-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [isworld] CfP Workshop on Quality of Information Systems Datum: Sat, 07 Mar 2009 17:36:04 +0100 Von: wattiau isabelle wattiau@essec.fr Antwort an: wattiau isabelle wattiau@essec.fr An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network isworld@lyris.isworld.org
Fourth workshop Quality of Information Systems QoIS in conjunction with the 28th International Conference on Conceptual Modeling (ER2009) to be held in Gramado (Brazil) from 9-12 November 2009
Co-organizers : Isabelle COMYN-WATTIAU, Professor, CEDRIC Research Laboratory Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers (CNAM), France, Email : isabelle.wattiau@cnam.fr Bernhard THALHEIM, Professor, Information Systems Engineering Chair Computer Science Institute, Technical Faculty Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel, Germany, Email : thalheim@is.informatik.uni-kiel.de Summary of the Workshop Quality assurance is a growing research domain within the Information Systems (IS) and Conceptual Modeling (CM) disciplines. Ongoing research on quality in IS and CM is highly diverse and encompasses theoretical aspects including quality definition and quality models, and practical/empirical aspects such as the development of methods, approaches and tools for quality measurement and improvement. Research can be general and conceptual in nature or focus on specific application domains, such as web application quality, data warehouse quality, requirements model quality, model transformations quality, etc. The QoIS workshop we organize at ER 2009 intends to cover all areas related to information systems quality: data quality, information quality, system quality as well as model, method, process, knowledge and environment quality. The aim of the workshop is twofold. Firstly, to bring together researchers and industry developers working on various aspects of information systems quality, in order to exchange research ideas and results and discuss about them. Secondly, to promote research on information systems and conceptual model quality to the broader conceptual modeling research community attending ER 2009. The workshop we propose continues a tradition of quality-focused workshops at the ER conferences, that started with the International Workshops on Conceptual Modeling Quality (IWCMQ02 at ER 2002 Tampere, IWCMQ03 at ER 2003 Chicago) and was picked up again by the International Workshops on Quality of Information Systems (QoIS05 at ER 2005 Klagenfurt, QoIS06 at ER 2006 Tucson, QoIS07 at ER2007 Auckland). A material result of these workshops was the Data & Knowledge Engineering special issue on conceptual model quality in late 2005 (Vol 55, No 3). Topics: The workshop is not restricted to particular research methods and we will consider both conceptual and empirical research, as well as novel applications. Particular topics of interest related to IS and CM quality include, but are not limited to: Quality constructs and models Quality measures and instruments Quality ontologies Validation of quality models, measures and instruments Methodological issues of research on IS and CM quality Method and tool support for improving and monitoring quality Integration of quality assurance in model-driven development Quality of requirements engineering artifacts and processes Quality of models and meta-models Quality of ontologies and reference models Data and meta-data quality Information and system quality Quality of queries Quality of conceptual modeling languages Ontological analysis of conceptual modeling grammars Pattern-based analysis of conceptual modeling grammars Cost/benefit analysis of quality assurance processes Quality assurance practices : case studies and experiences Quality with respect to specific types of modeling such as data warehouse modeling, workflow modeling, business process modeling, enterprise modeling, requirements modeling, ontology modeling, domain modeling, navigation modeling, user interface modeling, etc. Quality with respect to specific types of applications such as data warehouses, web based information systems, ontology-driven systems, Semantic Web applications, business applications, intra-enterprise systems, inter-enterprise systems, etc. Quality with respect to specific application domains such as health sector, logistics, public sector, financial sector, manufacturing, services, e-commerce, software, etc. Publication Top quality workshop papers that can be extended will be considered for publication by a fast track process in ACM Journal on Data and Information Quality (JDIQ) http://jdiq.acm.org/. Program committee Jacky AKOKA, (Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers and TMSP, France) Laure BERTI, (IRISA, France) Mokrane BOUZEGHOUB, (Université de Versailles, France) Andrew BURTON-JONES, (University of British Columbia, Canada) Cristina CACHERO (University of Alicante, Spain) Tiziana CATARCI, (Università di Roma "La Sapienza", Italy) Corinne CAUVET, (Université Aix-Marseille 3, France) Marcela GENERO, (la Universidad de Castilla La Mancha, Spain) Virginie GOASDOUE-THION (Université Dauphine, Paris, France) Paul JOHANNESSON, (Stockholm University, Sweden) Zoubida KEDAD (Université de Versailles, France) Jim NELSON, (Southern Illinois University, USA) Jeffrey PARSONS, (Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada) Oscar PASTOR, (Valencia University of Technology, Spain) Geert POELS, (University of Ghent, Belgium) Farida SEMMAK, (Université Paris XII, IUT Sénart Fontainebleau) Houari SAHRAOUI,(Université de Montréal, Canada) Keng SIAU, (University of Nebraska, USA) Guttorm SINDRE, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway Samira SI-SAID (Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, France) Monique SNOECK, (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium) David TEGARDEN, (Virginia Polytechnic Institute, USA) Dimitri THEODORATOS, (NJ Institute of Technology, USA) Juan TRUJILLO, (University of Alicante, Spain) Paper submission The submission web pages are : http://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=qois2009
Key Dates Abstract submission: April 10, 2009 Full paper submission: April 17, 2009 Author notification: May 25, 2009 Camera-ready paper submission: June 22, 2009 Workshop: November 9-12, 2009
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