim to publish and discuss students' projects in the field of theory and practice of Computer Science. The forum will offer students the opportunity to receive feedback on both the originality of their scientific work results and the work in progress. Sufficient space for discussion and exchange of experience will be provided during the forum itself and will continue throughout the SOFSEM conference. To be eligible, all authors of the paper must be students (except possibly their advisors). Best paper of the SOFSEM 2006 Student Research Forum will be selected by the Program Committee and awarded.
PROCEEDINGS Steps have been undertaken to publish a volume with the Invited and Contributed papers together with the best Student Research Forum paper in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series by Springer-Verlag as has became a tradition in the last years. Papers describing work-in-progress and Student Research Forum papers will be published in the local proceedings (with corresponding ISBN).
Chair: Jiri Wiedermann, (Czech Republic)
Co-Chair: Gerard Tel (The Netherland) Co-Chair: Jaroslav Pokorny (Czech Republic) Co-Chair: Julius Stuller (Czech Republic)
Bernd Amann (France) Grigoris Antoniou (Greece) Barbara Catania (Italy) Zohra Bellahsene (France) Maria Bielikova (Slovakia) François Bry (Germany) Edgar Chavez (Mexico) Stefan Dobrev (Canada) Henning Fernau (UK) Patrik Floreen (Finland) Nissim Francez (Israel) Rusins Freivalds (Latvia) Johann Ch. Freytag (Germany) Juraj Hromkovic (Germany) Jan Janecek (Czech Republic) Rastislav Kralovic (Slovakia) Evangelos Kranakis (Canada) Jan Kratochvil (Czech Republic) Una-May O'Reilly (USA) Tadeusz Pankowski (Poland) Dana Pardubska (Slovakia) Lukáš Petru (Czech Republic) Dimitris Plexousakis (Greece) Mark Roantree (Ireland) Karel Richta (Czech Republic) Michael Schroeder (Germany) Paul Spirakis (Greece) Václav Snasel (Czech Republic) Christian Scheideler (USA) Hans-Joerg Schek (Austria) Vojtech Svatek (Czech Republic) Rainer Unland (Germany) Athena Vakali (Greece) Peter Vojtas (Slovakia) Aaron Zollinger (Switzerland) (To list to be completed)
IMPORTANT DATES (for all types of submissions) Submission deadlines: Abstracts: August 15, 2005 Full papers: August 22, 2005 Notification of acceptance: October 3, 2005 Final papers due (camera ready, LaTeX, llncs style): October 17, 2005
LOCATION The Hotel VZ MERIN is located about 60 km South of Prague on the right shore of Slapska prehrada ("Slapy Dam" - see SOFSEM web page http://www.sofsem.cz/ for more details).
ORGANIZERS The 32nd SOFSEM 2006 is organized by: - Institute of Computer Science, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague - Charles University, Prague - Action M Agency, Prague - Czech Society for Cybernetics and Informatics - Slovak Society for Computer Science.
General Contact Address:
Institute of Computer Science Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic Julius Stuller, SOFSEM Pod Vodarenskou vìží 2 182 07 Prague 8 Czech Republic e-mail: sofsem@sofsem.cz phone: +420 266 053 200, +420 266 053 220 (asistent) Local Arrangements Address (Registration, Accommodation):
Action M Agency Milena Zeithamlova, SOFSEM Vrsovicka 68 101 00 Prague 10 Czech Republic e-mail: actionm@sofsem.cz phone: +420 267 312 333