-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [AISWorld] special issue on Smart Services: The Service Industries Journal Datum: Mon, 11 Sep 2017 21:01:00 +0000 Von: Sigala Marianna m.sigala@aegean.gr An: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org aisworld@lists.aisnet.org
Call for Papers
The Service Industries Journal
Special issue:
Smart services: theoretical approaches and implications for service providers and customers
Guest Editors
Marianna Sigala, University of South Australia, Australia
Dimitrios Buhalis, University of Bournemouth, UK
Information & Communication Technology (ICT) advances (such as big data, machine learning, internet of the things) are fueling the smart services evolution. Smart services enable customers not only to be offered personalized experiences at the right place, time and context, but they also empower customers to co-design and configure services according to their individual preferences, needs and expectations. Smart services enable firms to enhance their competitiveness by more effectively and pro-actively responding to the tourists’ needs. At a macro level, smart services contribute to the attractiveness and competitiveness of regions, as well as to sustainable living and development, and to the well-being of local communities.
Smart services are based on ICT and the data collected and analysed by ICT, which represent the oil of the smart economy. However, designing smart services is not a sole ICT problem. Instead, the effective provision of smart services requires: a customer-centered perspective on services and service design, including novel theoretical lenses and approaches to human behavior, culture, attitudes, profiling, decision-making; development on human and social capital, creative thinking and open innovation; appropriate ICT infrastructure and systems as well as new approaches for understanding the dynamics and the ways to integrate technologies with socio-cultural systems and institutions and design effective smart service ecosystems; new theories for understanding and predicting the processes and the factors enabling and/or inhibiting the various actors to interact and exchange resources within smart ecosystems with the purpose to co-create value; and innovative and transformational business models and strategies enabling firms to exploit the revolution of smart services.
This special issue aims to contribute to our understanding about the design, impacts, and socio-technical enablers and inhibitors of smart services at both a micro-firm and macro-ecosystem level. Special interest is also given to the continuously evolving and dynamic role of smart services in empowering smart consumers and enabling smart customer experiences.
Given the important role of smart services in tourism, hospitality and travel, papers in this industry are particularly welcome. The special issue also welcomes theoretical, empirical, experimental, and case study research contributions. The special issue will also aim to publish PhD student research methodology papers - (4000-5000 words) - innovative methodologies used to study smart services. All contributions should clearly address the practical and theoretical implications of the research reported.backgrounds.
Topics of interest included, but they are not limited:
- smart transformations: innovation, creativity and business models for smart services
- Smart disruptive technologies
- social, technological, economic smartness
- smart value co-creation
- smart region technologies and Open Innovation
- Internet of Everything, Big Data and Analytics for smart services
- service design of smart services
- theories and approaches for understanding smart services
- societal, cultural and economic impacts of smart services
- customer experience and smart services
- smart service ecosystems: technologies, applications and design issues
- smart services in tourism, hospitality and travel
Submission instructions
Researchers are invited to indicate their interest in contributing to this special issue by sending a 300-word abstract of their proposed paper by October, 1 2017 to Marianna Sigala by e-mail at Marianna.sigala@unisa.edu.aumailto:Marianna.sigala@unisa.edu.au
The deadline for full paper submission is December, 31 2017 for standard peer review.
Full instructions for authors are available at: http://www.tandfonline.com/action/authorSubmission?journalCode=fsij20&pa...
Publication for this special issue is summer 2018.
Abstracts of the accepted papers will be published in Mandarin (as well as in English)
Marianna Sigala Marianna Sigala |Professor of Tourism |Director of the Centre for Tourism and Leisure Management (CTLM)
School of Management, University of South Australiahttp://www.unisa.edu.au/ Business School EQUIS Accreditedhttp://www.unisa.edu.au/Business/School/About-us/Achievements/ |
' + 61 8 8302 0353 | 7 + 61 8 8302 0512 | * marianna.sigala@unisa.edu.aumailto:marianna.sigala@unisa.edu.au
Co-Editor of Journal of Service Theory & Practicehttp://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/products/journals/journals.htm?id=jstp (formerly published as Managing Service Qualityhttp://www.emeraldinsight.com/loi/msq (MSQ)
Editor-in-Chief of the Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Managementhttp://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-hospitality-and-tourism-management
Chair of the I-CHRIE Johnson & Wales Hospitality & Tourism Case Study Competition & Publication Serieshttp://www.chrie.org/membership/case-study-competition/index.aspx
Editor of the Journal of Hospitality & Tourism Caseshttp://www.chrie.org/publications/jhtc/index.aspx
Regional Editor of Australasia for the International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Managementhttp://www.emeraldgrouppublishing.com/products/journals/journals.htm?id=ijchm
Books' Review Editor of Tourismos Journalhttp://www.chios.aegean.gr/tourism/journal.htm
Co-Chair of the ENTER 2018
ENTER 2018@Jonkoping http://enter2018.org/
Looking forward to seeing you !
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