### to whom it may concern. //fw. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ACAI-05 Advanced Course on Knowledge Discovery, June 27-July 5, 2005, and SEKT-05 Summer School on Semantic Web, July 6-8, 2005, Ljubljana, Slovenia
You are invited to attend the ACAI-05 Advanced Course on Knowledge Discovery (http://www.ktschool.org), a bi-annual summer school of ECCAI (http://www.eccai.org), that will take place at Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia. ACAI-05 will be followed by the SEKT-05 Summer School on Semantic Web (http://www.semanticschool.org).
* Early registration: due April 30, 2005 * Late registration: due June 20, 2005 * ACAI-05: June 27-July 5, 2005 * SEKT-05: July 6-8, 2005
Register through (http://www.ktschool.org) or send an e-mail to acai05@ijs.si .
Student grants are available (http://www.eccai.org/travelaw.shtml), sponsored by ECCAI, SEKT IP and Pascal NoE. Grants are mainly intended at students submitting papers to the Student sessions (June 27-28).
The ACAI-05 course will focus on recent advances in:
* Intelligent data analysis: Fundamental concepts, Statistical methods, Rule induction, Neural networks, Fuzzy logic, Time series, Bayesian methods, Visualization tools, Evolutionary systems, Kernel methods, based on the book by Berthold and Hand (eds.), Intelligent Data Analysis, Springer 2003
* Data mining and decision support: Text mining, Data mining, Web mining, Link analysis, Decision support, based on the book by Mladenic, Lavrac, Bohanec and Moyle (eds.), Data Mining and Decision Support: Integration and Collaboration, Kluwer 2003
* Semantic Web Technologies: Based on recent developments in the FP6 Integrated Project SEKT on Semantically-Enabled Knowledge Technologies
* Hands-on tutorials: ACAI-2005 will also provide you with practical knowledge on how to use data analysis software packages WEKA, ORANGE, TextGarden and R.
You are cordially invited to attend.
Nada Lavrac, Michael Berthold, Mitja Jermol, Marko Grobelnik Department of Knowledge Technologies (http://kt.ijs.si) Jozef Stefan Institute (http://www.ijs.si)