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Subject: CFP - I.S. Foundations Workshop Canberra Date: Thu, 11 Apr 2002 16:10:20 +1000 From: Shirley Gregor shirley.gregor@anu.edu.au To: ISWORLD@LISTSERV.HEANET.IE
Workshop Information Systems Foundations: Building the Theoretical Base
1-2 October, 2002
School of Business and Information Management The Australian National University Canberra ACT
Workshop theme: The focus of this workshop is on the theoretical foundations of information systems and the practical implications of candidate bodies of theory. Its central aims are to critically assess the current theoretical foundations of the discipline, to determine where these foundations might be lacking or inadequate, to extend or improve them where possible, and to draw out their implications for practice.
Papers could address: · The meaning of theoryandtheoretical foundations in the information system context. · The validity of social science based views of theory in information systems. · Discussion of candidates for core theories in the information systems discipline e.g. o Ontological foundations, conceptual modelling, knowledge representation o Information system semiotics o Theories of information systems design and development o Theories of information systems adoption and use o Information systems in organizations o Theoretical research agendas o Any other theoretical body of knowledge for which a good argument can be made. · Any study in the information systems field that has a strong theoretical foundation.
The main requirement for a paper is that it addresses clearly some underlying theoretical body of knowledge in the information systems domain. In addition, papers should indicate the implications of contributions to knowledge for practice.
Papers are encouraged that are stimulating, speculative and encourage debate.
The workshop will be immediately prior to the annual meeting of the Australasian Council of Professors and Heads of Information Systems (ACPHIS), which will be held at the same venue on 3-4 October.
The workshop follows in the tradition of the Information Systems Foundation Workshop organized at Macquarie University in 1999 by Kit Dampney. Papers from that workshop are still available at http://www.comp.mq.edu.au/isf99/contents.htm
It is anticipated that this workshop will be the first in a biennial series on Information Systems Foundations held at the Australian National University.
Schedule Paper submission date (full paper): 19 July, 2002
Notification of acceptance/rejection: 16 August, 2002
Final papers due: 30 August, 2002
Submission requirements: Papers are to be submitted electronically to: infsys-foundations@anu.edu.au Style requirements are specified on the workshop web site.
Program Chairs: Professor Shirley Gregor Dr Dennis Hart
Workshop web site:
Further details will be added progressively to this web site.
Other details: Submission of a paper implies that, if it is accepted, at least one author will register for the workshop and will present the paper at the workshop.
Papers will be refereed in a double blind review process with at least two reviewers per paper.
Papers accepted for presentation will be published in the Workshop Proceedings. Copyright arrangements will be similar to those for the Australasian Conference on Information Systems. That is, the authors assign to the conference organizers a non-exclusive licence to use the paper in full in the Proceedings and on the Workshop web site.
For further queries, email infsys-foundations@anu.edu.au
************************************************** Shirley Gregor Professor of Information Systems School of Business and Information Management Australian National University, Canberra ACT 0200 Phone 02 6125 3749 Fax 02 6125 5005 Email: Shirley.Gregor@anu.edu.au http://ecocomm.anu.edu.au **************************************************
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