-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [isworld] Call For Paper : Workshop Composition & Variability at AOSD'2010 Datum: Tue, 17 Nov 2009 10:54:03 +0100 Von: Philippe.LAHIRE@unice.fr Antwort an: Philippe.LAHIRE@unice.fr Organisation: Laboratoire I3S (UNSA/CNRS) - UFR Sciences An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network isworld@lyris.isworld.org
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==================================================================================== COMPOSITION & VARIABILITY 2010 First International Workshop on Composition: Objects, Aspects, Components, Services and Product Lines
To be held in conjunction with AOSD.10 9th International Conference on Aspect-Oriented Software Development Rennes & Saint Malo, France, 15-19 March 2010
http://www.i3s.unice.fr/Composition&Variability ====================================================================================
Call For Papers
* Objectives Separation of concerns is an interesting design concept which is more or less addressed in various paradigms objects, aspects, components and, services in order to achieve software reusability and adaptability. Composition of these concerns is a key issue in software development. The goal of the workshop is to bring the researchers to discuss on software composition according the paradigm which is used, the degree of dynamicity, the stage in the software life cycle, the application domain and the software variability. More generally, the unique contribution of this workshop is to view composition as it is impacted by several points of variation associated for example to the context of reuse, the time of composition or the business domain.
* Topics Composition can be applied in particular on Objects, Aspects, SOA, Component-Based architectures and may address various phases of the development process such as: GUI, design, programming, deployment, and maintenance. We are particularly interested in having contributions dealing with any combination of a topic taken in “ Composition and paradigms ” and “ Composition and product lines ” in order to get a view of the composition process coloured with variability issues.
Composition and paradigms: * Orchestration and choreography of services, * Hierarchical composition of components, * Composition of functional properties of components, * Autonomic composition, * Compatibility and consistency of composition, * Influence of extra-functional properties on the composition process/results, * Influence of the expression of genericity, * Subject-Oriented Programming, * Aspect-oriented programming, * Component based programming, * Control of the composition process, * Composition in the framework of autonomic computing, * Composition in Object-Oriented approaches, * Composition in the framework of software architecture, * Dynamic or static composition, * Invasive vs non-invasive Composition, * Composition and reliability, adaptability, evolutivity and portability, * …
Composition and Product lines: * Software product lines for describing artefact composition, * Composition of aspect product lines, * DSL for describing the composition process, * Checking composition configurations, * Ontology for the composition, * …
* Workshop Format This full-day workshop will consist of an introduction by the organisers, an invited talk (TBC), presentations of accepted papers, an in-depth discussion of a set of topics that are identified by the attendees, and a concluding session presenting the results of the discussion groups.
* Submissions Attendees are invited to submit papers (5-8 pages) in PDF format. Submissions must conform to the standard ACM SIG Proceedings formatting guidelines (it is the same format of the Conference, see conference website for more information). Papers must be submitted online at www.easychair.org. The authors will be notified about acceptance before the AOSD 2010 early registration deadline. All accepted papers will be published in the Workshop Proceedings, which will be distributed electronically via CEUR-WS.org, and potentially in hardcopy form. The conference organizers are preserving an option to include all workshop papers in both the electronic conference proceedings and in the ACM Digital Library. For this option to be feasible, final summary versions of each workshop paper will have to be prepared for publication (using ACM formatting and granting ACM copyright) and will have to be limited in length to five pages.
* Important Dates * Submission of papers: December 21, 2009 * Notification of acceptance: January 15, 2010 * Camera-ready copies: February 15, 2010 * Workshop day: March 15, 2010
* Organization Committee * Geri Georg (Colorado State University) * Philippe Lahire (I3S University of Nice / CNRS) * Mourad Oussalah (LINA University of Nantes) * Jon Whittle (Lancaster University)
* Program Committee * Olivier Barais (IRISA - Univ. of Rennes, France) * Djamel Benslimane (LIRIS - Univ. of Lyon, France) * Betty Cheng (Michigan State University , USA) * Christophe Dony (LIRMM – Univ. of Montpellier, France) * Jeff Gray (Univ. of Alabama at Birmingham , USA) * Oystein Haugen (SINTEF, Norway) * Patrick Heymans (FUNDP Namur, Belgium) * Joerg Kienzle ( McGill University, Canada) * Gunter Kniesel ( Univ. of Bonn, Germany) * Manuel Oriol ( Univ. of York, United Kingdom) * Markku Sakkinen (Univ of Jyväskylä, Finland) * Lionel Seinturier (LIFL – Univ. of Lille, France) * Stefan Van Baelen (K.U Leuven , Belgium) * Gilles Vanwormhoudt (LIFL – Univ. of Lille, France)
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