-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [computational.science] ADG 2006, 2nd announcement Datum: Tue, 02 May 2006 13:21:13 +0200 Von: Jesús Escribano jesus.em@gmail.com Organisation: "OptimaNumerics" An: Computational Science Mailing List computational.science@lists.optimanumerics.com
Automatic Deduction in Geometry (ADG) *Announcement and Call for Papers and for applications for financial support (young researchers)
Pontevedra (Spain)
August 31 - September 2, 2006.
*The workshop *ADG *is a leading international forum to exchange ideas and views, to present research results and progress, and to demonstrate software tools on the intersection between geometry and automated deduction. The main objective of this workshop is to encourage/promote/guide research efforts in the area in an informal setting.
The previous five workshops were held in Gainesville (2004), Linz (2002), Zurich (2000), Beijing (1998), and Toulouse (1996).
The sixth workshop ADG 2006 is hosted by Universidad de Vigo at its campus in Pontevedra, Spain, from August 31 to September 2, 2006. It is a satellite event of the International Congress of Mathematicians 2006 (ICM 2006, Madrid, August 22-30, _http://www.icm2006.org_ )
Pontevedra is located at the northwest of Spain, by the sea-side, in a region famous by its beautiful marine landscapes and by its historic sites, such as the nearby town of Santiago de Compostela (declared by the UNESCO as World Heritage city, see _http://whc.unesco.org/en/list/347_ ).
For detailed information about the workshop, please visit _http://webs.uvigo.es/adg2006/_
*Call for Papers * ADG is now calling for contributions, in the form of extended abstracts or full papers (no page limits), to be sent* before May 19, 2006,* to the Program Committee chair, prof. Tomas Recio, at _adg2006@uvigo.es_ Notification of acceptance or rejection will be issued by June 16, 2006.
The submitted contributions will be subject to a summary review by the Program Committee, bearing in mind that this first review is mainly for presentation at the workshop, NOT for publication (which will be considered after the workshop).
See below for further details.
*Applications for financial support* Following the tradition of past ADG's, a few young researchers submitting their results to ADG are entitled to obtain partial support for their travel and/or lodging expenses. Please find more information on the web page of the meeting.
*Program Committee *Tomás Recio, Chair* *(Spain) Hirokazu Anai (Japan) Giuseppa Carrà Ferro (Italy) Shang-Ching Chou (USA) Arthur Chtcherba (USA) Luis Fariñas del Cerro (France) Jacques D. Fleuriot (United Kingdom) Xiao-Shan Gao (China) Laureano González-Vega (Spain) Hoon Hong (USA) Deepak Kapur (USA) Hongbo Li (China) Manfred Minimair (USA) Jürgen Richter-Gebert (Germany) Meera Sitharam (USA) Thomas Sturm (Germany) Quoc-Nam Tran (USA) Dongming Wang (China/France) Neil White (USA) Franz Winkler (Austria) Lu Yang (China) Zhenbing Zeng (China)
*Specific topics for ADG 2006 include (but are not limited to) *Polynomial algebra, invariant and coordinate-free methods, probabilistic, synthetic, and logic approaches, techniques for automated geometric reasoning from discrete mathematics, combinatorics, and numerics. Symbolic and numeric methods for geometric computation, geometric constraint solving, automated generation/reasoning and manipulation with diagrams. Design and implementation of geometry software, special-purpose tools, automated theorem provers, experimental studies. Applications of ADG to mechanics, geometric modeling, CAGD/CAD, computer vision, robotics and education. *
* *Important Dates *Extended abstract/paper submission for presentation at the workshop: *May 19 (Friday), 2006
*Notification of acceptance or rejection: *June 16 (Friday), 2006
*Workshop taking place: *August 31 - September 2, 2006
*Submission Guidelines *Extended abstracts (or full papers if you wish). No page limits.
The extended abstracts (or the introduction of the full papers) must address the following aspects explicitly. Problem: "What is the problem/question/objective? Motivation: "Why do we work on the problem? What is the importance?" State of the Art: "What has been done already on the problem?" Contribution: "What is the main original contribution?" Main Idea: "What is the main idea underlying the contribution"?
Electronic submission is required: PDF (preferred), Postscript, DVI.
It will be greatly appreciated if the submissions follow the standard Springer Proceedings format (llncs2e.cls, etc.) . For your convenience, a template has been created and it is available in the ADG web page _http://webs.uvigo.es/adg2006/cfp.html_
Send your contribution to the PC chair Tomas Recio by email to _adg2006@uvigo.es_ The email subject line should be "ADG 2006 Submission" The email body must contain the title of the submission and the contact author's Status: First Name: Middle Initial: Last Name: Email Address: Telephone Number: Fax Number: Institution: Postal Address:
Submit it by May 19, 2006.
*Refereeing *The submitted contributions will be subject to a summary review by the Program Committee, bearing in mind that this first review is mainly for presentation, NOT for publication.
*Publication *Extended abstracts or full papers accepted for presentation at the workshop will be available during the meeting, published as an internal document for the participants.
We plan to ask the authors of the extended abstracts (and possibly full papers) accepted for presentation at the workshop to submit their full and/or revised papers for publication in some formal proceedings of ADG 2006 after the workshop. The full papers (submitted after the meeting) will be formally reviewed by PC members and external referees. It is expected that the accepted full papers will be published as a special issue of some journal or in the Springer Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence (LNAI) series.
The proceedings of ADG 1996, ADG 1998, ADG 2000, ADG 2002 and ADG 2004 appeared as LNAI 1360, LNAI 1669, LNAI 2061, LNAI 2930 and LNAI 3763 respectively.