-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: CfP SASO2013: Workshops and Demos Datum: Tue, 25 Jun 2013 13:51:38 +0200 (CEST) Von: SASO 2013 Publicity Chair SASO-publicity@iiia.csic.es An: gustaf.neumann@wu-wien.ac.at Kopie (CC): SASO 2013 Publicity Chair SASO-publicity@iiia.csic.es
*************************************************************************************************************** CALL FOR PAPERS: WORKSHOPS and DEMOS Seventh IEEE International Conference on Self-Adaptive and Self-Organizing Systems (SASO 2013)
Philadelphia (PA), USA; 9-13 September 2013 --- https://www.cs.drexel.edu/saso2013/ ***************************************************************************************************************
********************************** CALL FOR PAPERS: WORKSHOPS **********************************
---------------------- Important Dates ----------------------
*** Paper Submission Deadline: July 11, 2013 *** Paper Acceptance Notification: July 25, 2013 Camera-Ready Deadline: August 14, 2013 Early Registration Deadline: August 21, 2013 Workshop Dates: September 9/13, 2013
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Adaptive Host and Network Security
(AHAN 2013) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Monday, September 9th, 2013 http://www.dollabs.com/ahanssaso2013.htm
Organizing Committee:
Stuart Wagner, Applied Communication Sciences, NJ, USA Robert Laddaga, DOLL Inc., MA, USA Robert Watson, University of Cambridge, UK
There is a clear need to develop systems at both the host level and the network level to actively adapt to cyber attacks and to provide greater protection for networked computation at all levels. The significance of this workshop is to bring together researchers from different areas such as networking, programming languages, computer hardware, and operating systems to gain broad insights into specific research issues related to adaptive host and network security, and to foster discussions about ongoing research, establish directions for future research and collaborations, and identify best practices for adaptive security.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Socially Adaptive and Socio-Aware Information and Communication Systems
(SocioAware 2013) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Monday, September 9th, 2013
Organizing Committee:
Peter Sturm, University of Trier, Germany Jean Botev, University of Luxembourg, Luxemburg Ingo Scholtes, ETH Zurich, Switzerland Markus Esch, Fraunhofer Institute, Germany Bernd Klasen, University of Luxemburg/SES Astra, Luxemburg
Social services and utilities pervade more and more aspects of our daily lives and will conceivably become an integral part of future software systems. While it is common and important to investigate how the associated gradual convergence of social and technical systems influences individuals and society, the fact that this influence is mutual is far less explored. Networked computing infrastructures involving cloud computing, virtualization techniques, Peer-to-Peer technologies or other Internet-based applications are shaped not only by technological considerations but, increasingly, also by the social structures and processes into which they are embedded. The growing interconnectedness of users leads to highly correlated behavior and the emergence of collective phenomena which naturally retroact on the technical systems by which they are mediated. The workshop seeks to shed light on the question how the increasing pervasion of technical infrastructures with social aspects affects the engineering of reliable and scalable networked computing systems. A particular focus will be laid upon the question how the ongoing trend towards a rigorous mathematical modeling of self-organization processes in social systems (for instance in the language of complex networks, dynamical systems and random matrix theory) can influence and inspire the design of distributed algorithms, network topologies and communication protocols, resulting in what may be called socio-aware networked computing systems.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Trustworthy Self-Organising and Autonomous Systems
(TSOAS 2013) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Monday, September 9th, 2013
Organizing Committee:
Wolfgang Reif, University of Augsburg, Germany Christian Muller-Schloer, Leibniz University Hannover, Germany Audun Josang, University of Oslo, Norway Jan-Philipp Steghofer, University of Augsburg, Germany
The nature of self-organizing and autonomous systems and cyper-physical entities demands that issues of trust and their trustworthiness become a primary concern. The Fourth Edition of the Workshop on Trustworthy Self-Organizing and Autonomous Systems (TSOS 2013) will provide an open stage for discussions about the different facets of trust in self-organizing and autonomous systems, how every single one of them can be fostered, and how they relate.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Challenges for Achieving Self-Awareness in Autonomic Systems
(AWARE 2013) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Friday, September 13th, 2013
Organizing Committee:
Emma Hart, Edinburgh Napier University, UK Giacomo Cabri, Universita di Modena e Reggio Emilia, Italy Jeremy Pitt, Imperial College London, UK
As technology continues to rapidly advance, the management of systems becomes increasingly more difficult: systems are likely to be composed of heterogeneous devices, the topology of the system can dynamically change to device mobility; components of the system are probably programmed with different models, and emergent behaviours can occur, not pre-programmed into the system. On top of this, users of systems expect 24/7 reliability, high levels of security, and privacy of their data. The scale of the challenge imposed by the necessity to manage these systems is such that control can no longer be devolved to a human. Systems must be able to manage themselves, delivering high-quality of service while at the same time optimising overall performance and resource usage. This poses significant challenges - systems must respond to ever changing conditions, and continuously adapt to external context (such as user requirements and behaviour). Awareness will be required across a hierarchy of levels, ranging from an individual component level to global levels of patterns of use, system performance, network conditions and available resources. The goal of the workshop is to identify key challenges involved in creating self-aware systems which are capable of autonomous management, and consider methods by which these challenges can be addressed.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Computationally Adapted {laws | policies | norms} for Self-Organising Systems
(CA*OS 2013) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Friday, September 13th, 2013
Organizing Committee:
Gerrit Anders, University of Augsburg Didac Busquets, Imperial College London, UK Giuseppe Contissa, European University Institute, Italy Bastin Tony Roy Savarimuthu, University of Otago, New Zealand
Many systems, as well as organisations, are characterised by having a set of rules that drive (and limit) the interactions amongst their components. These rules may range from simple ones to complex legal systems, norms, contracts or policies, among others. Examples of this kind of systems may be technical systems such as computing grids or sensor networks, which have to share limited resources, as well as socio-technical systems, with humans involved in the functioning of the system, such as in smart grids. While in many cases these rules would be fixed, probably set by some authority, there is an increasing need of flexibility and openness. This includes changing existing rules, generating new ones, deciding who makes the decisions and when these are made, setting what happens when agents do not follow the rules, or assessing whether a set of rules fits the system's purpose, among others. The aim of the workshop is to discuss, based on high quality position or research papers, the different aspects, effects, and representations of law, norms, and justice in self-organising systems and to debate the impact of current and future technical self-organising systems on legal systems.
---------------------- Workshop Chair ----------------------
Scholtes, Ingo, ETH Zurich, Switzerland Email: ischoltes@ethz.ch
********************** CALL FOR DEMOS **********************
Students and researchers are invited to present their applications and systems during the Demo session organised at SASO 2013.
Submissions will be evaluated by a group of judges from academia and industry. Each submission will be evaluated based on its overall self-* abilities, originality and maturity. In particular, the committee will consider system robustness, resilience and scaling abilities, in addition to the self-* functions.
Demonstrations may target: - virtual systems - such as software applications; - physical systems - such as robots or sensor networks; - cyberphysical systems - combining both of the above.
Please note that demonstrations of (cyber/)physical systems may either rely on real equipment or be simulated; mixed demos using both simulations and real platforms are also welcome.
This year we invite Demonstration submissions on two main themes:
- a Generic Theme: the subject for demos in this theme is free, as long as it is of relevance to the topics promoted by the SASO conference. At the same time, this year we encourage contributions that can highlight their reusability as conceptual or concrete artefacts to help analyse, design, implement and maintain SASO systems. - a Specific Theme: focused on self-growing and self-assembling systems. This includes systems capable of building and adapting themselves in order to achieve a predefined goal; rather than being manually designed and constructed by computing engineers.
Authors of the Best Demo in each theme will be awarded a 400$ prize.
Generic Demo Theme - call for SASO Systems ----------------------------------------------
The generic demo theme includes the same topics of interest as those for the main conference - see the SASO 2013 CFP.
At the same time, this year, especially welcome are contributions that bring to the fore reusable artefacts that could help design, develop and maintain SASO systems. These include artefacts that address one or several of the important aspects of SASO systems, like self-adaptation, self-organisation, self-stabilisation, self-synchronisation, handling conflicting goals, and so on. Such reusable artefacts may include anything from conceptual and theoretical entities, such as paradigms, principles or methodologies; through generic or domain-specific architectures, models, design patterns and toolkits; and to concrete building blocks like platforms, frameworks, algorithm implementations, communication and coordination facilities.
Authors should demonstrate their contributions via a concrete demo that illustrates the advantages and reusability of their proposal.
Specific Demo Theme - call for Self-Growing and Self-Assembling Systems ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
The specific demo theme focuses on computing systems that can construct themselves, from pre-existing and/or self-fabricated building-blocks, in order to achieve a predefined goal (e.g. software services, virtual or physical shapes, physical capabilities, ...). This is in contrast to most existing systems that must be designed and constructed by computing engineers by hand. Additional self-* properties, such as self-adaptation and self-repair, based on the same principles are a plus.
Demonstrations may include virtual, physical, cyber-physical or simulated systems.
Examples of relevant submissions include, while not being limited to:
- systems that can construct spatial structures or patterns featuring predefined characteristics - e.g. a self-growing shape fitting a given template or featuring specific properties; or robots self-organising into a predefined formation; - systems that can construct physical or virtual networks featuring predefined properties - e.g. static or mobile sensors discovering each other and self-assembling into networks with particular topologies, like random, small-world, scale-free or community networks; network peers self-organising into P2P overlays with predefined topologies; or software services multiplying or self-destructing and interconnecting so as to maintain a predefined architectural template at various scales; - systems that can construct software applications that can ensure targeted functionalities and/or QoS properties - e.g. a multi-agent system opportunistically finding, instantiating and integrating software components or services into an overall application that can provide a targeted global service; or generic software services self-replicating, self-connecting and differentiating into specific services in order to form an overall application.
Authors are encouraged to emphasise the envisaged utility and general applicability of their contributions, be it over the short, medium or long term.
------------------------ Important Dates ------------------------
*** Deadline for demo submission: July 9, 2013 *** Notification of acceptance or rejection: August 9, 2013 Demo session date: September 9 - 13, 2013
------------------- Submission -------------------
Demo submissions for either Demo theme must include:
- a short paper (2 pages, in the conference format) describing the system and its abilities; - a link to a web page/site providing a self-explanatory video showing the system at work; and (optionally) allowing viewers to play with the real system or with an emulator.
Authors should defend their submission indicating why the committee should select their proposal for a demo at SASO and within the targeted theme.
Electronic submission via email to: sara.montagna@unibo.it and ada.diaconescu@telecom-paristech.fr
At the conference, software applications will be presented on computers. For cyber-physical systems, if possible, authors are invited to bring their materials (smart-devices, sensors, actuators, robots, and so on). Software simulations or video recordings can be accepted as an alternative.
Authors can apply to both Demo themes.
------------------------------ Evaluation and Awards ------------------------------
Proposals will undergo two rounds of evaluation.
In the first round, the technical papers and the online demos will be evaluated, based on the following criteria:
- Technical Paper (50%): the novelty and impact of the application, as well as the technical depth and presentation of the paper. - Online Demo System (50%): design, degree of innovation, technical solution, clarity of the contribution and possibility of reuse.
Finalists will be selected and invited to present their proposals during the Demo session at SASO 2013. They will have to register to the conference.
In the second round, finalists will do an on-site presentation and demonstration of their systems to the evaluation committee, as well as to conference attendees. For finalists in the Specific Demo theme, it will be a great plus if the evaluation committee will also be able to play with the proposed systems.
In both themes, authors must bring a poster summarising their system and demo.
The evaluation criteria for the second round will include the technical paper, the online demo system and, most importantly, the on-site presentation and demo.
The evaluation committee will award a prize to the Best Demo within each theme. Each winning team will receive a monetary award of US$ 400. The evaluation committee consists of the Demo Program Committee members attending the conference.
--------------------- Demo Chairs ---------------------
Sara Montagna, Universit? di Bologna, Italy Email: sara.montagna@unibo.it Ada Diaconescu, TELECOM ParisTech, France Email: ada.diaconescu@telecom-paristech.fr