-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [WI] IRSPM 2013 Conference Call for Abstracts - Panel 'E-Government as a response to managing financial austerity and crisis situations' Datum: Mon, 3 Sep 2012 09:28:46 +0200 Von: Walser Konrad konrad.walser@bfh.ch An: wi@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de wi@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
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*Panel 'E-Government as a response to managing financial austerity and crisis situations'*
-Miriam Lips, Victoria University of Wellington, Wellington, New Zealand (miriam.lips@vuw.ac.nz mailto:miriam.lips@vuw.ac.nz)
-Tino Schuppan, Institute for E-Government, Potsdam, Germany (schuppan@ifg.cc mailto:schuppan@ifg.cc)
/Panel description/
In times of political, financial, socio-cultural, and/or natural crisis situations, many governments have come to see e-Government, or the use of Information and
Communication Technologies (ICTs) in the public sector and its external relationships, as an important means in responding to complex political,
managerial, and democratic challenges. For example, governments are shifting from expensive face-to-face and paper-based service delivery models in order to
achieve more efficient and effective e-services; social media are used to overcome democratic deficits and enhance public engagement, or to
communicate with citizens affected by natural disasters; ICT-enabled shared service and common capability models are being implemented with the objective
to increase efficiency; ICTs are used for administrative simplification of service relationships with citizens, businesses and non-profit organisations to create
more effective, joined-up service provision; public sector data sets are made publicly available online to improve transparency and support innovation; and
public service delivery by human beings is replaced by standardised e-Government services to combat corruption and enhance good governance.
However, thus far there is not much empirical evidence available of the outcomes of e-Government initiatives as response to extreme situations.
Moreover, these developments raise important scholarly questions around the need to develop new theoretical and analytical lenses in order to understand and
explain the role of e-Government in responding to complex political, managerial, and democratic challenges in times of crisis.
This panel invites papers that offer new empirical, conceptual and/or theoretical insights into the role of e-Government in responding to political,
managerial, and democratic challenges in times of human-made or natural crisis.
Especially submissions are welcome which address the following e-Government topics:
-the use of social media and e-engagement;
-transformational government;
-public sector reform and innovation;
-good governance;
-the use of ICTs in disaster management;
-cyber- and information security in government;
-networked government and cross-agency collaboration;
-open and transparent government;
-new forms of policy analysis and intervention;
-increasing government productivity, efficiency, and effectiveness;
-benefits realisation management of government IT projects;
-citizen-centric government;
-information sharing and privacy;
-shared services and common capabilities; and
-mobile e-Government.
To submit an abstract proposal for this panel log on to the IRSPM 2013 website (www.irspm2013.com http://www.irspm2013.com) and follow the submission procedure there.
Abstracts must follow the Guidelines for Abstracts available on the conference website: www.irspm2013.com http://www.irspm2013.com
The deadline for abstract submissions is October, 1st 2012.
Prof. Dr. Tino Schuppan
Scientific Director
Insitute for E-Government/Germany
Phone: 0331-740 367 61
Mobil: 0172-594 35 25
Email: schuppan@ifg.cc mailto:schuppan@ifg.cc
IfG.CC - Insitute for E-Government/Germany
www.ifg.cc http://www.ifg.cc/
c/o Universität Potsdam Universitätskomplex III Babelsberg
August-Bebel-Straße 89
14482 Potsdam