-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [AISWorld] CfP MIS-MEDIA 2014 (EXTENDED DEADLINE 2nd APRIL 2014): on information systems in multimedia arts, education, entertainment, and culture (MIS-MEDIA 2014) Datum: Fri, 21 Mar 2014 14:29:48 +0000 Von: Lugmayr Artur artur.lugmayr@tut.fi An: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org aisworld@lists.aisnet.org, amea@listmail.tut.fi amea@listmail.tut.fi Kopie (CC): Lugmayr Artur artur.lugmayr@tut.fi
2nd international workshop on information systems in multimedia arts, education,
entertainment, and culture (MIS-MEDIA 2014)
14th-18th July 2014
Chengdu, China
in conjunction with ICME 2014
IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo
EXTENDED DEADLINE: 2nd APRIL 2014 !!!!!!!!!!!!!
in cooperation with the International Asscocation for Ambient Media (iAMEA) and the
Assocation for Information Systems (AIS) SIG-eMedia (http://www.ambientmediaassociation.org
and http://aisnet.org/group/SIG-eMedia)
IMPORTANT NOTE! the workshop system differs from the main ICME workshop system, but it can
be found on: https://cmt.research.microsoft.com/ICME2014W/ - please tick the correct
workshop name when you submit your papers
Multimedia technologies as video-audio processing, multimedia coding, multi-modal coding, databases,
digital libraries, etc. are many times seen as single application that are not part of a larger
application domain. Within the context of this workshop we focus on the application of multimedia
technologies in management information systems in multimedia, arts, education, and culture to
introduce a new research field: Media Technologies in Management Information Systems. Management
Information Systems (MIS) support organizations from a people, information, and technology
perspective to increase efficiency, provide increased productivity, and develop information
systems to support management [1]. Within the scope of this workshop we focus on the
application of multimedia technologies in the context of MISs in media industry. Media
technologies support MISs in many various ways. Speech, audio, video, and text processing
enable the generation of information for decision support systems or advanced resource management.
Practical examples are technologies for E2E delivery of digital content, data warehousing,
personalized and individualized offerings for customers, solutions for IPR management,
advertisement management, consumer experience studies of MISs, metadata & workflow management,
content adaptation, management reporting, multimedia supporting data analytics, or cross-media
content offerings. The workshop is targeted at a wide community: multimedia technology developer,
consumer experience scholars, business scholars, information systems community, MIS developer,
content developer, and other R&D scholars involved in media and entertainment industries.
We are interested at a multidisciplinary workshop and are seeking for case-studies;
presentations of new ideas, artistic installations; applications in the domain of arts, education,
entertainment, and culture; user-experience studies; management information system studies;
and multimedia technologies supporting MISs.
[1] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Management_information_system
* Big Data & Multimedia Systems
* Cross-media offering, distribution channels and convergence
* Media business information management for multimedia
* Media information system design in multimedia
* Business intelligence in media industries
* Knowledge management systems applications
* Workflow management, operational efficiency and new capturing technologies
* Home platforms, mobility, multi-play and network convergence
* Systems for management reporting, analysis, and decision support
* Standards to enable technical convergence
* Data warehousing in converging environments
* Integration of analogue and digital media productions
* E2E systems and solutions in converging media environments
* Asset management and metadata management
* E2E systems, infrastructures and solutions
* Integration of analogue and digital media production and distribution
* Information systems and decision support systems
* Speech, audio, image, video, and text processing in information management
* Marketing information systems
* Content analysis, matching, and retrieval in information management
* Technologies in media art, education, entertainment, environment, and culture
* Consumer experience and quality assessment in MIS
* Theoretical foundations of entertainment computation
* Production process management
* Multimedia databases, digital libraries, and eLearning in MIS
* Technology and management of E2E media delivery
* Business information management in media
* Standards, policies, and regulation for MIS in media industry
* Mobility, Social media, ambient media, eLearning
* Practical media art, education, entertainment, and cultural applications
* EXTENDED DEADLINE APRIL 2ND: workshop paper submission
* April 15th, 2014: notification of workshop paper acceptance
* April 30th, 2014: submission of camera ready papers
Papers will be selected in a double blind review process, and excellent submissions will be
invited to submit extended versions of the paper in a journal special issue.
Please see the detailed submission guidelines on: http://www.icme2014.org/author-guidelines,
the submission system can be found on: https://cmt.research.microsoft.com/ICME2014W/
* Artur Lugmayr, EMMi Lab., Tampere Univ. of Technology (TUT), FINLAND
* Matevz Pogacnik, University of Ljubjana, SLOVENIA
* Emilija Stojmenova, University of Ljubjana, SLOVENIA
In case of questions, please contact artur.lugmayr@tut.fi (Tel. +358 40 821 0558), or visit the workshop
website at: http://www.tut.fi/emmi/WWW/ameamain/mis-media2014.
The workshop is organized as part of the activities of the International Ambient Media Association
(iAMEA) www.ambientmediaassociation.org and the Association of Information Systems (AIS) Special
Interest Group (SIG-eMedia) on Information Systems and Management in Creative eMedia Industries
Prof. Dr. Artur Lugmayr
Tel.: +358 (0)40 849 0773 or +358 (0)40 821 0558, Fax.: +358 3 3115 4680
artur.lugmayr@tut.fi mailto:artur.lugmayr@tut.fi, http://www.tut.fi/emmi/, http://www.facebook.com/artur.lugmayr,
http://www.artur-lugmayr.info/, http://twitter.com/lartur# http://twitter.com/lartur,
International Ambient Media Association (AMEA): www.ambientmediaassociation.org http://www.ambientmediaassociation.org/
Tampere University of Technology
Department of Information Management and Logistics
P.O. Box 541, Korkeakoulunkatu 8
FIN 33101 Tampere