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Subject: Call for posters (CMS 2002 conference) Date: Mon, 26 Aug 2002 16:44:49 +0200 From: Tomaz Klobucar tomaz@e5.ijs.si To: tomaz@e5.ijs.si
The sixth IFIP Communications and Multimedia Security Conference (CMS 2002)
Joint working conference IFIP TC6 and TC11
September 26-27, 2002 Portoroz, Slovenia
The CMS 2002 is now accepting submissions of poster proposals. The Poster display at the conference is an opportunity to meet and discuss late-breaking results, ongoing research projects, and innovative work-in-progress which may not yet be ready for a full paper.
Poster proposals must consist of a one-page abstract or summary of the work, relevant for the conference, to be presented. All proposals must be received no later than 5th of September 2002. Authors will be notified until 10th of September. Abstracts of accepted proposals will be copied and distributed to all CMS 2002 attendees. These abstracts and summaries are also expected to be made available on the Web. Your poster, which you will display at the conference, should not be sent to the CMS organizers.
Authors of accepted submissions are expected to prepare a poster for display at the conference. The poster should present the work mentioned in the abstract or summary you submitted. The typical display area for each poster is expected to be 80 cm (width) X 120 cm (height). You will need to bring your poster with you and set it up for your poster session. At least one author must register for the conference.
CMS 2002 registration information is available on the conference web site, http://www.setcce.org/cms2002/.
Important deadlines: Poster proposal submission September 5, 2002 Notification of acceptance September 10, 2002 Presentation at the Conference September 26-27, 2002
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