-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [computational.science] CfP: 4th High-End Visualization Workshop Datum: Tue, 23 Jan 2007 10:15:06 -0600 Von: Werner Benger benger@zib.de Organisation: "OptimaNumerics" An: Computational Science Mailing List computational.science@lists.optimanumerics.com
4th High-End Visualization Workshop University Center Obergurgl, Tyrol, Austria 17.06. - 22.06.2007 http://www.vizworkshop.at/
Open issues in visualization with special concentration on applications in astrophysics, numerical relativity, computational fluid dynamics and high-performance computing.
This year's feature: Visualization of Non-Trivial Data Structures
With the advancement of numerical simulations beyond uniform grids, visualization methods are also challenged to cope with the more complex data structures. We intend to discuss which data structures are out there (e.g., amr, multiblock, multipatches), what visualization methods already exist, and what the highest demands and needs for yet unsolved issues are. Focus is intended to be on topological issues of complex data sets, leading to possible overlap among feature extraction, numerical algorithms and access methods to topologically non-trivial data itself.
This workshop is inter-disciplinary by nature, and as every year we also encourage contributions that are outside the focus topic.
TOPICS OF INTEREST * Visualization concepts for non-trivial spacetimes * Generic data structures for visualization purposes * Applicability of GPU's, emerging hardware like cell processors or physics cards * Application areas, in particular interdisciplinary work with domain experts * Numerical models on adaptive meshes or multiblocks and resulting specific demands for visualization * Existing visualization frameworks (e.g., VTK, Amira, Chombovis) and their support for such data * Extending commonly used visualization techniques such as isosurfaces and raycasting to cover complex data structures * Demands and constraints on parallel rendering strategies and grid-based environments from non-regular domain decomposition, including (but not limited to) workflow managements, brokering, performance-modeling etc. * Utilizing modern rendering, display and interaction device, e.g. high-resolution, high-dynamic range, multitiled screens, for examining complex data structures * Grid technologies and parallelization techniques
Abstracts due March 29 Full paper due April 16 Notification of acceptance April 30 Camera-ready version due May 7
Workshop June 16th - 22nd 2007
Accepted papers will be appear in an A5 booklet published by LOB (Lehmanns Online Bookshop - www.lob.de), who will also take care of online distribution and on-demand printing of future issues. To cover printing costs, we ask for a workshop registration fee of EUR 50.- . A single contribution should not exceed 10 pages, color images are welcome and encouraged. No additional fee is required for color images.
Please use our submission system at
to submit contributions. TeX templates can be downloaded at
Werner Benger, Center for Computation & Technology at Louisiana State University (CCT/LSU), Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA
Wolfgang Kapferer, Institute for Astro- and Particle Physics, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria Shalini Venkataraman, Center for Computation & Technology at Louisiana State University (CCT/LSU), Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA Rene Heinzl, Institute for Microelectronics, TU Wien, Vienna, Austria Denis Pollney, Max-Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics (Albert-Einstein-Institute AEI), Potsdam, Germany
Wolfram Schoor, Fraunhofer Institute for Factory Operation and Automation, Magdeburg, Germany
Mayank Tyagi, Center for Computation & Technology at Louisiana State University (CCT/LSU), Baton Rouge, Louisiana, USA Gunther H. Weber, Computational Research Division, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, California, USA Ingrid Hotz, Zuse-Institute Berlin, Berlin, Germany
We encourage all prospective participants to sign up to the obergurgl mailing list at
to receive further announcements regarding the workshop.
Daily schedule consists of talks from 9:00 - 11:30 and 17:30 - 20:30. Afternoons are free for discussions and/or meetings on the surrounding summits. A hiking trip is planned as social event, but will also depend on local weather conditions. Skiing should be possible as well on the nearby glaciers.
For further questions regarding the workshop please send inquiries at obergurgl07@cct.lsu.edu