-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [WI] [Vardi-list] FLoC 2018 - Call for Participation Date: Sat, 5 May 2018 12:32:49 -0500 (CDT) From: Moshe Vardi vardi@rice.edu Reply-To: Moshe Vardi vardi@rice.edu To: Moshe Vardi vardi@cs.rice.edu
THE SEVENTH FEDERATED LOGIC CONFERENCE (FLoC 2018) Call for Participation 6-19 July 2018 Oxford, England, UK http://www.floc2018.org/registration-is-officially-open/
Registration is now open and we remind speakers and participants to book accommodation as soon as possible, as Oxford is popular in the summer.
Website: http://www.floc2018.org/ Registration: http://www.floc2018.org/register/ Accommodation: http://www.floc2018.org/accommodation/
During the past forty years there has been extensive, continuous, and growing interaction between logic and computer science. In many respects, logic provides computer science with both a unifying foundational framework and a tool for modeling. In fact, logic has been called “the calculus of computer science”, playing a crucial role in diverse areas such as artificial intelligence, computational complexity, distributed computing, database systems, hardware design, programming languages, and software engineering.
The Federated Logic Conference brings together several international conferences related to mathematical logic and computer science, and was first organised in 1996, as part of the DIMACS Special Year on Logic and Algorithms. Since then FLoC was held in Trento in 1999, Copenhagen in 2002, Seattle in 2006, Edinburgh in 2010 and Vienna in 2014.
The seventh Federated Logic Conference (FLoC'18) will be held in Oxford, UK, in July 2018, at the Mathematical Institute and the Blavatnik School of Government at the University of Oxford.
FLoC 2018 brings together nine major international conferences related to mathematical logic and computer science:
International Conference on Computer Aided Verification (CAV) http://cavconference.org/2018/
IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF) http://www.cs.ox.ac.uk/conferences/csf2018/
International Symposium on Formal Methods (FM) http://www.fm2018.org
International Conference on Formal Structures for Computation and Deduction (FSCD) http://www.cs.le.ac.uk/events/fscd2018/
International Conference on Logic Programming (ICLP) https://www.cs.nmsu.edu/ALP/iclp2018/
International Joint Conference on Automated Reasoning (IJCAR) http://ijcar2018.org
International Conference on Interactive Theorem Proving (ITP) https://itp2018.inria.fr
Annual ACM/IEEE Symposium on Logic in Computer Science (LICS) http://lics.siglog.org/lics18/
International Conference on Theory and Applications of Satisfiability Testing (SAT) http://sat2018.azurewebsites.net/
Please refer to the individual websites for conference-specific information.
Shafi Goldwasser, MIT, Pseudo Deterministic Algorithms and Proofs Georges Gonthier, INRIA and Paris Saclay, The Logic of Real Proofs
Peter O’Hearn, Facebook and UCL, Continuous Reasoning for Big Code Byron Cook, Amazon and UCL, Formal Reasoning about the Security of Amazon Web Services
CAV: Somesh Jha, Eran Yahav CSF: Srini Devdas, Catuscia Palamidessi FM: Kim Gulstrand Larsen, Annabelle McIver, Leonardo de Moura FSCD: Stephanie Delaune, Grigore Rosu, Peter Selinger, Valeria Vignudelli ICLP: Elvira Albert, Thomas Eiter IJCAR: Erika Abraham, Martin Giese ITP: Dan Grayson, John Harrison, Jean-Christophe Filiatre LICS: Thierry Coquand, Javier Esparza, Ursula Martin, Val Tannen SAT: Christopf Scholl, Rahul Santhanam, Marijn Heule
Corrado Boehm Memorial Martin Hofmann Memorial Industry Session FLoC Olympics
Please refer to conference websites for more information.
PUBLIC LECTURE by Stuart Russell, University of California Berkeley, to be held as part of the Strachey Lecture series in the Sheldonian Theatre, the official ceremonial hall of the University of Oxford: http://www.floc2018.org/public-lecture/
PUBLIC DEBATE on “Ethics and Morality of Robotics”, an event in the LogicLounge series (http://www.vcla.at/logiclounge/), first organised at the Vienna Summer of Logic in 2014, to be held at the Oxford Union, a debating society with a long history of iconic debates and world-renowned speakers founded in 1823. Panelists: Luciano Floridi, Ben Kuipers, Francesca Rossi, Matthias Scheutz, Sandra Wachter and Jeannette Wing Moderator: Judy Wajcman http://www.floc2018.org/public-debate/
SUMMIT ON MACHINE LEARNING MEETS FORMAL METHODS The Summit on Machine Learning Meets Formal Methods, supported by the Alan Turing Institute, will bring together academic and industrial leaders from NVIDIA, Google, DeepMind and Microsoft who will discuss the benefits and risks of machine learning solutions. Speakers: Anupam Datta, Mark Girolami, Sumit Gulwani, Pushmeet Kohli, Alison Lowndes, Rupak Majumdar, Aditya Nori, Francesca Rossi, Stuart Russell, Christian Szegedy, Moshe Vardi and Martin Vechev http://www.floc2018.org/summit-on-machine-learning/
FOPSS LOGIC AND LEARNING SCHOOL, 1-6 July 2018 The Logic & Learning School is an opportunity to learn from, and interact with, the world's experts leading recent progress in understanding the relationships between logic and learning. These experts come from both academia and some of the leading industrial research labs (Amazon Research and DeepMind). Speakers: Borja Balle, Richard Evans, Nina Gierasimczuk, Varun Kanade, Guy Katz, Jan Křetínský, Stephen H. Muggleton, Doina Precup, Dan Roy and James Worrell http://www.floc2018.org/fopss/
FLoC will host several events aimed specifically at supporting emerging researchers, some of which will provide financial support, including:
LICS 2nd Logic Mentoring Workshop, Sunday 8 July CAV Verification and Deduction Mentoring Workshop, Friday 13 July FM Doctoral Symposium, Saturday 14 July ICLP DC 2018: 14th Doctoral Consortium (DC) on Logic Programming (ICLP – DC 2018), 18 July
In addition to conferences, FLoC 2018 will also feature 70+ workshops (7-8 July, 13 July, and 18-19 July). The list of workshops can be found at http://www.floc2018.org/workshops.
*** Pre-FLoC workshops (Saturday 7 - Sunday 8 July)
32nd International Workshop on Unification (UNIF 2018), 7 July http://unif2018.cic.unb.br/
7th International Workshop on Confluence (IWC 2018), 7 July http://cl-informatik.uibk.ac.at/events/iwc-2018/
7th International Workshop on Classical Logic and Computation (CL&C 2018), 7 July http://www.di.unito.it/~stefano/CL&C/CL&C18.htm
Higher-Dimensional Rewriting and Algebra (HDRA 2018), 7 July http://hdra.gforge.inria.fr/
International Workshop on Logical Frameworks and Meta-Languages: Theory and Practice (LFMTP 2018), 7 July http://lfmtp.org/workshops/2018/
7th International Workshop on the Cross-Fertilization Between CSP and SAT (CSPSAT 2018), 7 July http://sysrun.haifa.il.ibm.com/hrl/cspsat2018/
Pragmatics of SAT (PoS 2018), 7 July http://www.pragmaticsofsat.org/2018/
Twenty Years of Deep Inference (TYDI 2018), 7 July https://www.lix.polytechnique.fr/~lutz/orgs/TYDI2018.html
10th International Workshop on Computing with Terms and Graphs (TERMGRAPH 2018), 7 July https://nms.kcl.ac.uk/maribel.fernandez/TERMGRAPH.html
Syntax and Semantics of Low-Level Languages (LOLA 2018), 7 July https://cs.appstate.edu/~johannp/lola18/
9th Workshop on Higher Order Rewriting (HOR 2018), 7 July https://lipn.univ-paris13.fr/HOR18/
2018 Joint Workshop on Linearity & TLLA (5th International Workshop on Linearity and 2nd Workshop on Trends in Linear Logic and Applications), 7-8 July http://lipn.univ-paris13.fr/TLLALinearity18/
Workshop on Homotopy Type Theory and Univalent Foundations (HoTT/UF 2018), 7-8 July https://hott-uf.github.io/2018/
Game Semantics 25, 7-8 July http://www.gamesemantics.org/game-semantics-25
Workshop on Proof Complexity (PC 2018), 7-8 July http://easychair.org/smart-program/PC2018/
Programming And Reasoning on Infinite Structures (PARIS 2018), 7-8 July https://www.irif.fr/~saurin/RAPIDO/PARIS-2018/
6th Workshop on Strategic Reasoning (SR 2018), 7-8 July http://projects.lsv.fr/sr18/
Workshop in honour of Dana Scott's 85th birthday and 50 years of domain theory, 7-8 July https://andrejbauer.github.io/domains-floc-2018/
5th Workshop on Natural Language and Computer Science (NLCS 2018), 7-8 July http://www.indiana.edu/~iulg/nlcs.html
7th Workshop on Mathematically Structured Functional Programming (MSFP 2018), 8 July https://msfp2018.bentnib.org/
5th International Workshop on Rewriting Techniques for Program Transformations and Evaluation (WPTE 2018), 8 July http://researchers.lille.inria.fr/niehren/WPTE-2018/main.html
The Coq Workshop 2018, 8 July https://coqworkshop2018.inria.fr/
International Workshop on Quantified Boolean Formulas and Beyond (QBF 2018), 8 July http://fmv.jku.at/qbf18/
5th International Workshop on Graphical Models for Security (GraMSec 2018), 8 July http://gramsec.uni.lu/
Women in Logic 2018, 8 July https://sites.google.com/site/womeninlogic2018/welcome
9th Workshop on Intersection Types and Related Systems (ITRS 2018), 8 July https://www.irif.fr/~michele/itrs2018
Coalgebra Now, 8 July http://homepage.tudelft.nl/c9d1n/floc2018coalgebra/index.html
12th International Workshop on Developments in Computational Models (DCM 2018), 8 July https://sites.google.com/g.uporto.pt/dcm18
IFIP Working Group 1.6: Rewriting, 8 July http://cbr.uibk.ac.at/ifip-wg1.6/
Workshop on Foundations of Computer Security (FCS 2018), 8 July http://www.andrew.cmu.edu/user/liminjia/events/fcs2018/
Logic Mentor Workshop 1, 8 July http://lics.siglog.org/lics18/lmw.php
*** Mid-FLoC workshops (Wednesday 11 - Saturday 14 July)
Satisfiability Checking and Symbolic Computation: Bridging Two Communities to Solve Real Problems (SC^2 2018), 11 July http://www.sc-square.org/CSA/workshop3.html
IFAC Conference on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems (ADHS 2018), 11-13 July http://www.cs.ox.ac.uk/conferences/ADHS18/
16th International Workshop on Satisfiability Modulo Theories (SMT 2018), 12-13 July http://smt-workshop.cs.uiowa.edu/2018/
CAV Tutorials, 13 July http://cavconference.org/2018/invited-speakers-tutorials/
7th Workshop on Logic and Systems Biology (LSB), 13 July http://perso.ens-lyon.fr/russell.harmer/lsb7.html
Isabelle Workshop, 13 July http://sketis.net/isabelle/isabelle-workshop-2018
25th RCRA International Workshop on Experimental Evaluation of Algorithms for Solving Problems with Combinatorial Explosion, 13 July https://sites.google.com/a/aixia.it/rcra/rcra-2018
5th Workshop on Formal Reasoning in Distributed Algorithms (FRIDA 2018), 13 July http://forsyte.at/events/frida2018/
5th Vampire Workshop (Vampire 2018), 13 July http://easychair.org/smart-program/Vampire18/
19th Workshop on Logic and Computational Complexity (LCC), 13 July http://www.cs.swansea.ac.uk/lcc/index.html
5th Workshop on Horn Clauses for Verification and Synthesis (HCVS 2018), 13 July https://www.sci.unich.it/hcvs18/
Workshop on Learning and Automata (LearnAut 2018), 13 July https://learnaut2018.wordpress.com/
1st International Workshop on Multi-objective Reasoning in Verification and Synthesis (MoRe 2018), 13 July http://math.umons.ac.be/more2018/
Workshop on Modular Knowledge (Tetrapod), 13 July http://new.kwarc.info/events/Tetrapod-2018/
First Workshop on Automated Deduction for Separation Logics (ADSL 2018), 13 July http://adsl.univ-grenoble-alpes.fr/
DMW18: Deduction Mentoring Workshop, 13 July http://easychair.org/smart-program/DMW18/
Runtime Verification for Rigorous Systems Engineering (RV4RISE), 13 July http://rv4rise.conf.tuwien.ac.at/
13th International Workshop on User Interfaces for Theorem Provers (UITP 2018), 13 July http://www.informatik.uni-bremen.de/uitp/uitp2018/
Verification and Deduction Mentoring Workshop 2, 13 July http://cavconference.org/2018/verification-deduction-mentoring-workshop/
Summit on Machine Learning Meets Formal Methods, sponsored by the Alan Turing Institute, 13 July http://www.floc2018.org/summit-on-machine-learning/
4th Workshop on Formal Integrated Development Environment (F-IDE 2018), 14 July https://sites.google.com/view/fideworkshop2018
16th International Workshop on Quantitative Aspects of Programming Languages and Systems (QAPL 2018), 14 July http://www1.isti.cnr.it/~Massink/EVENTS/QAPL2018/
16th Overture Workshop: New Capabilities and Applications for Model-based Systems Engineering, 14 July http://overturetool.org/workshops/16th-Overture-Workshop.html
FM Doctoral Symposium, 14 July http://www.fm2018.org/doctoral-symposium/
*** Post-FLoC workshops (Wednesday 18 - Thursday 19 July)
18th Refinement Workshop, 18 July http://www.refinenet.org.uk/
1st International Workshop on Parallel Logical Reasoning (PLR), 18 July https://antonwijs.wixsite.com/plr2018
7th Workshop on Synthesis (SYNT 2018), 18 July http://synt2018.seas.ucla.edu
Theorem Prover Components for Educational Software (ThEdu 2018), 18 July http://www.uc.pt/en/congressos/thedu/thedu18
TLA+ Community Event 2018, 18 July http://tla2018.loria.fr/
Workshop on Answer Set Programming and Other Computing Paradigms (ASPOCP 2018), 18 July https://sites.google.com/site/aspocp2018/
International Conference on Logical Programming - Doctoral Consortium (ICLP - DC 2018), 18 July http://easychair.org/smart-program/ICLP-DC2018/
16th International Colloquium on Implementation of Constraint and Logic Programming Systems (CICLOPS 2018), 18 July https://people.cs.kuleuven.be/~tom.schrijvers/CICLOPS2018/
3rd International Workshop on Automated Reasoning in Quantified Non-Classical Logics (ARQNL 2018), 18 July http://iltp.de/ARQNL-2018/
Workshop on Logic and Practice of Programming (LPoP 2018), 18 July http://lpop.cs.stonybrook.edu/
13th International Workshop on Constraint Based Methods in Bioinformatics (WCB 2018), 18 July http://clp.dimi.uniud.it/wcb/wcb18/
International Workshop on the Verification and Validation of Autonomous Systems (VaVAS), 18-19 July http://cgi.csc.liv.ac.uk/~michael/VaVAS-July2018/
16th International Workshop on Termination (WST 2018), 18-19 July http://wst2018.webs.upv.es/
MLP18: Machine Learning for Programming, 18-19 July https://prodo.ai/mlp18
The LaSh 2018 Workshop on Logic and Search, 18-19 July http://www.logicandsearch.org/LaSh2018/
10th Working Conference on Verified Software: Theories, Tools and Experiments (VSTTE 2018), 18-19 July http://vstte18.it.uu.se/
11th International Workshop on Numerical Software Verification (NSV-XI), 18-19 July https://nsv-2018.github.io/nsv2018/
18th International Workshop on Automated Verification of Critical Systems (AVOCS 2018), 18-19 July http://avocs18.irisa.fr/
Logics for Reasoning about Preferences, Uncertainty, and Vagueness (PRUV 2018), 19 July http://pruv18.inf.unibz.it/
Third Workshop on Fun With Formal Methods (FWFM 2018), 19 July http://persons.iis.nsk.su/en/FWFM2018
International Workshop on External and Internal Calculi for Non-Classical Logics, 19 July http://weic2018.loria.fr/
Robots, Morality, and Trust through the Verification Lens, 19 July http://qav.cs.ox.ac.uk/robots_morality_trust/
6th Workshop on the Practical Aspects of Automated Reasoning (PAAR 2018), 19 July http://easychair.org/smart-program/PAAR-2018/
Verification of Engineered Molecular Devices and Programs (VEMDP 2018), 19 July http://dna.caltech.edu/vemdp2018/
There is one Reception and one Banquet during each FLoC block, and one Workshop Dinner during each of the workshop blocks. For details, see http://floc2018.org/social-events/.%C2%A0 Guests are welcome: you can reserve your place(s) via the registration system.
To register for FLoC, go to http://www.floc2018.org/register/ Registration for the main conference block gives you access to any other conference in the same period. Conference registration includes reception, lunches and coffee breaks. Stand up banquet can be added to the conference registration.
Registration for a workshop day means you can attend any other workshop on the same day. Workshop registration includes lunches and coffee breaks. A dinner at an Oxford college can be added to the workshop registration.
You can bring a guest to the banquet or college dinner for an extra charge.
Public events are free of charge.
LATE REGISTRATION until 25th June 2018
ON SITE REGISTRATION will be possible during the conference.
ACCOMMODATION http://www.floc2018.org/accommodation/
We have made block bookings at several locations in Oxford, and have other recommendations as well. Book early to avoid disappointment, as July is a busy period in Oxford!
A generous scheme to provide travel support for early career researchers and opportunities to volunteer (subject to restrictions) is available: http://www.floc2018.org/volunteer/
Our website includes details for travel (including accessibility), venues and things to do in Oxford for our attendees and their families: see http://www.floc2018.org/local-information/ for more information.
FLoC 2018 promises to be an exciting meeting, and we hope to see you in Oxford!
Marta Kwiatkowska Daniel Kroening Moshe Vardi
FLoC'18 Steering Committee
General Chair: Moshe Y. Vardi Conference Co-chairs: Daniel Kroening, Marta Kwiatkowska CAV Representative: Orna Grumberg CSF Representative: Stephen Chong FM Representative: Ana Cavalcanti FSCD Representative: Luke Ong ICLP Representative: Torsten Schaub IJCAR Representative: Franz Baader ITP Representative: Larry Paulson LICS Representative: Martin Grohe SAT Representative: Armin Biere SIGLOG Representative: Prakash Panangaden
FLoC'18 Programme Committee
General Chair: Moshe Y. Vardi Co-chair: Daniel Kroening Co-chair: Marta Kwiatkowska CAV: Hana Chockler CSF: Stephen Chong FM: Bill Roscoe FSCD: Hélène Kirchner ICLP: Paul Tarau IJCAR: Roberto Sebastiani ITP: Assia Mahboubi LICS: Anuj Dawar and Erich Graedel
FLoC'18 Workshops Committee
General Chair: Moshe Y. Vardi Co-chair: Daniel Kroening Co-chair: Marta Kwiatkowska Workshops Chair: Gethin Norman Workshops Deputy Chair: Christoph Haase CAV: Hana Chockler CSF: Cas Cremers FM: Helen Treharne FSCD: Paula Severi ICLP: Stefan Woltran IJCAR: Alberto Griggio ITP: Assia Mahboubi LICS: Patricia Bouyer SAT: Martina Seidl
FLoC'18 Organising Committee
Co-chair: Daniel Kroening Co-chair: Marta Kwiatkowska Website: Michael Tautschnig PR: Andrzej Murawski Fundraising: Hana Chockler Workshops Chair: Gethin Norman Workshops Deputy Chair: Christoph Haase Proceedings: Radu Calinescu Program: Dave Parker Mentoring and Diversity: Alexandra Silva Volunteer Coordinators: Julian Gutierrez, Stefan Kiefer Oxford Union Debate: May Chan CAV: Georg Weissenbacher CSF: Cas Cremers FM: Erik de Vink FSCD: Paula Severi ICLP: Marco Gavanelli IJCAR: Ian Horrocks ITP: Jeremy Avigad LICS: Sam Staton SAT: Christoph Wintersteiger
FLoC'18 Local Organising Committee
Co-Chair: Daniel Kroening Co-Chair: Marta Kwiatkowska Website: Michael Tautschnig PR: Andrzej Murawski Fundraising: Hana Chockler Workshops Chair: Gethin Norman Workshops Deputy Chair: Christophe Haase Proceedings: Radu Calinescu Program: Dave Parker Mentoring and Diversity: Alexandra Silva Volunteer Coordinator: Julian Gutierrez, Stefan Kiefer Oxford Union Debate: May Chan Admin team -- coordination: Patrizia Ferrari Admin team -- volunteer coordination: Katherine Fletcher Admin team -- publications: Jordan Summers Young Admin team -- venues: Renate Henison Admin team -- speakers: Sarah Baldwin PR Strategy -- Helen Wilcox
-- Mailing-Liste: wi@lists.kit.edu Administrator: wi-request@lists.kit.edu Konfiguration: https://www.lists.kit.edu/wws/info/wi