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Subject: CFP 'JEFF-CODES', Las Vegas, June 23-26, 2003 Date: Thu, 5 Dec 2002 14:30:04 +0100 (MET) From: Axel Korthaus korthaus@detritus.wifo.uni-mannheim.de To: Gustaf.Neumann@wu-wien.ac.at
[We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this announcement]
The 2003 International Multiconference in Computer Science & Engineering ======================================================================== Monte Carlo Resort, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA June 23 - 26, 2003
"Using the J2EE Platform for Efficient Component-Oriented Development of Enterprise Systems (JEFF-CODES)"
The International Multiconference in Computer Science & Computer Engineering is a major annual international research event. The last Multiconference attracted over 1,550 Computer Science and Engineering researchers from 72 countries. It is anticipated that The 2003 Int'l Multiconference will attract about 2000 participants. The 2003 event is composed of 14 (planned) major conferences - attendees will have full access to all 14 conferences' sessions & tracks.
"Using the J2EE Platform for Efficient Component-Oriented Development of Enterprise Systems (JEFF-CODES)" will be a technical session of PDPTA'03 (The 2003 Int'l Conference on Parallel & Distributed Processing Techniques and Applications) and/or SERP'03 (The 2003 Int'l Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice), which are two of the 14 conferences that will be held simultaneously in the Monte Carlo Resort, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, on June 23-26, 2003.
You are invited to submit a draft paper of about 5 pages (see below for submission information; further details can be found at the session web site http://www.wifo.uni-mannheim.de/JEFF-CODES-2003/).
All accepted papers will be published in the conference proceedings.
SCOPE OF JEFF-CODES: ====================
The development of distributed, component-based enterprise application systems is a very complex task. These systems have to fulfill highly volatile requirements, and they have to adapt quickly to the ever- changing demands of markets, users, and evolving technology. Emerging middleware platforms and technologies such as the Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) technologyprovide standardized APIs and component models that allow a clear separation of concerns with respect to the technical and the business requirements of such systems. Thus, they are able to facilitate the implementation of scalable, portable, distributed business applications significantly and allow the smooth integration of legacy systems and existing components from different suppliers. The J2EE platform has been very successful in this context recently and is quickly being adopted by the middleware community on a broad scale.
However, in distributed, scalable, multi-user enterprise application environments such as, for example, e-business software systems, performance and efficiency are vital success factors for user acceptance. These determinants can be optimized on at least two levels: the application development level on the one hand, and the technical specification and application server implementation level on the other hand. The Java programming language is traditionally known for its shortcomings with respect to performance, which is also true for the J2EE platform leveraging Java to the enterprise context. The focus of this technical session will be to produce research results for the improvement of efficiency and performance of J2EE-based software applications on these two levels of abstraction.
Therefore, the technical session will concentrate on questions of how to create applications that take maximum advantage of existing J2EE technologies such as Enterprise JavaBeans, Servlets, Java Server Pages etc. on the one hand, and, on the other hand, will work out potential enhancements, refinements, and improvements of the existing J2EE specification and the implementation of J2EE-compliant application servers.
Optimizing efficiency and performance of applications based on the current J2EE specification requires a good understanding of both the available APIs and sound architectural principles of high-quality multi-tier application design, respectively. Providing design patterns, strategies, best practices, and recommendations for the design and implementation of performance-optimized applications could be an adequate means to achieve this goal.
Optimizing efficiency and performance on the technical level requires an in-depth analysis of possibilities for refining and/or extending the current J2EE specification and the examination of approaches to application server tuning and speed-up.
The goal of this technical session is to bring together researchers, engineers, and practitioners to discuss the technical and technology- related aspects of optimizing the efficiency and per-formance of J2EE- based applications. It serves to provide a forum for the exchange of research ideas and results in that area.
The special topics of interest include but are not limited to:
- Solutions to performance problems of J2EE-based applications - Recommendations, strategies, and best practices for designing efficient J2EE-based web-enabled enterprise applications - Patterns of performance-optimized software architectures based on J2EE - Design patterns, strategies, and best practices for designing efficient reusable enter-prise components - Iterative and evolutionary development processes focused on efficiency and performance - Component composition and interaction strategies for application acceleration - J2EE-based frameworks and application server add-ons for performance optimization (e.g., load-balancing services, re- routers etc.) - Efficient use of web services with J2EE - Efficient integration of legacy systems with J2EE - Enhancing and refining the J2EE architecture - Discussion of performance-critical elements of the J2EE specification (e.g., remote vs. local interfaces, CMP vs. BMP etc.) - Efficient application server implementation and tuning (e.g., bean pooling, load balancing etc.)
SUBMISSION OF PAPERS ====================
You are invited to submit a PDF-version of a draft paper (about 5 pages - single space, font size of 10 to 12) to the session organizer A. Korthaus (korthaus@wifo3.uni-mannheim.de) by the due date. The length of the Camera-Ready papers (if accepted) will be limited to 7 (IEEE style) pages. Papers must not have been previously published or currently submitted for publication elsewhere. The first page of the draft paper should include: title of the paper, name, affiliation, postal address, e-mail address, telephone number, and fax number for each author. The first page should also include the name of the author who will be presenting the paper (if accepted) and a maximum of 5 keywords.
EVALUATION PROCESS ==================
Papers will be evaluated for originality, significance, clarity, and soundness. Each paper will be refereed by two researchers in the topical area. The Camera-Ready papers will be reviewed by one person.
PUBLICATION ===========
The conference proceedings will be published by CSREA Press (ISBN) in hardcopy. It will be a multivolume set. The proceedings will be available at the conference. Some accepted papers will also be considered for journal publication (soon after the conference). In addition to the hardcopy, it is also planned to publish the papers on a CD. All conference proceedings published by CSREA Press are considered for inclusion in major database indexes that are designed to provide easy access to the current literature of the sciences (database examples: ISI Thomson Scientific, IEE INSPEC, ...).
TECHNICAL SESSION CO-CHAIRS ===========================
Dr. Axel Korthaus Prof. Dr. Martin Schader University of Mannheim University of Mannheim Department of Information Systems Department of Information Systems Schloss Schloss D-68131 Mannheim, Germany D-68131 Mannheim, Germany Tel.: +49 621 181 1641 Tel.: +49 621 181 1641 Fax: +49 621 181 1643 Fax: +49 621 181 1643 Email: korthaus@wifo3.uni-mannheim.de Email: mscha@wifo.uni-mannheim.de
ORGANIZERS/SPONSORS OF MULTICONFERENCE ======================================
A number of university faculty members and their staff in cooperation with the Monte Carlo Resort (Conference Division, Las Vegas ), will be organizing the conference. The conference will be sponsored by World Academy of Sciences and co-sponsored by Computer Science Research, Education, & Applications Press (CSREA: USA Federal EIN # 58-2171953) together with research centers, international associations, international research groups, and developers of high-performance machines and systems. The complete list of sponsors and co-sponsors will be available at a later time. (Previous conferences' sponsors included: CSREA, the National Supercomputing Center for Energy and the Environment - DOE, The International Association for Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, The International Technology Institute (ITI), The Java High Performance Computing research group, World Scientific and Engineering Society, Sundance Digital Signal Processing Inc., the Computer Vision Research and Applications Tech., ...)
LOCATION OF CONFERENCE ======================
The conference will be held in the Monte Carlo Resort hotel Las Vegas, Nevada, USA (with any overflows at other near-by hotels). The Monte Carlo Resort is a mega hotel with excellent conference facilities and over 3,000 rooms. The hotel is minutes from the Las Vegas airport with 24-hour shuttle service to and from the airport. This hotel has many vacation and recreational attractions, including: waterfalls, casino, spa, pools & kiddie pools, sunning decks, Easy River water ride, wave pool with cascades, lighted tennis courts, health spa (with work-out equipment, whirlpool, sauna, ...), arcade virtual reality game rooms, nightly shows, snack bars, a number of restaurants, shopping area, bars, ... Many of these attractions are open 24 hours a day and most are suitable for families and children. The hotel is within walking distance from most other Las Vegas attractions (major shopping areas, recreational destinations, fine dining and night clubs, free street shows,...). For the benefit of our international colleagues: the state of Nevada neighbors with the states of California, Oregon, Idaho, Utah, and Arizona. Las Vegas is only a few driving hours away from other major cities, including: Los Angeles, San Diego, Phoenix, ...
IMPORTANT DATES ===============
Feb. 17, 2003 (Monday): Draft papers (about 5 pages) due March 21, 2003 (Friday): Notification of acceptance April 22, 2003 (Tuesday): Camera-Ready papers & Prereg. due June 23-26, 2003: All 14 Int'l Conferences
All accepted papers are expected to be presented at the conference.
TECHNICAL SESSION "JEFF-CODES" OFFICIAL CONTACT ===============================================
Please address any correspondence concerning the "JEFF-CODES" technical session, such as paper submissions, questions, suggestions etc., to the session organizer:
Dr. Axel Korthaus University of Mannheim Department of Information Systems Schloss D-68131 Mannheim, Germany Tel.: +49 621 181 1641 Fax: +49 621 181 1643 Homepage: http://www.wifo.uni-mannheim.de Email: korthaus@wifo3.uni-mannheim.de
MULTICONFERENCE OFFICIAL CONTACT ================================
Please address any general correspondence regarding The 2003 Int'l Multiconference in CS & CE to the general chair:
H. R. Arabnia, Ph.D. Chair, The 2003 Int'l Multiconference in CS & CE The University of Georgia Department of Computer Science 415 Graduate Studies Research Center Athens, Georgia 30602-7404, U.S.A. Tel: (706) 542-3480 Fax: (706) 542-2966 Email: hra@cs.uga.edu
TECHNICAL SESSION AND CONFERENCE URLS =====================================
For latest news please visit the JEFF-CODES web site at
The general homepage of The 2003 International Multiconference in Computer Science & Engineering can be found at
Dr. Axel Korthaus Research Assistant University of Mannheim Department of Information Systems Schloss D-68131 Mannheim, Germany Tel.: +49 621 181 1641 Fax: +49 621 181 1643 Email: korthaus@wifo3.uni-mannheim.de