-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [AISWorld] ACM TiiS special issue on Big Personal Data in Interactive Intelligent Systems Datum: Tue, 24 Mar 2015 22:43:31 +0100 Von: Federica Cena cena@di.unito.it An: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org
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Call for Submissions
Special Issue of the ACM Transactions on Interactive Intelligent Systems on BIG PERSONAL DATA IN INTERACTIVE INTELLIGENT SYSTEMS
Main submission deadline: July 14th, 2015
Increasingly vast amounts of data about people's interaction with the social and physical world are generated when people use social media, personal tracking devices, and the internet of things. How can big personal data be collected, analyzed, and exploited so as to provide new or improved forms of interaction with intelligent systems; and what new issues have to be taken into account?
The question of how to process big personal data is challenging because of their sheer quantity, their heterogeneous and sometimes contradictory nature, and the large semantic distance between the data and the conclusions that can be drawn from them.
Big personal data can serve users in various novel ways, but the question of what goals to pursue and how to pursue them is open-ended and not easy to answer.
Exploiting big personal data in interactive systems raises a range of questions concerning usability and acceptance, ranging from privacy issues to those of system comprehensibility and controllability.
This special issue aims to publish the best current work on questions like these, not only presenting technical solutions but also discussing explicitly the consequences of these solutions for users of interactive intelligent systems, from both a design and an engineering point of view.
The following topic dimensions indicate the range of work that is relevant to the special issue. Each dimension is a question that can be asked about a possible submission to the special issue, accompanied by several possible answers to that question. A manuscript is probably relevant to the special issue if you can give meaningful answers to most of these questions (including possibly answers that are not listed here).
What is the origin of the big personal data considered in this work? - Users' behavior on social media sites - Users' traces (e.g., comments) and microtraces (e.g., likes) left on the web - People's use of wearable monitoring devices - Users' interaction with objects that are part of the internet of things - ...
What benefits of big personal data processing for end users are considered in this work? - Support for users' choice and decision making - New forms of personalization - Prediction of user trajectories (e.g., with regard to career, health, or activities) - Novel services (e.g., concerning smart buildings or intelligent transportation systems) that require big personal data - ...
What issues of usability and acceptance are considered? - Users' understanding of how big personal data are processed - Predictability and comprehensibility of interactive system behavior - New forms of privacy threat - Suitability of novel input methods for collecting big personal data - Suitability of methods for visualizing big personal data - ...
What user-related challenges in terms of computing technology are addressed? - How to combine historical and streaming big personal data - How to personalize the collection and storage of big personal data - How to capture the semantics of big personal data - ...
- Federica Cena, University of Turin (cena[at]di.unito.it) - Cristina Gena, University of Turin (gena[at]di.unito.it) - Geert-Jan Houben, Delft University of Technology (g.j.p.m.houben[at]tudelft.nl) - Markus Strohmaier, GESIS and University of Koblenz-Landau (strohmaier[at]uni-koblenz.de)
- By July 14th, 2015: Submission of manuscripts - By October 12th, 2015: Notification about decisions on initial submissions - By January 10th, 2016: Submission of revised manuscripts - By March 10th, 2016: Notification about decisions on revised manuscripts - By April 9th, 2016: Submission of manuscripts with final minor changes - By May, 2016: Announcement of accepted articles on the TiiS website - July, 2016: Publication of accepted articles in the ACM Digital Library
Except for the initial submission deadline, these dates are indicative rather than definitive. Some submissions will be processed more quickly, while others may require more reviewing and revision. Each accepted article will be announced on the TiiS website shortly after its acceptance and published in the ACM Digital Library within 2-3 months, even if other articles for the special issue are not yet ready for publication.
Please see the instructions for authors on the TiiS website (http://tiis.acm.org).
TiiS (pronounced "T double-eye S"), is an ACM journal for research about intelligent systems that people interact with.