-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [AISWorld] Call for Papers: Cloud Computing (ISD2012) Date: Wed, 4 Apr 2012 15:13:32 +0100 From: Edward Curry edcurry@acm.org Reply-To: edcurry@acm.org To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org
*Call for Papers 21st International Conference on Information Systems Development (ISD2012), Prato, Italy, August 29-31, 2012*
*Track: Cloud Computing* http://infotech.monash.edu/research/ISD2012/track_cloudcomputing.php
Cloud computing describes a computing paradigm where services (computation, software and data) are deployed on virtualized and dynamically scalable computing resources in remote data centres. Cloud computing resources are offered in one of three levels depending on the needs of the user: software as a service, infrastructure as a service and platform as a service. The computing resources underlying a given cloud computing provider's offering such as Amazon's EC2 or Microsoft's Azure may be distributed on a regional or global level, and to gain flexibility and efficiency, these resources are often shared by many applications and many companies. Cloud-based services are accessed remotely by users via Internet and telecom (voice and SMS) protocols through Web browsers and dedicated applications on devices ranging from mobile phones to game consoles to tablets to personal computers.
Flexibility in the cloud computing paradigm provides a logical migration path for various forms of SOA and service models - software, storage, infrastructure, platform etc. and enables new flexibility in the rapid development and scaling of online services. Companies often combine offerings from multiple cloud providers and multiple levels (software, platform and infrastructure) to achieve a much wider range of outcomes than could be achieved using their own computing and information system development capabilities alone. With this flexibility and power comes a broad range of potential issues ranging from technical to organizational to social and thus, cloud computing invites consideration of new models of governance for systems, service and organization. It also invokes legal, national, and social considerations.
Cloud computing can help organisations manage risks related to demand, innovation, efficiency, scaling, and control leading them towards a more sustainable future. At the same time, cloud computing is also enabling for a massive proliferation of online services which in turn is paradoxically having negative impact as more computing resource is needed for all of these services. With the rapid growth in cloud computing has come significant interest among the practitioner community with major research activities being conducted in corporate R&D labs. To compliment this and to explore the role of cloud computing in the context of sustainable information systems, we invite rigorous and relevant contributions from a wide variety of research methods addressing topics such as those mentioned below.
? Green Clouds and Resource Efficiency ? Trust, Security and Access ? New Make vs. Buy IT decision-making processes in the Age of the Cloud ? The Role of the IS architect in leveraging Cloud technology ? Development, implementation, maintenance of cloud-based projects and systems ? Information infrastructures, reuse and quality in the era of Cloud Computing ? Challenges in simultaneously maintaining Legacy system and cloud based systems ? Cloud scalability, reliability, flexibility, recovery and performance ? Cloud infrastructure for data management ? The dark side of cloud computing
*Important Dates* Paper submission deadline: 20th April, 2012 Notification of paper acceptance: 15th June, 2012 ISD Conference: 29th - 31st August, 2012
*Chairs* Edward Curry (ed.curry@deri.org mailto:ed.curry@deri.org) Brian Donnellan (brian.donnellan@nuim.ie mailto:brian.donnellan@nuim.ie) Philip A. DesAutels (philip.desautels@ltu.se mailto:philip.desautels@ltu.se)