Approved-By: jdprice2@GENESIS.COE.UH.EDU X-Sender: X-Mailer: QUALCOMM Windows Eudora Version 5.2.1 Date: Tue, 7 Oct 2003 22:23:47 -0400 Reply-To: AACE Announcements announce@AACE.ORG Sender: Educational Technology & E-Learning EDUCTECH@LISTSERV.UH.EDU From: AACE Announcements announce@AACE.ORG Subject: Call for Journal Reviewers (AACE Journals) To: EDUCTECH@LISTSERV.UH.EDU X-WU-uvscan-status: clean v4.2.40/v4296 popstar 098aa068ab0adf0485754eea7cd2c33a
Call for Journal Reviewers (AACE Journals)
Reviewer Application:
Dear Colleagues:
The AACE--Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education ( periodically invites leaders, interested in advancing knowledge and learning with information technology, to serve on the Editorial Review Boards of its internationally respected journals.
We invite applications to become an Editorial Review Board (reviewer) member for the following AACE journals:
International Journal on E-Learning (IJEL) IJEL serves as a forum to facilitate the international exchange of information on the current research, development, and practice of e-learning in these sectors--corporate, government, healthcare, and higher education. Sponsor of the E-Learn Conference (
Journal of Computers in Mathematics and Science Teaching (JCMST) JCMST is a highly respected scholarly journal which offers an in-depth forum for the interchange of information in the fields of science, mathematics, and computer science. JCMST was the first periodical specifically devoted to using information technology in the teaching of mathematics and science.
Journal of Interactive Learning Research (JILR) This Journal publishes papers related to the underlying theory, design, implementation, effectiveness, and impact on education and training related to interactive learning environments. Examples include: authoring systems, computer-based assessment systems, computer-based training, computer-supported collaborative learning, distributed learning environments, electronic performance support systems, interactive multimedia systems, intelligent tutoring systems, microworlds, virtual reality based learning systems.
Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia (JEMH) JEMH is designed to provide a multi-disciplinary forum to present and discuss research, development and applications of multimedia and hypermedia in education. The main goal of the Journal is to contribute to the advancement of the theory and practice of learning and teaching using these powerful and promising technological tools that allow the integration of images, sound, text, and data. Sponsor of the ED-MEDIA Conference (
Journal of Technology and Teacher Education (JTATE) JTATE serves as a forum for the exchange of knowledge about the use of information technology in teacher education. Journal content covers preservice and inservice teacher education, graduate programs in areas such as curriculum and instruction, educational administration, staff development instructional technology, and educational computing. JTATE is the official journal of the Society for Information Technology and Teacher Education (SITE), sponsor of the SITE Conference (
Information Technology in Childhood Education Annual (ITCE) ITCE serves as the only scholarly journal devoted to reporting the research and applications for using information technology in the education of children--early childhood, preschool, and elementary. ITCE is a valuable resource for all educators who use computers with children.
Editorial Review Board members are asked to review at least five (5) manuscripts per year on a timely basis, within 4 weeks of receipt. Reviews should provide detailed manuscript feedback to the journal editors and manuscript author(s). All communications are via email and the AACE Publications online system.
To submit your name for Editorial Review Board consideration, complete the online form, URL below, providing the following information:
- Name, contact information, and professional affiliation
- Curriculum vita (URL required)
- Journal for which you wish to review (select one or two only)
- List of descriptors/areas of expertise (used to assign manuscripts to
We invite you to submit your name for consideration as an Editorial Review Board member of an AACE journal and direct colleagues to this application form:
Reviewer Application:
Best regards, Gary Marks, Ph.D. AACE Executive Director & Founder
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