-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [isworld] Call for papers: Third Annual Workshop on Information Security and Privacy (WISP 2008) Paris, France December 13, 2008 Datum: Fri, 4 Jul 2008 14:21:45 -0400 Von: Kathleen Greenaway k.greenaway@ryerson.ca Antwort an: Kathleen Greenaway k.greenaway@ryerson.ca An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network isworld@lyris.isworld.org
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Call for papers: Third Annual Workshop on Information Security and Privacy (WISP 2008) Paris, France December 13, 2008
Information security and privacy continue to be ranked in the top ten of CIO concerns (Luftman & Kempaiah, MISQ-e, 2008). Data breaches and identity theft are reported almost daily in the media. Firms struggle to find efficient and effective ways to prevent breaches while enabling e-commerce. Regulators increasingly warn against the encroachment of surveillance technologies on contemporary society. Issues of identity and meaning in social networks occupies large numbers of Facebook and Myspace �friends.� Transnational organisations seek ways to simultaneously manage risk while addressing the vagaries of multiple compliance regimes. These are just some of the complex issues with which privacy and security researchers concern themselves.
Scholars, practitioners and doctoral students interested in information security and privacy issues are invited to submit their research to the third annual Workshop on Information Security and Privacy (WISP 2008). WISP 2008 will be held Saturday , December 13, 2008 in Paris, France. The workshop is sponsored by the AIS Special Interest Group on Information Security and Privacy (SIGSEC). WISP 2008 aims to provide an opportunity to present leading edge research, exchange ideas, encourage collaboration, and build community across the various privacy and security research groups.
In addition to the opportunity to engage in research presentations and meet fellow researchers, we plan a guest speaker to stimulate your mind as you enjoy lunch!
We invite authors to submit completed and in-progress research articles (empirical, theoretical and conceptual) that address any aspect of information security and privacy. We particularly encourage contributions that bridge the gap between these two themes.
Suggested topics Suggested topics include but are not limited to:
-Theorising security, surveillance and privacy including models, and conceptual frameworks -Empirical analysis of information security and privacy issues at the individual, group, organizational, industry, network or societal level including multiple levels of analysis and in different settings and contexts -Behavioral aspects of information systems security and privacy -Identity management -Risk analysis and risk management -Ethical issues in privacy and security -Security and privacy challenges of social networks -Management strategies for information security and privacy including adoption and implementation of technologies and policies -Regulatory issues concerning security breaches, privacy violations and notification management -Compliance with information security and privacy policies, procedures, and regulations -Evaluation of privacy and security success and failure -Digital forensics, fraud detection -Computer crime, cycbercrime, identity related crime
All research methodologies and traditions, theoretical lenses, settings, and units and methods of analysis are welcome.
Submission process All submissions are peer reviewed. Selected papers will be fast tracked to the Journal of Information Systems Security.
Please submit original manuscripts to: http://www.security-conference.org/sigsec/
Please follow the instructions regarding length and style as posted on the �Submissions� information page.
Important Dates Submissions are due Friday, September 05, 2008. Notification of Acceptance will be by Friday, October 10, 2008. Workshop date is Saturday, December 13, 2008 (all day).
Workshop Sponsors AIS Special Interest Group on Information Security and Privacy (SIGSEC) Journal of Information System Security
Workshop Co-Chairs:
Dr. Kathleen Greenaway Ted Rogers School of Information Technology Management Ryerson University, Canada k.greenaway@ryerson.ca
Dr. Ruth Halperin Information Systems and Innovation Department of Management London School of Economics, UK r.halperin@lse.ac.uk
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