-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [WI] CFP: "SMART CITY LEARNING: opportunities and challenges" @EC-TEL2014 Datum: Tue, 03 Jun 2014 11:46:47 +0200 Von: Carlo Giovannella mifav@roma2.infn.it Antwort an: Carlo Giovannella mifav@roma2.infn.it An: wi@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de
========================================================= EC-TEL Workshop on "SMART CITY LEARNING: opportunities and challenges"
16th September 2014 Graz, Austria
http://www.mifav.uniroma2.it/inevent/events/sclo_ectel2014/index.php =========================================================
Organizers: --------------------------------------------------------- • Paloma Diaz Perez, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain • Monica Divitini, Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norwey • Carlo Giovannella, Univ. of Rome Tor Vergata, Italy • Marco Kalz, Open University, The Netherlands • Alke Martens, University of Rostock, Germany
Important dates: ---------------------------------------------------------- *** Deadline for submission: 1st July, 2014 *** ---------------------------------------------------------- Other important dates: • Notification to the authors: 1st August, 2014 • Camera ready submission: 1st September, 2014
=========================================================== Overview -----------------------------------------------------------
Smart Cities promise to preserve and improve the wellbeing of society, exploiting information and communication technology (ICT) as an infrastructural backbone to influence and improve key factors like mobility, environment, people, quality of life and governance. Going beyond top-down popular functionalist approaches a new vision driven by a 'person centered in place' design approach is emerging: a) The interaction process with the environment is moving from the metaphor “being able to use” towards the metaphor “actively influence”; digital consumers are going to transform into “digital enactive” producing an increasingly amount of data that actively contributes to the re-definition of places and spaces; b) Learning is going to transform into a life long process for knowledge, skill, and expertise acquisition and, additionally, for strengthening peoples meta-cognition abilities, which are related to a genuine self-regulation in order to consciously determine its trajectory within the new techno-ecosystems; c) A new set of personal and interpersonal skills is required to avoid possible new "divides" and to allow to adequately developing the above mentioned processes in people and in society. d) The representation and usage of the main sources of knowledge has to change to enable new forms of learning. The traditional medial representation, e.g. book (i.e. unit of text) or film (i.e. unit of audio-video material), will have to act as a seed for a new open structure which will be customizable and will provide the access to data that is available everywhere, but might be subject of permanent extension and change.
The workshop welcomes original contributions on:
• Models of learning experiences in Smart Cities • Learning spaces for formal and informal learning • Boundaries between formal and informal learning • Technological, pedagogical, social challenges to learning in smart cities • Techno-ecosystem for Smart City Learning • Novel approaches to learning and scenarios • Ubiquitous Gamification • Experiences and models for social learning in the Smart City • Digital literacy for Smart City Learning • Geo-localities and cultural effects • Success and fiasco stories • Privacy, Data Control and Security • Ecological monitoring and Analytics for Smart City Learning • Empirical research and investigations related to ICT usage and future trends
Format of the contributions & Participants selection ---------------------------------------------------------- Participants will be selected on the basis of a submitted position paper of maximum 4 pages (LNCS style). All submissions will be reviewed at least by two members of the scientific committee and by the workshop organizers. The selection will be done to ensure scientific quality together with the presence of different perspectives and to foster discussion. The submission and review process will be handled by Easychair: https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=sclo-ectel2014 To promote discussion we intend to limit the number of accepted contributions to 12-15 and participation to no more than 20-25 people (the authors plus a small number of listeners strongly motivated to contribute to the discussion).
Proceedings --------------------------------------------------------- After the workshop, participants will be invited to prepare a revised and extended paper to be included as part of a special issue of Interaction Design and Architecture(s) (IxD&A); a slot has been reserved for the second half of 2015. The call for papers will be open to assure high quality of the special issue.
Smart City Learning Observatory: General Assembly ---------------------------------------------------------- The workshop is supported by the Observatory for Smart City Learning - (SCLO) http://www.mifav.uniroma2.it/inevent/events/sclo/index.php established to provide a meeting point and a think-tank for Smart City Learning and to monitor and influence the development of this area from an international perspective. The recently already includes more than 25 organizations across and beyond Europe.
The yearly General Assembly (GA) of the SCLO will take place at ECTEL 2014, on 17th September, and will be open also to selected observers.
SCLO on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/groups?home=&gid=5103530
========================================================== Contacts ----------------------------------------------------------
For any request, also to be admitted to the workshop as listeners or SCLO GA observers, please write to:
marking the subject as: "SCL@EC-TEL2014: opportunities and challenges"
-- Mailing-Liste: wi@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de Administrator: wi-request@lists.uni-karlsruhe.de Konfiguration: https://www.lists.uni-karlsruhe.de/sympa/info/wi