-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [isworld] International Journal of E-Business Research: TOC 5(2) and CFP Datum: Mon, 30 Mar 2009 18:10:58 -0500 Von: In Lee I-Lee@wiu.edu Antwort an: In Lee I-Lee@wiu.edu An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network isworld@lyris.isworld.org
The contents of the latest issue of:
International Journal of E-Business Research (IJEBR) Official Publication of the Information Resources Management Association Volume 5, Issue 2, April-June 2009 Published: Quarterly in Print and Electronically ISSN: 1548-1131 EISSN: 1548-114X Published by IGI Publishing, Hershey-New York, USA www.igi-global.com/ijebr
Editor-in-Chief: In Lee, Western Illinois University, USA
Special Issue: Privacy
IJEBR Special Issue on Privacy
George O.M. Yee, National Research Council, Canada Larry Korba, National Research Council, Canada Ronggong Song, National Research Council, Canada
There are three categories of e-business applications: internal business systems, enterprise communication and collaboration, and B2B or B2C electronic commerce. The recent rapid growth of the Internet, together with similar increases in computerization, has been accompanied by soaring deployments of e-business applications. Since e-business ultimately depends on the consumption of ordinary citizens, this has led to more and more consumer personal information in the possession of enterprises. In this special issue, the authors offer a scholarly collection of articles that provide significant new insights.
To read the guest editorial preface, please consult this issue of IJEBR in your library.
Privacy Factors for Successful Ubiquitous Computing Linda Little, Northumbria University, UK Pam Briggs, Northumbria University, UK
Certain privacy principles have been established by industries, (e.g. USCAM, 2006). Over the past two years, we have been trying to understand whether such principles reflect the concerns of the ordinary citizen. The authors have developed a method of enquiry which displays a rich context to the user in order to elicit more detailed information about those privacy factors that underpin our acceptance of ubiquitous computing. The authors use the exchange of health, financial, shopping, e-voting information, and a large scale survey to investigate the use and acceptance of videotaped activity scenarios. This article presents a detailed analysis of user concerns.
To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below. http://www.infosci-on-demand.com/content/details.asp?ID=32058
Consumer Responses to the Introduction of Privacy Protection Measures: An Exploratory Research Framework
Heng Xu, The Pennsylvania State University, USA
Information privacy is at the center of discussion and controversy among multiple stakeholders including business leaders, privacy activists, and government regulators. The conceptualizations of information privacy have been somewhat patchy in current privacy literature. This article reviews the conceptualizations of information privacy through three different lenses and then try to build upon previous literature from multiple theoretical lenses to create a common understanding of the organization-consumer information interaction in the context of business-to-consumer electronic commerce (B2C e-commence). The author argues that consumers' privacy beliefs are influenced by the situational and environmental cues that signal the level of privacy protections in a particular environment. The framework developed in this research should be of interest to academic researchers, e-commerce vendors, legislators, industry self-regulators, and designers of privacy enhancing technologies.
To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below. http://www.infosci-on-demand.com/content/details.asp?ID=32059
Business Associates in the National Health Information Network: Implications for Medical Information Privacy
Edward J. Szewczak,, Canisius College, USA Coral R. Snodgrass, Canisius College, USA
This article examines the role of business associates of healthcare providers (BAHP) in the National Health Information Network. Current health insurance portability and accountability legislation has little to say about BAHPs and their potential impact on medical information privacy. For the good of the business enterprise, managers who are BAHPs or who supervise BAHPs need to be aware of potential pitfalls of ignoring medical information privacy and need to take a proactive stance in protecting medical information privacy within the National Health Information Network. In this article, the authors provide approaches that managers can to properly dispose of medical information after their use.
To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below. http://www.infosci-on-demand.com/content/details.asp?ID=32060
A Model-Based Privacy Compliance Checker
Siani Pearson, Hewlett Packard Research Labs, UK Damien Allison, Hewlett Packard Research Labs, UK
Increasingly, e-business organizations are under pressure to be compliant to a range of privacy legislation, policies, and best practices. There is a clear need for high-level management and administrators to be able to assess dynamic, customizable degrees in which their enterprise complies with these. The authors outline a solution to this problem in the form of a model-driven automated privacy process analysis and configuration checking system, and they also develop a prototype that provides this functionality in the governance audit context. This approach may also be tailored to enhance the assurance provided by existing governance tools.
To obtain a copy of the entire article, click on the link below. http://www.infosci-on-demand.com/content/details.asp?ID=32061
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Mission of IJEBR:
The primary objective of the International Journal of E-Business Research (IJEBR) is to provide an international forum for researchers and practitioners to advance the knowledge and practice of all facets of electronic business. Emerging e-business theories, architectures, and technologies are emphasized to stimulate and disseminate cutting-edge information into research and business communities in a timely fashion. The secondary objective of this journal is to develop a comprehensive framework of e-business by taking a multidisciplinary approach to understanding e-business and its implications on businesses and economies. This journal serves as an integrated e-business knowledge base for those who are interested in contributing to the advancement of e-business theory and practice through a variety of research methods including theoretical, experimental, case, and survey research methods.
Coverage of IJEBR:
IJEBR appears quarterly and maintains rigorous review processes. Theoretical, experimental, survey, and case studies are all appropriate. Among topics to be included (but not limited) are the following:
Applications of new technologies to e-business Collaborative commerce Consumer behavior Developing and managing middleware to support e-business Digital libraries E-business models and architectures E-business process modeling and simulation studies E-business standardizations E-business systems integration E-business technology investment strategies Economics of e-business E-finance E-healthcare Electronic markets and infrastructures Electronic supply chain management and the Internet-based electronic data interchange E-procurement methods E-services Evaluation methodologies for e-business systems Global e-business Intelligent agent technologies and their impacts Mobile commerce Trends in e-business models and technologies Trust, security, and privacy of e-business transactions and information Valuing e-business assets Web advertising Web personalization and mass customization technologies Web services-based e-business systems Web-based languages, application development methodologies, and tools
IJEBR accepts all other related issues that will contribute to the advancement of e-business research.
Interested authors should consult the Journal's manuscript submission guidelines at www.igi-global.com/ijebr.
All inquiries and submissions should be sent to: Editor-in-Chief: Dr. In Lee at I-Lee@wiu.edu
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