- apologies for multiple reception *
========================================================= I am pleased to announce the availability of the following report:
Report from the joint European commission and National Science Foundation Strategic workshop on the semantic web 3-5 October 2001, Sophia Antipolis, France
The web today enables people to access documents and services on the internet. Today's methods require human intelligence. The interface to services is represented in web pages written in natural language much must be understood and acted upon by a human. The semantic web augments the current web with formalised knowledge and data that can be processed by computers. Some services will mix human readable and structured data so they can be used by both humans and computers. Others will support only formalised knowledge and will only be used by machines.
This report is the synthesis from a strategic workshop on the semantic web which has been organised by the European Consortium in Informatics and Mathematics (ERCIM) for the European Union Future Emergent Technology program (EU-FET) and the US National Science Foundation (NSF). The workshop which was held in Sophia-Antipolis (France), October 3rd-5th, 2001, gathered 20 European and US researchers from the field of knowledge representation and engineering, database, worldwide web and man-machine communication. The participants considered the various aspects of languages and inferences, infrastructure, human-related issues, ontologies as well as applications and proposed what follows.
The report provides the workshop conclusions and recommendations to the research funding bodies. Participants have identified key research directions (identification and localisation, relationships between semantic models, tolerant and safe reasoning, and facilitating semantic web adoption) as well as promising application areas and funding modalities.
The report is available online and hardcopies can be ordered from: http://www.ercim.org/EU-NSF/semweb.html
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