-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [isworld] IJMSO - Call for papers on ontologies and schemas Datum: Wed, 3 Dec 2008 04:18:36 -0500 Von: Miguel-Angel Sicilia msicilia@uah.es Antwort an: Miguel-Angel Sicilia msicilia@uah.es An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network isworld@lyris.isworld.org
Dear all,
The International Journal of Metadata, Semantics and Ontologies (IJMSO) aims at publishing research advances and discussions about meta-data in a broad sense, and about their associated semantics and ontological structures, from a multi-disciplinary perspective, and with an emphasis on domain-specific ontologies and organisational, human interaction and social issues regarding metadata annotation, use and assessment. It also intends covering Semantic Web research, as a concrete metadata-intensive technological framework in which shared and standardized semantics are a critical issue.
IJMSO is accepting papers now for issue 4(4), to be published late 2009.
In addition to regular research papers, IJSMO accepts papers that are very specific to its topical area, including the following:
1) Papers reporting on the development of metadata standards and/or schemas. In this case, the paper needs to include information on the process of design and evaluation of the schema, and how it advances the state of the art in comparison with existing schemas. 2) Papers reporting the engineering of ontologies. In this case, the paper needs to address the process of engineering and the approach to evaluation, and how it improves existing, openly available ontologies. 3) Papers reporting open source software tools that are specific to metadata and ontologies. In this case, the paper must report on the architecture, use cases and unique features that distinguish the new software from existing ones. It is expected that the software is published in one of the public project repositories as sourceforge or googlecode.
This responds to the demand of many researchers that want to have their engineering and development activities published in scholarly journals, facilitating citation and recognition and at the same time, making them public through a published research-oriented paper.
Researchers producing these kinds of elements (1-3) are encouraged to submit to IJMSO their final reports.
Best regards, Miguel-Angel Sicilia IJMSO Editor-in-chief
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