-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [AISWorld] Data Science Workshop Call for Papers Date: Fri, 28 Feb 2020 15:51:34 -0500 From: Wenjun Zhou wzhou7@gmail.com To: aisworld aisworld@lists.aisnet.org
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*The 2020 INFORMS Workshop on Data Science*
*Hosted by The INFORMS College on Artificial Intelligence*
National Harbor, MD, USA
November 7, 2020
The INFORMS Workshop on Data Science is a premier research conference dedicated to developing data science theories, methods, and algorithms to solve challenging problems and benefit business and society at large. The workshop invites innovative data science research contributions that address business and societal challenges from the lens of statistical learning, data mining, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. The workshop welcomes original research addressing challenges in marketing, finance, and supply chain applications and problems in healthcare, energy, cybersecurity, social network services, privacy, credibility, etc. Contributions on novel methods may be motivated by insightful observations on the limitations of existing data science methods to address practical challenges, or by studying entirely novel data science problems. Research contributions on theoretical and methodological foundations of data science, such as optimization for machine learning and new algorithms for data mining, are also welcomed.
*Research Contributions May Include:*
● Models for data science and predictive analytics
● Performance measures in data science with important practical implications
● Computational methods for big data, text mining, and natural language processing
● Innovative methods for social network analytics
● Data acquisition, cleaning, integration, and best practices
● Data-driven methods for cybersecurity and data privacy problems
● Prediction of rare events, anomaly detection, and fraud detection
● Methods for induction and inference with missing values
● Data-driven methods for effective risk management
● Data science for healthcare: chronic disease management, preventative care, etc.
● Data science for industrial applications: energy, education, finance, supply chain, e-commerce, etc.
● Large-scale recommendation systems and social media systems
● Visual analytics for business data
● Mobile analytics
● Experiences with big data project deployments
● Deep learning and business applications of AI
*Important Dates:*
Paper submission Open: *May 4, 2020*
Paper submission Deadline: *July 13, 2020*
Notification of Acceptance: *August 24, 2020*
We look forward to receiving your paper submissions, and to seeing you at the conference!
*Information for Authors:*
● Maximum of 10 pages including tables and figures. References do not count towards the page limit. Use single-spaced text with 12-point font and one-inch margins on four sides, printable on 8.5 x 11-inch paper.
● Blind submissions
● *INFORMS Workshop on Data Science or INFORMS do not take ownership of paper copyrights*.
*Best Paper Awards and Student Travel Grants:*
The INFORMS College on Artificial Intelligence who hosts the Workshop on Data Science will be sponsoring awards this year for best paper and best student paper. In addition, a limited number of student travel grants will be available for students who have accepted papers at the Workshop. Details will be made available at a later time. Please confirm in the paper submission portal if there is a student or students on the paper who would like to be considered for a travel grant, and they will be contacted for additional information.
*Organizing Committee:*
*Honorary Chairs*
Olivia Sheng, University of Utah
Alexander S. Tuzhilin, New York University
*Conference Chairs*
Ahmed Abbasi, University of Virginia, ana6e@comm.virginia.edu
Yael Grushka-Cockayne, Harvard University, ygrushkacockayne@hbs.edu
Kang Zhao, University of Iowa, kang-zhao@uiowa.edu
*Program Chairs*
Brent Kitchens, University of Virginia, bmk2a@comm.virginia.edu
Sriram Somanchi, University of Notre Dame, somanchi.1@nd.edu
Wenjun Zhou, University of Tennessee, wzhou4@utk.edu
*Publicity Chairs*
Tomer Geva, Tel Aviv University
Shawn Mankad, Cornell University
Dirk Neumann, University of Freiburg
Paul Pavlou, University of Houston
Junjie Wu, Beihang University
*Finance Chair*
Alan Wang, Virginia Tech
*Local Arrangement Chair*
Jingyuan Yang, George Mason University