-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [isworld] FWD: AMCIS 2009 CFP: Gender Issues in IT Track Datum: Wed, 10 Dec 2008 18:20:41 -0500 Von: Ramesh Sharda ramesh.sharda@okstate.edu Antwort an: Ramesh Sharda ramesh.sharda@okstate.edu An: AISWORLD Information Systems World Network isworld@lyris.isworld.org
I am forwarding this message at Eileen Trauth's request:
AMCIS 2009 Call for Papers: Gender Issues in IT Track, 15th Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS) San Francisco, California, August 6-9, 2009.
The spread of information technology to all corners of the world and to all aspects of personal and work life has led to increased interest in understanding more about the diversity of those who use, develop, and are affected by IT. One important aspect of this human diversity is gender. The imbalanced participation in IT by men and women motivates the need for a better understanding of the interaction between gender and IT. The purpose of this track is to feature gender research related to all aspects of the information systems field � both scholarly and practitioner. This Track solicits papers that examine the various aspects of gender issues and IT for the following three Mini-tracks:
* Mini-track: Exploring the Influence of Culture on Gender and IT in the Globalization Context
The level of participation by women and men in the IT field is influenced by complex cultural and societal factors that are different from country to country or that differ within a country. In addition, the globalization trend in the IT industry and market has added new challenges to gender and IT research. These factors motivate the need for research that explores the influence of culture on gender and IT in the context of increased globalization. Topics for this Mini-track include, but are not limited to:
- The influence of culture and globalization on gender and IT - Particular socio-cultural influences on gender and IT in different countries - Methods to balance the gender participation in IT in a particular socio-cultural context - Theories and research frameworks that can be applied to explore cultural influences on gender and IT - Methodological challenges of examining cultural influences on gender and IT
Mini-track Co-Chairs:
Haiyan Huang Purdue University Calumet Haiyan.huang@gmail.com
Jeria Quesenberry Carnegie Mellon University jquesenberry@cmu.edu
* Mini-track: The Role of Family in IT Job Interest
Throughout middle, high school and college years, the role of family is particularly instrumental in fostering interest in a nontraditional field such as IT where exposure to the profession is often limited to mass media images. For the millennial generation parents and other family members exert a significant influence on career choice. Topics for this Mini-track include, but are not limited to:
- The effect of family�s knowledge about the IT profession and ways of increasing their knowledge - The influence of family attitudes about the appropriateness of IT careers for women - Important individuals in students� lives who influence career decisions - Gender differences in computer use in the home
Mini-track Chair:
Peggy Meszaros Virginia Tech University Meszaros@exchange.vt.edu
* Mini-track: IT Education - The Role of Gender
In order for the global IT academic community to respond to the increasing demand for the next wave of IT workers, we need a better understanding of issues related to recruiting, mentoring, developing and graduating a population of IT students that is gender diverse. Topics for this Mini-track include, but are not limited to:
- Factors that impact IT career choice by gender - Recruitment strategies to diversify the IT pipeline - Gender issues and IT pedagogy - Spillover effect of gender roles and IT roles - Gender typing of skills required to be an IT professional - Comparing and contrasting gender issues across STEM disciplines
Mini-track Co-Chairs:
K.D. Joshi Washington State University joshi@wsu.edu
Amy Wharton Washington State University Wharton@vancouver.wsu.edu
Submission Process: Full paper submissions must be made electronically through the AMCIS on-line submission system. Papers should not exceed 5,000 words, including attachments. Papers will be peer-reviewed using a double-blind review system and will be considered for AMCIS Best Paper Awards.
Key Dates: * Abstracts Due: January 20, 2009 * Full Papers Due: February 20, 2009 * Notification of Acceptance: April 2, 2009 * Camera Ready Copy Due: April 20, 2009 (11:59 PM Pacific time zone)
For additional information please refer to the AMCIS website: http://amcis2009.aisnet.org or contact the Mini-track Co-Chairs.
Eileen Trauth Penn State University etrauth@ist.psu.edu Chair, AMCIS �09 Gender Issues in IT Track
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