-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [isworld] Conf-IRM 2009 - Call for Participation Datum: Tue, 31 Mar 2009 20:20:54 +1300 Von: Felix Tan felix.tan@aut.ac.nz Antwort an: Felix Tan felix.tan@aut.ac.nz An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network isworld@lyris.isworld.org Referenzen: 49D134CC0200007500057630@smtpdom.aut.ac.nz 49D138180200007500057633@smtpdom.aut.ac.nz 49D14105020000750005763C@smtpdom.aut.ac.nz 49D144AD0200007500057644@smtpdom.aut.ac.nz 49D144BC0200007500057647@smtpdom.aut.ac.nz 49D144FA020000750005764A@smtpdom.aut.ac.nz 49D1453E020000750005764C@smtpdom.aut.ac.nz 49D1FC5C02000075000576CB@smtpdom.aut.ac.nz 49D1FD1B02000075000576CE@smtpdom.aut.ac.nz 49D1FF9702000075000576D7@smtpdom.aut.ac.nz 49D27B2602000075000577D9@smtpdom.aut.ac.nz
2009 International Conference on Information Resources Management (Conf-IRM) Conf-IRM is an AIS-affiliated conference
21-23 May 2009 College of IT, UAE University Al-Ain, UAE http://www.conf-irm.org/
Conference Theme: Global Connections Details of the conference program will follow.
Social Events Experience a conference dinner that is different, in the desert. A full day guided tour of Dubai is planned for 24 May 2009. Participants can be dropped off at the airport at end of tour.
Registration Early registration by 15 April 2009. Please visit http://www.conf-irm.org/
Keynote Speaker David Avison, ESSEC Business School, France President Association for Information Systems (AIS)
Designing the Discipline of IS: An Egocentric View The keynote address reflects on aspects of the discipline of Information Systems, in particular, the practice research and teaching of information systems development; and lays stress on qualitative research in information systems.
Pre-Conference Professional Development Workshops (Thursday 21 May 2009: Open to all registered participants)
(i) Supervising PhD Students David Avison, ESSEC Business School, France President Association for Information Systems (AIS)
This workshop will discuss issues related to the supervision process. It will cover such issues as the supervisor-supervisee relationship; practical, social and academic issues; and different models for PhD programs. The material gathered at workshops has led to the book 'Research in Information Systems: A Handbook for Research Supervisors and their research Students' by David Avison and Jan Pries-Heje, Elsevier, 2005.
(ii) Scaling the Ivory Tower Blaize Horner Reich, Simon Fraser University, Canada
This workshop will be patterned on the book "Scaling the Ivory Tower" edited by Drs Dianne Cyr and Blaize Reich. The book, based on the stories of 9 business professors, highlights the key challenges and rewards in each stage of scholarly life, from doctoral student to full professor. Participants will create their own academic "roadmap" by combining their goals, assets and roadblocks. Dr. Reich will facilitate this journey, based on her experiences as associate dean and head of the MIS area in the Faculty of Business Administration at Simon Fraser University.
(iii) Conducting Qualitative Research: Ten Things You Wanted to Know But Never Dared Ask Cathy Urquhart, University of Auckland, New Zealand
This workshop is aimed at both researchers who would like to try their hand at qualitative research and those who are interested in leveraging their existing qualitative research. The workshop will include the following: ● Why conduct qualitative research ● Ways to analyse qualitative data ● Building theory from case study research ● Getting qualitative research published.
Looking forward to seeing you in the UAE in May 2009.
Warm regards Felix B Tan on behalf of Conf-IRM Conference Committees
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