-------- Original Message -------- From: Bruno Cremilleux Bruno.Cremilleux@info.unicaen.fr Subject: [computational.science] IDA-2009 - 2nd call for papers To: Computational Science Mailing List computational.science@lists.optimanumerics.com
IDA 2009: The eighth International Symposium on Intelligent Data Analysis
Lyon-France August 31th, September 2nd - 2009
--------------- Call for Papers ---------------
Over the past decade, there has been a growing body of literature on the understanding of data analysis processes. Making smart use of the increasingly sophisticated analysis algorithms requires much expert knowledge to be part of the process itself, often in an interactive way. This knowledge is at least partially integrated into more complex data analysis meta-methods and modeling scenarios that have proven beneficial. In addition to more traditional algorithmic or application oriented submissions, IDA-2009 especially encourages submissions of papers addressing this emerging trend at the crossroads of traditional data analysis methods, complex data analysis scenarios and interactive tools that assist the analyst throughout the process. We are interested in papers describing methods that aid the analyst in the analysis procedure and we are also looking for contributions abstracting or formalizing the - often interactive - data analysis process. Contributions describing such methods should highlight potential insights into the data that the presented method offers. Examples of interesting scenarios describing steps from data to interesting models are abstractions or formalizations in terms of, for instance, generic workflows or data analysis "design patterns". Also, description and support for interactivity in data analysis processes are of particular interest. Methods can stem from, but are not limited to, the areas of Machine Learning, Statistics, Data Mining, Artificial Intelligence, and (Interactive) Visualization.
--------------------- Proceedings and venue ---------------------
The maximum length of submitted papers is 12 pages in the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science format. The proceedings of IDA 2009 will appear in this prestigious series. Notice that Lyon will host VLDB 2009 (35th International Conference on Very Large Databases) from August 24 to August 28. Lyon is listed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and we invite you to enjoy its splendor and its wonderful way of life.
---------------- Important dates: ----------------
Submission due: 30 March 2009 Notification of acceptance: 7 May 2009 Camera-ready copy due: 28 May 2009 Conference: August 31 - Sept 01-02 2009
-------------------- Topics of interest : --------------------
Algorithms& Techniques (Machine Learning, Data Mining, Statistics):
- Artificial neural networks - Bayesian networks - Heuristic methods - Optimization problems - Case-based reasoning - Computational models of human learning - Computational learning theory - Cooperative learning - Unsupervised learning - Decision and induction - Evolutionary computation - Grammatical inference - Incremental and on-line learning - Information retrieval and learning - Knowledge acquisition and learning - Data pre- and post-processing - Data visualisation - Statistical pattern recognition and analysis - Performance and optimization - Bootstrap and randomization - Causal modeling - Decision analysis - Exploratory data analysis - Knowledge-based analysis - Classification, projection, regression, optimization clustering - Data cleaning - Model specification, selection, estimation - Reasoning under uncertainty - Uncertainty and noise in data
Theoritical contributions (Data analysis principles, Data modeling):
- Data Mining theories - Information retrieval restrictions - Legal data analysis restrictions - Innovative data analysis (models, information types, and objectives) - Theoretical IDA issues - New paradigms - Analysis of IDA algorithms
Applications Fields (Practical, Applied and Industrial Data Analysis):
- Analysis of different kinds of data (e.g., censored, temporal etc.) - Applications (e.g., commerce, engineering, finance, legal, manufacturing, medicine, public policy, science, bioinformatics, biosurveillance) - Assistants, intelligent agents for data analysis evaluation of IDA systems - Human-computer interaction in IDA - IDA systems and tools - Information extraction, information retrieval - Experiment design
-------------------- Conference officers: --------------------
General Chair: Jean-François Boulicaut (INSA Lyon, F) Program Chairs: Niall Adams (Imperial College London, UK) Céline Robardet (INSA Lyon, F) Arno Siebes (Universiteit Utrecht, NL) Local Organisation: Guillaume Beslon (INSA Lyon, F) Céline Robardet (INSA Lyon, F) Publicity Chair: Bruno Crémilleux (University of Caen, F)
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