ACIS 2003: ~ 26th - 28th November 2003
Introduction: The School of MIS at Edith Cowan and the We-BCentre are proud to present The 14th Australasian Conference on Information Systems.
ACIS 2003 will take place from 26th - 28th November 2003 at Hotel Rendezvous, Scarborough Beach, Perth, Western Australia. Scarborough boasts the best white sandy beaches in the world and is only a 10 minute drive to Hillarys Marine Harbour where the award winning aquatic theme park offers a close encounter with unique marine life.
Information systems researchers, educators, practitioners and decision makers are invited to participate in or submit papers/proposals to this premier event in the Australasian region.
Conference Theme: The theme of the conference is, "Delivering IT and e-Business Value in Networked Environments". Information systems facilitate networks that operate at various levels in organisations and society. These extend from internal work teams through inter-organisational information systems to global e-business communities. A continuing challenge is to design these systems to deliver business value. The conference will draw participants from national and international organisations.
The conference will consider papers on any aspects related to information systems and selected on the basis of merits and expected interest. Topics of interest may include but are not limited to:
=> IS evaluation and measurement of benefits => IS strategy, management and adoption => Delivering value through IS => IS applications and development issues => E-business applications => Security issues in IS/E-Business => Social, legal, ethical and cultural issues in IS and e-Business => IS research approaches => The IS discipline and IS education => Knowledge management - the role of IS => SMEs and IT/IS => Enterprise information systems => Global information systems issues => e-Government
Invited speakers from government and major commercial interests will present position papers to complement invited academic Keynotes.
Call for Papers 21 May 2003
Workshop/Tutorial proposals 1 September 2003
Panel session proposals 1 September 2003
Doctoral Submissions 1 September 2003
Reviewed Papers Acceptance/Rejection notification 30 July 2003
Camera ready paper 30 September 2003