-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: Information Systems Post-implementation and Change Management 2013 in Prague (2nd CFP): submit until 1 May Datum: Fri, 5 Apr 2013 15:42:03 +0200 (SAST) Von: Andreia Cruz andreia.cruz@ispcm-conf.org An: neumann@wu-wien.ac.at
Apologies for cross-postings. Please send to interested colleagues and students
-- CALL FOR PAPERS - Deadline for submissions (2nd call): 1 May 2013 --
Prague, Czech Republic, 22 - 24 July 2013
part of the IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems
(MCCSIS 2013)
Prague, Czech Republic, 22 - 26 July 2013
(http://www.mccsis.org http://ss49.mailboxesmore.com/sendlink.asp?HitID=1365169176238&StID=1351&SID=0&NID=981331&EmID=1033291&Link=aHR0cDovL3d3dy5tY2NzaXMub3JnLw%3D%3D&token=ca720251921e82654625beb7473e177610c9f436)
** Keynote Speaker (confirmed):*
Professor Susan Williams, University of Koblenz, Germany
** Conference background and goals*
Computer based information systems (IS) have changed the lives of people, organizations, countries and regions in a way never before seen in human history. The revolution IS created was based on unprecedented availability of and access to information. Information became the core competitive advantage in organizations and investment in IS has increased exponentially. According to the International Data Corporation 2007 report (IDC, 2008), the global software industry overtook the hardware industry for the first time in 2006, by incorporating 52 per cent of the entire information technology (IT) industry. According to the same source, in 2007 the global software market was valued at 229,946 billion US dollars and consequently the IS industry has become one of the most important business sectors in the world market today.
Nevertheless and despite the apparent success story, the IS industry has been plagued by shadows of failure and inefficiency since its early days. Most of the research done since the 80s has therefore focused on the design and development of Software, aiming at meeting well defined and precise requirements, hopefully resulting from participative processes of negotiation with IS users and stakeholders. Nonetheless, failure still persists. Deterministic views based on concepts of engineering rather than socio-technical approaches, neglected to consider that organizations are human activity systems, constantly evolving and difficult to predict. The IADIS Information Systems Post-implementation and Change Management Conference (ISPCM 2013) aims to provide a forum for the discussion of IS in such a socio-technological perspective. It aims to address the issues related to use, exploitation, maintenance of IS in organizations, focusing on the post-implementation phase of the IS life-cycle. It aims at discussing the impacts and effects of the introduction of new technological artifacts in human activity systems and exploring the much need management of these processes. The conference aims to discuss these issues in the context of IS professional practice, research and teaching.
** Format of the Conference *
The conference will comprise of invited talks and oral presentations.
The proceedings of the conference will be published in the form of a book and CD-ROM with ISBN, and will be available also in the IADIS Digital Library (accessible on-line).
The conference proceedings will be submitted for indexing to INSPEC, EI Compendex, Thomson ISI, ISTP and other indexing services.
** Best Papers*
Some of the best papers will be eligible to be extended and enhanced as book chapters for inclusion in a book to be published by IGI Global.
Selected authors of best papers will be invited to submit extended versions of their papers to selected journals (i.e. IADIS International Journal on Computer Science and Information Systems (IJCSIS - ISSN: 1646-3692 and in the IADIS International Journal on WWW/Internet (ISSN: 1645-7641)) including journals from INDERSCIENCE Publishers.
** Types of submissions *
Full papers, Short Papers, Reflection Papers, Posters/Demonstrations, Tutorials, Panels and Doctoral Consortium.
All submissions are subject to a blind refereeing process.
** Topics for this conference include, but are not limited to the following areas:*
*IS Change Management in Practice and Organisational Processes*
- Ethical and Professional issues
- Power, Cultural, Behavioural and Political issues
- New Organisational Forms and the Dilution of Organisational Boundaries
- Leadership and Change Management
- Change Management and Strategic Thinking and Alignment
- Managing Evolving Change
- Change Management and company-wide governance, policy, tools & frameworks
- Change Management Success Factors
- Change Management and Organisational Learning
- Change Management, Communication and Knowledge Sharing
- Training, Coaching and Human Change Management
- Change Management and Innovation Cultures in Organisations
*Change Management Processes *
- Change Management Models, Cycles and Phases
- Consultancy in Change Management
- Change Management and BPM
- Process modeling, analysis and design techniques
- Action Research, Reflective Practice and Professional Development in Change Management
- Localised Change vs Global Change
- Localised Organisational Change vs Organisation-wide Change
- Change Management as a Social Negotiation
*Post-implementation Change Management and Risk Thinking*
- Business Processes and Risk
- Quality Standards, Risks and Change Management
- Change Management in face of Outsourcing Risks, Barriers and Opportunities
- Risk Management in IS
- Risk Management in IS Design and Development
- Post-Implementation Risk Management
- Decision-making, Leadership and Risk Management in Change Processes.
*IS Development Cycle and Change Management*
- The centraliy of IS and IT in Organisational Processes
- Preparing for Change before and during IS Development
- Process models and IS Requirements Specification
- Change Management in Iterative and Incremental Methodologies
- Change Management and Agile Methodologies
- Change Management and Requirement Specification
- IS implementation and installation as an organization-wide, global and/but distributed process.
- IS Project Management and Change Management
- IS Evaluation
- User satisfaction and Change Management
*IS Professional Issues *
- Ethical, social, privacy, security and moral issues in an e-society
- The role of information systems in the information society
- Myths, taboos and misconceptions in IS use and exploitation
- Practitioner and Research Relationship, Projects and Links
- Validity, Usefulness and Applicability of IS and Change Management Academic Research
- Industrial Research versus Academic Research Issues
- Industry Innovation and Leadership and Academic Laggards- IS consultancy as a profession
- Change Management in Organisations
- Business Process Modeling and Engeneering
- Organisational IS Roles
- Communities of Practice and Knowledge Sharing in IS
*Research Methods and Methodologies in Post-Implementation and Change Management*
- Core Theories, Conceptualisations and Paradigms in IS Research
- Ontological Assumptions in IS Research
- IS Research Constraints, Limitations and Opportunities
- IS vs Computer Science Research
- IS vs Business Studies
- Positivist, Interpretivist and Critical Approaches to IS Research
- Quantitative vs. Qualitative Methods
- Deductive vs Inductive Approaches
- Multi-method Approaches and Triangulations in IS Research
- Multidisciplinary Views and Multi Methodological Approaches
- New and alternative approaches to IS research
- Information Systems Evaluation Approaches and Models
** Important Dates:*
- Submission Deadline (2nd call): 1 May 2013
- Notification to Authors (2nd call): 29 May 2013
- Final Camera-Ready Submission and Early Registration (2nd call): until 17 June 2013
- Late Registration (2nd call): after 17 June 2013
- Conference: Prague, Czech Republic, 17-19 July 2013
** Conference Location *
The conference will be held in Prague, Czech Republic.
** Secretariat *
Rua Sao Sebastiao da Pedreira, 100, 3
1050-209 Lisbon, Portugal
E-mail: secretariat@ispcm-conf.org
Web site: http://www. ispcm -conf.org/
** Program Committee *
ISPCM 2013 Conference and Program Co-Chairs
Miguel Baptista Nunes, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
Guo Chao (Alex) Peng, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
MCCSIS 2013 General Conference Co-Chairs:
Piet Kommers, University of Twente, The Netherlands
Pedro Isaías, Universidade Aberta (Portuguese Open University), Portugal
Eva Kasparova, University of Economics, Faculty of Business Administration, Prague, Czech Republic
Committee Members: *
* for committee list please refer to http://www.ispcm-conf.org/committees
* Registered participants in the Information Systems Post-implementation and Change Management conference may attend the other conferences part of MCCSIS 2013 free of charge.
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