-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [WI] CfP ECIS 2022 - Track IS Development and Project Management Date: Sun, 10 Oct 2021 18:26:28 +0000 From: Wiesche, Manuel manuel.wiesche@tu-dortmund.de Reply-To: Wiesche, Manuel manuel.wiesche@tu-dortmund.de To: wkwi@listserv.dfn.de wkwi@listserv.dfn.de, wi@lists.kit.edu wi@lists.kit.edu
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********************************************************************* CALL FOR PAPERS 30th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS 2022) Track: IS Development and Project Management June 18-24, 2022, Timisoara, Romania (https://ecis2022.eu/tracks-description/) ******************************************************************** TRACK CHAIRS Jacob Nørbjerg, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark, jno.digi@cbs.dk Gloria Hui-Wen Liu, Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University, glorialiu2007@gmail.com Manuel Wiesche, TU Dortmund University, Germany, manuel.wiesche@tu-dortmund.de
DESCRIPTION The practices, organization, and management of IS Development (ISD) have been core research topics from the very beginning of the Information Systems discipline. However, IS development still struggles with time and budget overruns, and failure to meet functionality and quality targets. The context, technologies, and application domains of ISD furthermore continue to change. New software development approaches, software platforms, and operating contexts digitize the delivery cycle and pose new questions as to how to organize and manage projects and ISD organizations. Phenomena such as agile development, IT platforms, (X)aaS, DevOps, Continuous Development and Deployment, change the composition and operation of IS projects, programmers and departments. Developments in data science, machine learning, and artificial intelligence affect team learning and knowledge sharing, mediate collaboration, or even let machines be new actors in project teams. ISD research has examined IS development from many perspectives, including ISD methods and practices, risk management, organizational learning, top management roles, and ISD and project management methodologies. The current developments in ISD lead us to revisit old, as well as study new themes arising on the horizon of ISD. This track welcomes papers that improve our understanding of IT and ISD projects, on the societal, organizational, group, and individual levels.
The best Paper(s) from the track will be fast tracked for publication in the Project Management Journal.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: · Management of IT projects and software development ecosystems · Selection and combined use of ISD approaches; e.g.; agile, traditional, continuous · DevOps; Continuous development and deployment · IT project team dynamics: collaboration, communication, conflict resolution, inter-team dynamics · HR topics in IT project teams: recruitment/selection, development/training, turnover, team composition, well-being, commitment. · Digital Innovation projects · ISD and management in distributed and virtual teams · Governance, risk management and compliance for IT projects · Leadership, coordination, and control perspectives on IT projects · Socio-technical aspects of IS development and project management
IMPORTANT DATES Paper submission deadline: 17 November 2021 Notification of conditional acceptance: 28 February 2022 Final acceptance: 15 April 2022
ASSOCIATE EDITORS Kai Spohrer, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management, Germany Gerard De Leoz, University of Tampa, Florida Diane Strode, Whitireia Polytechnic, New Zealand Stephen McCarthy, University College Cork, Ireland Phil Hennel, University of Cologne, Germany Mohammad Moeini-Aghkariz, University of Warwick, England Han-Fen Hu, University of Nevada, Las Vegas Jeffry Tai, National University of Chiayi, Taiwan Maduka Subasinghage, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand Lesley Pek Wee Land, UNSW Sidney, Australia Yide Shen, Rowan University, New Jersey Xiaodan Yu, University of International Business and Economics, Beijing, China Hameed Chughtai, University of Southampton, England Andreas Drechsler, Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand Kevin Carillo, Toulouse Business School, France Lisa Tordrup, Aarhus University, Denmark John Stouby Persson, Aalborg University, Denmark Brad McKenna, University of East Anglia, UK Neil C.A. Lee, National University of Chiayi, Taiwan Jan Jöhnk, Fraunhofer Institute, Germany
Thank you for your interest in developing our body of knowledge on ITPM. We are looking forward to your contributions and seeing you (hopefully physically) in Timisoara! Jacob, Manuel and Gloria
--- Prof. Dr. Manuel Wiesche Technische Universität Dortmund Professur Digitale Transformation Martin-Schmeißer-Weg 12, 44227 Dortmund fon +49 231 755 3233 manuel.wiesche@tu-dortmund.de
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