-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [isworld] EuroSPI 2009 Call for Papers Datum: Tue, 6 Jan 2009 11:59:41 -0000 Von: Rory O'Connor roconnor@computing.dcu.ie Antwort an: Rory O'Connor roconnor@computing.dcu.ie Organisation: Dublin City University An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network isworld@lyris.isworld.org
16th EuroSPI Conference Conference European Systems and Software Process Improvement and Innovation 2.-4. September 2009 University of Alcala, Madrid Region, Spain http://2009.eurospi.net/
1. Conference Theme -------------------
EuroSPI is unique in the way it brings both communities, researchers and industry, together. It is also unique in the way that we produce two proceedings, research papers with Springer and industry/experience papers with Wiley.Thus researchers are asked to write scientific papers with a practical background which could be re-used in industry. Thus industry experts are asked to write experience / industry papers With a vision which could fruitfully push the ideas of researchers again.This background corresponds with the theme as follows: - "Experiences with the Implementation": It is not enough to describe a new method or idea. We need proof or case studies that the method worked. - "Improvement and Innovation ": The applied methods and techniques shall have a focus on innovating and improving processes and products. - "Related Benefits in the Organisation": The papers shall outline the measured / analysed benefit for the organisation.
2. Conference Topics -------------------- Assessment and Process Models ISO 15504 IEC 61508 ISO 15288 ITIL Agile Development Global Software Development Outsourcing Strategies Experiences in Branches Automotive Finance Medical Software Development Improvement Case Studies Implementing SPICE Implementing Safety Requirements Management Testing Design Knowledge Management Team Learning Measurement Configuration Management Risk Management Requirements Elicitation
3. Programme Committees ----------------------- EuroSPI has an industry and a scientific programme committee. Both committees are formed by more than 70 well known industry experts and researchers from 18 different countries. Each contribution is peer reviewed by at least two different experts. The conference has been recognised by world wide known scientific publishers: 18 selected research papers are published in the Springer CCIS (Communications in Computer and Information Science) series. The programme committees are published on the web site: http://2009.eurospi.net
4. Who Should Attend -------------------- Quality Manager Improvement Manager Researcher Project Manager Innovation Manager Experienced Practitioner Business Manager
6. Call for Research Papers --------------------------- See the Upload and Working Guide for Authors (zipped PDF Document): www.iscn.com/conferences/eurospi2009/program/author_guide_v2.zip Your paper must conform to the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS) format because the CCIS series uses the same format See the author guidelines of Springer. The paper must be uploaded at the EuroSPI conference website,2009.eurospi.net, and must not exceed 12 pages. Note that for a paper to be published in the proceedings the authors have to sign a copyright form and at least one of the authors has to present the paper at the conference. The papers will be published in print and electronically and we therefore need all the source files for the papers.
Authoring Guide www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html
14.03.2009 - First Full Paper Submitted following the Sringer Verlag authoring guidelines and uploading the paper with the Paper Upload function. Only if for whatever reason youcannot use the upload function you might send the paper as attachment by email: rmess@iscn.com
11.04.2009 - Distribution of review notes and notification of acceptance. For reviews the following criteria and review form are used www.iscn.com/conferences/eurospi2009/program/res_reviewform2005.zip
30.05.2009 - Contribution of final paper. Upload paper using the UPLOAD A PAPER function. Only if for whatever reason you cannot use the upload function you might send the paper as attachment by email: rmess@iscn.com
01.08.2009 - Until 1.8. early registration is possible. Authors need to register by the early date, otherwise the contribution will be de-selected.
7. Call for Industry Papers ---------------------------
See the Upload and Working Guide for Authors (zipped PDF Document): www.iscn.com/conferences/eurospi2009/program/author_guide_v2.zip You must follow the following steps in submitting a paper: Your experience paper should comprise 5 to 8 pages. The paper must be uploaded at the EuroSPI conference website 2009.eurospi.net. Authors of accepted papers will be asked to write a final paper of 8 to a maximum of 10 pages and a 30 minutes Poerpoint presentation. The final paper must be uploaded at the EuroSPI conference website to be included in the Proceedings.
Paper Template www.iscn.com/conferences/eurospi2009/eurospi2003_paper.zip
14.03.2009 - Your draft industry paper should not exceed 8 pages. Please use the Provided word template eurospi2003_paper.zip, and upload the paper with the Industry Paper Upload function. Only if for whatever reason you cannot use the upload function you might send the paper as attachment by email: rmess@iscn.com
11.04.2009 - Notification of acceptance. For reviews the following criteria and review form are used www.iscn.com/conferences/eurospi2009/program/industrial_reviewform2005.zip
30.05.2009 - Contribution of final experience paper. Upload paper using the Industry Paper Upload function. Only if for whatever reason you cannot use the upload function you might send the paper as attachment by email: rmess@iscn.com
01.08.2009 - Until 1.8. early registration is possible. Authors need to register by the early date, otherwise the contribution will be de-selected.
8. Call for Tutorials ---------------------
See the Upload and Working Guide for Authors (zipped PDF Document): www.iscn.com/conferences/eurospi2008/program/author_guide_v2.zip
Invited tutorials will be held by a group of well known experts. A few additional places will be available for high quality tutorials submitted and accepted under criteria below. These tutorial proposals must follow the below outlined tutorial submission and review process.
- 3,5 hours tutorial - 2 Pages abstract with title, content, tutor CV, and tiff image picture of tutor - Final Submission of Powerpoint slides - Reviewed by a separate program committee consisting mainly of industry representatives
14.03.2009 - First 2 A4 Pages Tutorial Abstract. Upload the tutorial abstract with the Tutorial Upload function. Only if for whatever reason you cannot use the upload function you might send the paper as attachment by email: rmess@iscn.com
30.5.2009 - Notification of acceptance.
01.08.2009 - Final version of the tutorial. Upload using the Tutorial Upload function. Only if for whatever reason you cannot use the upload function you might send the paper as attachment by email: rmess@iscn.com
01.08.2008 - Special for tutors, until 1.8. early registration is possible. Tutors need to register by 1.8., otherwise the contribution will be de-selected. Tutors receive in return for their tutorial a free registration for the conference.
9. MANIFESTO for SPI --------------------
We will invite key experts world wide to participate and to establish a first manifesto. In future a world wide forum of recognised SPI experts will build and maintain a body of knowledge in SPI. www.iscn.com/conferences/eurospi2009/program/spimanifestocall_v1.zip
10. Related EU Initiatives --------------------------
EuroSPI also established an umbrella initiative for establishing a European Qualification Network in which different SPINs and national initiatives join mutually beneficial collaborations (EU Cert - EU Life Long Learning Project, 2008 - 2010).
In collaboration with the European Union (supported by the EU LLP Programme) a European certification association has been created for the IT and services sector to offer SPI knowledge and certificates to industry, establishing close knowledge transfer links between research and industry.
With the support of the E-Learning manager project (2008 =96 2010) an infrastructure for online learning has been set up for European professions related with SPI.
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