-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [AISWorld] AMCIS 2011 CFP - Socio-technical dimensions in IS Security (Mini-track) Date: Wed, 12 Jan 2011 22:59:57 -0500 From: mgupta3@buffalo.edu Reply-To: mgupta3@buffalo.edu To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org
17th Americas Conference on Information Systems August 4-7, 2011, Detroit, MI, USA
Track: Information Systems Security and Privacy; Mini-track: Socio-technical dimensions in IS Security (AIS SIGSEC)
Most of the conferences in the past have focused on technical issues relating to IS security. While our proposal includes an invitation for papers from these communities as it relates to information systems, we feel that social, organizational, economic and political issues play a major role in information systems security development and implementation. We have therefore proposed a track on security that is more inclusive and covers organizational issues along with technical issues. Our hope is that you would find this mini-track attractive and would support it. We think that our proposal will be of interest to a much wider audience and attract a much broader interest group thus spurring research into new areas that relate to security.
Over the past few years awareness of IS security problems has been at an all time high. To a large extent this is abetted by increased spending by corporations on a range of security mechanism. Various researchers have indicated that perhaps one of the reasons for our inability to contain IS security breaches is the skewed emphasis on technical controls (e.g. see Baskerville, 1993). In the literature, calls have also been made to study the socio-organizational aspects of IS security (Dhillon and Backhouse, 2001). It therefore seems prudent to focus attention on socio-technical aspects of IS security. Further, important security issues also include economic aspects that deal with loss of productivity relating to additional processes that now form part of the value chain. It is clear from the ramifications of security implementations that information systems should deal with broader issues that are socio-technical and economic as well.
This broad theme serves to a much larger community and we hope to provide a forum for in this conference. It is our expectation that the range of papers that will be submitted to this track will help in taking forward issues identified in previous research and set the stage of establishing an agenda for further research. The discussions afforded by this track will also be the basis for sustaining a comprehensive research stream in this area and usher new ways and dimensions to dealing with security.
We propose that papers addressing for following issues, but not limited to, are encouraged:
- IS Security design and management methods - Security risk analysis - Behavioral issues in IS security - IS security culture and awareness issues - Social, legal and ethical aspects of IS Security - Organizational issues in IS security - Strategic management issues in IS security - Models for IS security implementation - IS Modeling and design with focus on developing security - Architectures for securing systems - Security models based on biological systems - Data and metadata issues in information system security - Security for Medical Data - Change Management issues relating to new information security practices - Social and economic issues relating to Critical Incident Management Systems - Information Warfare - Economics of IS Security - Privacy and anonymity. - Business Continuity - Manpower and personnel integration for information assurance
* Feb 17, 2011: Full paper submission deadline * Mar 24, 2011: Authors notified of paper acceptance decision * April 21, 2011: Camera-ready papers due
Paper can be submitted using the online submission system at http://mc.manuscriptcentral.com/amcis2011. Additional information regarding the submission process will be made available on the AMCIS 2011 primary website: http://amcis2011.aisnet.org/
Raj Sharman (SUNY, Buffalo, NY; rsharman@buffalo.edu) G. Dhillon (VCU, Richmond, Virginia; gdhillon@vcu.edu) H. R. Rao (SUNY, Buffalo, NY; mgmtrao@acsu.buffalo.edu)
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