-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: IASTED- 1 Week Reminder- CATE 2006 Datum: Mon, 10 Apr 2006 23:04:15 -0700 Von: IASTED - Upcoming Conferences info@iasted.org An: gustaf.neumann@wu-wien.ac.at
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Communications, Internet, and Informatoin Technology ~CIIT 2006~
* November 29 December 1, 2006 St. Thomas, US Virgin Islands *
Submissions due: /*June 15, 2006*/
» Read More http://www.iasted.org/conferences/2006/vi/ciit.htm?cate
Web-based Education ~WBE 2007~
* March 1416, 2007 Chamonix, France *
Submissions due: /* October 15, 2006*/
» Read More http://www.iasted.org/conferences/home-557.html?cate
Other Conferences by IASTED
» Click Here http://www.iasted.org/conferences/?cate
*/IASTED /Five Day Reminder* /Last chance to submit!/
*The Ninth IASTED International Conference on *Computers and Advanced Technology in Education /~CATE 2006~/ **
*October 46, 2006 Lima, Peru *
* * *SPONSORS * The International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED) Technical Committee on Advanced Technology in Education
World Modelling and Simulation Forum (WMSF)
*CONFERENCE CHAIR * Prof. Vladimir Uskov http://www.interlabs.bradley.edu/uskov/- Bradley University, USA
*KEYNOTE SPEAKER* "Technologies that Motivate Learning" http://www.iasted.org/conferences/2006/peru/cate-keynote.htm Dr. Elliot Soloway http://www.si.umich.edu/people/faculty-detail.htm?sid=100 - University of Michigan, USA Dr. Cathie Norris University of North Texas, USA
*5th INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION of PH.D. STUDENTs (on research in Technology-based Education Area)* Chair: Prof. Vladimir Uskov http://www.interlabs.bradley.edu/uskov/- Bradley University, USA Call for Proposals http://www.iasted.org/conferences/2006/peru/CFP2006PhDStudentCompetition.pdf
*2nd INTERNATIONAL COMPETITION OF NON-COMMERCIAL SOFTWARE SYSTEMS, TOOLS AND PRODUCTS FOR TECHNOLOGY-BASED EDUCATION* Chair: Dr. Jean-Pierre Gerval ISEN Brest, France Call for Proposals http://www.iasted.org/conferences/2006/peru/CFP2006SoftwareCompetition.pdf
* TUTORIAL SESSION* "Classroom Uses of Handheld Computers" http://www.iasted.org/conferences/2006/peru/cate-tutorial.htm Dr. Elliot Soloway - University of Michigan, USA Dr. Cathie Norris University of North Texas, USA
* SPECIAL SESSION #1* "Design and evaluation of computer-based learning environments" http://www.iasted.org/conferences/2006/peru/cate-specsess1.htm Prof. Dr. Heinz Mandl University of Munich, Germany
* SPECIAL SESSION #2* "Standards for Learning: What is Next?" http://www.iasted.org/conferences/2006/peru/cate-specsess2.htm Prof. Dr. Luis Anido University of Vigo, Spain
* SPECIAL SESSION #3* "Portals in Education" http://www.iasted.org/conferences/2006/peru/cate-specsess3.htm Prof. Dr. Alexander Ivannikov State Research Institute on Information and Telecommunication Technologies INFORMIKA, Russia
* COLLABORATING ORGANIZATIONS* The International Society for Engineering Education (IGIP) http://www.igip.info/ The International Academy of Open Education http://www.maoo.ru/ Brazilian Association on Open and Distance Education, Brazil http://www.abed.org.br/antiga/htdocs/vll_congresso/index_ing.htm Interlabs Research Institute, Bradley University, USA http://www.interlabs.bradley.edu/ Council of Researches in Education and Sciences (COPEC), Brazil http://www.copec.org.br/
*IMPORTANT DEADLINES* *Submissions Due* *April 15, 2006* *Notification of Acceptance* *June 1, 2006* *Final Manuscripts Due * *July 1, 2006* *Registration Deadline* *July 15, 2006*
To view the call for papers, scope of this conference and the International Program Committee visit our website at: http://iasted.org/conferences/2006/peru/cate.htm?cate
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