-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [AISWorld] 2nd CfP: UMUAI Special Issue on Context-Adaptive Collaboration Support for Knowledge-intense Work Date: Wed, 2 Feb 2011 10:30:24 +0000 From: Stephan Lukosch - TBM S.G.Lukosch@tudelft.nl To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org aisworld@lists.aisnet.org CC: Newman mwnewman@umich.edu, Jürgen Ziegler juergen.ziegler@uni-due.de, Mark@mx1.wu-wien.ac.at
================================================================= CALL FOR PAPERS Special Issue on Context-Adaptive Collaboration Support for Knowledge-intense Work User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction: The Journal of Personalization Research (An international journal published by Springer Verlag) Web site: http://www.umuai.org/ =================================================================
Knowledge work in modern organizations is to a large extent collaborative. Free riding, dominance, group think, hidden agendas, and especially ill-structured tasks that emerge in the course of the collaborative process are but a few phenomena in group work that make it a non straight-forward effort. Users participating in a collaborative project may find themselves in different physical environments or settings and may use a variety of different devices. Also, users are often involved in more than one project at a time, raising the need for frequent task or tool switches and for rapid cognitive adjustments to the subject at hand. For a successful collaboration, these challenges need to be addressed. A promising approach to solving these challenges are collaboration support systems that can flexibly adapt themselves to the context of knowledge workers. Context can here be understood in the widest sense: it comprises external factors such as location, device used or time, but also factors derived from the user¹s interaction behavior such as interest profiles or tasks the user is engaged in. Considering both external (exogenous) and interaction-based (endogenous) factors creates an interesting intersection between conventional, sensor-based context-adaption and adaptation based on user models. The proposed special issue aims at attracting use-oriented contributions that discuss models, methods, techniques and empirical studies related to collaborative context in this wide sense as well as to adaptation techniques for collaboration environments. Furthermore, we aim to discuss resulting implications regarding the technical design of interfaces as well as soft- and hardware architectures. Special attention is given to context modeling and implementation of the various application scenarios as well as to the issues related to manual (adaptability) or automatic (adaptivity) in-use-adjustment. We would like to invite in particular researchers and practitioners to contributions dealing with the following questions: - What practical experiences - positive as well as negative - have been made with regard to the usage of context-adaptive computing and collaboration in real organizational settings? What experiences have been made with adaptation mechanisms (automatic as well as interactive) of such systems in these settings? - What are different forms of adaptations for groups? How can this design space be structured? - How can relations between context descriptions/models, context sensors and context-based services be described in a way that they can be understood and used by end users? What framing conditions apply for interfaces that aim to achieve this? - What are suitable models for context management? How can context concepts be represented and retrieved? How can privacy issues be dealt with? - How can individual contexts dynamically aggregated into group context? - How can context architectures be effectively designed for sustainable usages (context evolution, context adaptation, traceability for end-users)? - What are appropriate architectures for context-adaptive collaboration support systems? How can such architectures be designed to support context evolution, context adaptation, and traceability for end-users?
Submissions to the special issue should follow the UMUAI formatting guidelines and submission instructions available at: http://www.umuai.org/paper_submission.html Each submission should note that it is intended for the Special Issue on Context-Adaptive Collaboration Support for Knowledge-intense Work. Potential authors are asked to submit a tentative title and short abstract (which can be altered for the actual submission) to assist in the formation of a panel of appropriate reviewers. UMUAI is an archival journal that publishes mature and substantiated research results on the (dynamic) adaptation of computer systems to their human users, and the role that a model of the system about the user plays in this context. Many articles in UMUAI are quite comprehensive and describe the results of several years of work. Consequently, UMUAI gives "unlimited" space to authors (so long as what they write is important). Authors whose paper exceeds 40 pages in journal format (including illustrations and references) are however requested to supply a short justification upon submission that explains why a briefer discussion of their research results would not be advisable.
Notification of tentative intent to submit: as soon as possible Title and abstract submission deadline: February 28, 2011 Paper submission deadline: March 31, 2011
Submissions will undergo the normal review process, and will be reviewed by three established researchers selected from a panel of reviewers formed for the special issue. Barring unforeseen problems, authors can expect to be notified regarding the review results within three months of submission.
Stephan Lukosch Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands s.g.lukosch@tudelft.nl http://www.tudelft.nl/sglukosch
Mark W. Newman University of Michigan, USA mwnewman@umich.edu http://mwnewman.people.si.umich.edu/
Jürgen Ziegler University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany juergen.ziegler@uni-due.de http://www.interactivesystems.info/Mitarbeiter/Personen/Ziegler
Dr. rer. nat. Stephan G. Lukosch Associate Professor Delft University of Technology Faculty of Technology, Policy, and Management Systems Engineering Section Postal address: PO box 5015, 2600 GA Delft Visitors' address: Jaffalaan 5, 2628 BX Delft P: +31 (0)15-2783403 F: +31 (0)15-2783429 E: s.g.lukosch@tudelft.nl W: http://www.tudelft.nl/sglukosch
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