-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [wkwi] CfP: 2nd AIS SIG DITE Paper Development Workshop Date: Mon, 19 Apr 2021 07:12:02 +0000 From: Lehmann, J.C. j.c.lehmann@vu.nl Reply-To: Lehmann, J.C. j.c.lehmann@vu.nl To: wkwi@listserv.dfn.de wkwi@listserv.dfn.de
Dear all,
we are delighted to announce the 2^nd AIS SIG DITE (online) paper development workshop hosted by *Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam*, *University of Hamburg*, and *IESE Business School*, held online in the week of *August 23-27, 2021*.
The workshop aims to propel research on the various ways in which digital technology impacts innovation, transformation and entrepreneurship. To do so, the workshop brings together leading faculty from the areas of digital innovation, digital transformation, and digital entrepreneurship. The workshop is intended primarily as a venue for early career researchers (late-stage Ph.D. students, Post Docs, new faculty) to develop their ongoing work in a friendly and collegial environment but it also welcomes established and senior scholars working on the topic.
Confirmed faculty include Marleen Huysman (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), Magnus Mähring (Stockholm School of Economics), Robert Gregory (University of Virginia), Alexander Benlian (TU Darmstadt), and Likoebe Maruping (Georgia State University).
The workshop will be free of charge. Selection of papers will be based on an extended abstract of up to 3000 words. The deadline for submission of abstracts is *June 11, 2021*. Full papers for accepted abstracts will be required by *July 9, 2021*.
The workshop neither requires copyright transfer nor publishes proceedings (meaning, manuscripts prepared for conferences such as ICIS can be submitted to the workshop for further development). Questions and submissions should be sent to sigditepdw@gmail.com mailto:sigditepdw@gmail.com.
More details can be found here https://www.kinresearch.nl/research/paper-development-workshop-ais-sig/ https://www.kinresearch.nl/research/paper-development-workshop-ais-sig/
All the best,
Julian, Sanja, and Jan
Julian Lehmann
Assistant Professor
KIN Center for Digital Innovation
School of Business and Economics VU Amsterdam