-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: CFP: TAAI2005: submission extended to September 5, 2005 Datum: Mon, 15 Aug 2005 00:59:08 +0800 Von: 林文揚 wylin@nuk.edu.tw Firma: "OptimaNumerics" An: Computational Science Mailing List computational.science@lists.optimanumerics.com
Dear Colleagues,
Due to many requests, we have decided to extend the submission deadline of TAAI2005 (10th Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications) again, to September 5, 2005.
We will be appreciated if you could distribute this email within your organisation and all others who might be interested in this conference. Also please make good use of the additional time to prepare your submission to this conference.
Thank you for your help and look forward to seeing you in Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Best Regards,
Wen-Yang Lin Program Co-Chair of TAAI2005 Professor & Chairman Dept. of Computer Science and Information Engineering National University of Kaohsiung Taiwan, ROC Tel: +886-7-5919517 Fax: +886-7-5919514 Email: wylin@nuk.edu.tw
[We apologize if you receive multiple copies of this message.]
*****************TAAI2005 CALL FOR PAPERS : New Important Dates ***********************
* New papers due date : September 5th, 2005 * New paper notification: October 10th, 2005 * New camera ready due: October 20th, 2005
10th Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications (TAAI2005) 2 - 3 December, 2005 National University of Kaohsiung, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Extended versions of selected papers will be considered for publication in the following journals: International Journal of Fuzzy Systems (IJFS) International Journal of e-Business Management (IJEBM) Journal of Internet Technologies (JIT)
Early registration fee (until November 1, 2005): TAAI member: NT$ 2500 (US$ 80) Non-Member: NT$ 3000 (US$ 95) Student: NT$ 1500 (US$ 48)
Late registration fee (after November 1, 2005): TAAI member: NT$ 2700 (US$ 86) Non-Member: NT$ 3200 (US$ 102) Student: NT$ 1600 (US$ 51)
Topics of Interest -------------------------------- We are pleased to invite papers on Artificial Intelligent and related areas within Information Technology, Advanced Internet Technologies, Business or Management Applications of AI as well as emerging intelligent fields and technologies. The plenary sessions, and contributory sessions are focused on the theory and applications of various intelligent techniques, including but not limited to the following topics of interest and areas of application
* Agents * AI Applications * AI Architectures * Artificial Neural Networks * Automated Reasoning * Cognitive Modeling * Common-Sense Reasoning * Data Mining * Distributed AI * Evolutionary Computation * Fuzzy Systems * Grey Theory * Hybrid Systems * Information Integration * Information Retrieval * Intelligent e-learning * Knowledge-Based Systems * Knowledge Representation * Logic in AI * Machine Learning * Mobile Intelligence * Natural Language Processing * Ontology * Pattern Recognition * Planning * Problem Solving and Search * Probabilistic and Uncertain * Reasoning * Robotics * Semantic Web * Speech Recognition and Synthesis * Vision * Web Intelligence
Submission of Papers ------------------------------------------- Papers are invited from prospective authors with interests on the conference topics and related areas of applications. All contributions must be original and not published elsewhere or intended to be published during the review period. Contributions from related fields in the applications of artificial intelligence in industry or commerce are welcome. Papers should not be more than 8 pages in length, conforming to the formatting instructions detailed in the website (http://taai2005.nuk.edu.tw). To ensure high quality, all papers will be thoroughly reviewed by the Program Committee. All accepted papers must be presented by one of the authors who must register and pay fees.
Invited Sessions ------------------------------------------------------------------ The conference will feature invited sessions on specialized topics of interests. The invited sessions are intended to usher in, in-depth discussions in special areas relevant to the conference theme. The session organizers will coordinate the associated review process. The conference proceedings will include all papers from the invited sessions. Prospective session organizers are encouraged to contact the Program Co-Chair Wen-Yang Lin,
at wylin@nuk.edu.tw.
CONTACT INFORMATION ---------------------------------------------- For enquiries about TAAI2005, please contact:
Associate Prof. Chih-Hung Wu Department of Electronic Engineering National University of Kaohsiung No. 700, Kaohsiung University Road, Nan-Tzu District Kaohsiung 811, Taiwan Tel: +866-7-5919446 or 5919518 Fax: +886-7-5919049 E-mail: taai2005@nuk.edu.tw