-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [isworld] CfP: ESWC 2010 - Software and Services Track Datum: Fri, 11 Dec 2009 19:25:19 +0100 Von: Andreas Metzger Andreas.Metzger@sse.uni-due.de Antwort an: Andreas Metzger Andreas.Metzger@sse.uni-due.de An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network isworld@lyris.isworld.org
7th Extended Semantic Web Conference | ESWC 2010 30 May - 3 June 2010 | Heraklion, Greece http://www.eswc2010.org/
Abstract Submission December 15, 2009 (compulsory) Full Paper Submission December 22, 2009 (11:59 pm Hawaii time) Notification February 24, 2010 Camera Ready March 10, 2010
The software industry in Europe competes aggressively, both for a share of the local market (representing 30% of global spending), and worldwide, resulting in a revenue in billions of Euros. Increasingly Software as a Service (SaaS) is opening up previously entrenched markets so that it is essential to support its adoption. Already, service-orientation has rapidly risen to prominence in application construction at enterprise scale, and ontology-based semantics has proven its usefulness in this arena. At the same time Web-based systems, especially in the context of Web 2.0 and the Semantic Web, are increasingly built from more lightweight, so-called RESTful services. This track is interested in both ends of this spectrum, and on the cross-fertilization of semantics-based support for the engineering, deployment, provisioning and consumption of services. Particular topics of relevance are:
- Novel semantic descriptions for software services and service-based systems, including RESTful services - Use of semantics in the service engineering process - Matchmaking/discovery, ranking and selection of services - Data and protocol/process mediation - Tools for the manual creation of semantic service descriptions - Extraction of semantic service descriptions from unstructured and semi-structured sources - Automated composition and federation of services - Service science - Case studies and issues regarding adoption of semantics in service and
software engineering - Exploiting semantics for service quality assurance - The role of semantics in context-driven service adaptation
Papers should be submitted through the Easychair system: http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=eswc2010servicesandsoftwaretr a
The mission of the Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC2010) is to bring together researchers and practitioners dealing with different aspects of semantics on the Web. ESWC2010 builds on the success of the former European Semantic Web Conference series, but seeks to extend its focus by collaborating with other communities and research areas, in which web semantics play an important role -- within and outside ICT. At the same time, ESWC2010 is a truly international conference, not only "European".
Semantics of web content, enriched with domain theories (ontologies), data about web usage, natural language processing, etc. will enable a web that provides a qualitatively new level of functionality. It will weave together a large network of human knowledge and make this knowledge machine-processable. Various automated services, based on reasoning with metadata and ontologies, will help the users to achieve their goals by accessing and processing information in machine-understandable form. This network of knowledge systems will ultimately lead to truly intelligent systems, which will be employed for various complex decision-making tasks. Research about web semantics can benefit from ideas and cross-fertilization with many other areas: Artificial Intelligence, Natural Language Processing, Database and Information Systems, Information Retrieval, Multimedia, Distributed Systems, Social Networks, Web Engineering, and Web Science.
ESWC2010 will present the latest results in research and applications in its field. The research program will be organised in targeted research tracks. In addition, the conference will feature a tutorial program, system descriptions and demos, a posters track, a Ph.D. symposium, and a number of collocated workshops. The individual calls for these events can be found on the conference Web site (http://www.eswc2010.org/).
ESWC2010 welcomes the submission of original research and application papers dealing with all aspects of representing and using semantics on the web. We encourage theoretical, methodological, empirical, and applications papers.
The proceedings of this conference will be published in Springer's Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. Paper submission and reviewing for ESWC2010 will be electronic via the conference submissions site. Papers should not exceed fifteen (15) pages in length and must be formatted according to the information for LNCS authors.
Papers must be submitted in PDF (Adobe's Portable Document Format) format and will *not* be accepted in any other format. Papers that exceed 15 pages or do not follow the LNCS guidelines risk being rejected automatically without a review. Authors of accepted papers will be required to provide semantic annotations for the abstract of their submission -- details of this process will be provided on the conference Web page at the time of acceptance. At least one author of each accepted paper must register for the conference.
Submission site: http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=eswc2010servicesandsoftwaretr a
An award will be given to the best paper (or papers) submitted to the conference as judged by the Program and Track Chairs in collaboration with the Program Committee.
For further information please visit the conference website (http://www.eswc2010.org) or contact eswc2010_info@eswc2010.org
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