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Subject: IASTED Conference on CIIT 2003 Call for Papers Date: Mon, 7 Apr 2003 13:55:15 -0600 From: "IASTED - Upcoming Conferences" Info@iasted.org To: gustaf.neumann@wu-wien.ac.at
2nd IASTED International Conference on Communications, Internet and Information Technology (CIIT 2003)
November 17 - 19, 2003 Scottsdale, Arizona
IMPORTANT DEADLINES Submissions due---------------------------June 15, 2003 Notification of acceptance---------------August 1, 2003 Final manuscript due---------------------September 15, 2003 Registration and full payment-----------September 15, 2003
SPONSORS The International Association of Science and Technology for Development (IASTED) · Technical Committee on Information Systems · Technical Committee on Telecommunications · Technical Committee on the Web, Internet, and Multimedia
PURPOSE This conference is an international forum for researchers and practitioners interested in the advances in, and applications of, communication systems, network management, information systems, and the Internet. It is an opportunity to present and observe the latest research, results, and ideas in these areas. All papers submitted to this conference will be peer reviewed by at least two members of the International Program Committee. Acceptance will be based primarily on originality and contribution. CIIT 2003 will be held in conjunction with the IASTED International Conference on Information and Knowledge Sharing (IKS 2003).
LOCATION This year's CIIT conference will be held at the Mountain Shadows Marriott Resort & Golf Club in the sunny Arizona town of Scottsdale, located just east of Phoenix. Originally inhabited by the Hohokam peoples, the land was purchased in 1888 and became a small farming community. Today, Scottsdale has a population of nearly 200,000 friendly inhabitants, and is famous for its nationally recognized resorts and hotels. Scottsdale also has a wide range of attractions to offer visitors, including the Frank Lloyd Wright's Taliesin West Museum, Scottsdale Center for the Arts, and the Out of Africa Wildlife Park. Its frequent equestrian events and "Rawhide," a replica cowboy town from the 1880s, offer an interesting taste of the "Old West."
The town's warm desert climate makes it easy to enjoy many outdoor activities as well, such as hiking or river rafting through the Sonoran Desert or horseback riding into the mountains. Scottsdale's relaxed lifestyle, rustic steakhouses, and passion for rodeos have given the city the nickname of "the west's most western town," and offers something unique for everyone.
SCOPE The relevant topics for this conference include, but are not limited to, the following:
Communications Systems Personal Communications Computer Communications Multimedia Communications Wireless Communications Mobile Communications RF Communications Satellite Communications Antennas CDMA Systems OFDM Technology Coding and Modulation Channel Measurement Equalization Handoff and Routing Spread Spectrum Communications Protocol Communications Software Signal Processing Applications Modelling and Simulation
Network Management System Integration Enterprise Networking Gigabit Networking Network Operations Network Management Traffic Management Engineering Inter-Working of 3rd and 4th Generation Networks Fiber Optics Networks Optical Transmission Network Standards Wireless Networks IP Networks Interconnection Networks Modelling of Network Services
Information Systems and the Internet Information Infrastructure System Architecture Information System Management Mobile Information Systems Information Storage and Retrieval High Speed Internet Wireless Internet Internet Tools Internet Access Audio and Video Coding Video on Demand Internet Security Operating Systems Support Software Agents Electronic Commerce B2B and B2C E-commerce M-commerce Internet Banking Distance Education Applications in Telemedicine
INTERNATIONAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE H.M. Abdu - University of Michigan - Dearborn, USA M.S. Alam - University of South Alabama, USA E. Barbera - Oberta University of Catalunya, Spain M.E. Bialkowski - National University of Singapore, Singapore J.A. Bucklew - University of Wisconsin - Madison, USA R.W.L. Cheung - Hong Kong Polytechnic University, PRC C. Christodoulou - University of New Mexico, USA K.C. Chua - National University of Singapore, Singapore C.-P. Chuang - National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan D. Cui - Bell Labs - Lucent Technologies, USA C. da rocha Brito - Council of Researches in Education and Sciences, Brazil S. Dustdar - Vienna University of Technology, Austria A. El Kateeb - University of Michigan, USA A.O. Fapojuwo - University of Calgary, Canada F. Flueckiger - University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland, Switzerland P. Gardner - University of Birmingham, UK A. Grabowska - Gdansk University of Technology, Poland S.-U. Guan - National University of Singapore, Singapore T.A. Gulliver - University of Victoria, Canada H.J. Helgert - George Washington University, USA P.A. Hosein - Ericsson Wireless Communications Inc., USA W.S. Hsieh - National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan X. Huang - Communication Research Centre Canada, Canada B.L. Hughes - North Carolina State University, USA M. Jaseemuddin - Ryerson University, Canada J.F. Jensen - Aalborg University, Denmark A.E. Kamal - Iowa State University, USA L. Kocarev - University of California - San Diego, USA K.H. Koo - University of Incheon, Korea G. Lee - University of Illinois at Chicago, USA V.C. Leung - University of British Columbia, Canada Z. Liu - Southeast Missouri State Unviersity, USA P. Lorenz - University of Haute Alsace, France D.P.K. Lun - Hong Kong Polytechnic University, PRC M.E. Magaña - Oregon State University, USA P. Manzoni - Polytechnical University of Valencia, Spain F. Marir - University of North London, UK P.S. Min - Washington University in St. Louis, USA S. Molnár - Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary E. Monteiro - University of Coimbra, Portugal G. Noubir - Northeastern University, USA V.A. Oleshchuk - Agder University College, Norway C.-S. Peng - California Lutheran University, USA S. Prasad - Northeastern University, USA R.K. Rao - University of Western Ontario, Canada S. Robert - University of Applied Sciences of Vaud (EIVD), Switzerland Y. Ryu - Myongji University, Korea A. Saad - Georgia Institute of Technology, USA A. Safaai-Jazi - Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, USA M. Salehi - Northeastern University, USA J. Sang - Cleveland State University, USA M. Sarshar - University of Salford, UK A. Seneviratne - University of New South Wales, Australia L.B. Sheremetov - National Technical University, Mexico Y.P. Singh - Multimedia University, Malaysia H. Sotobayashi - Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA I. Stojmenovic - University of Ottawa, Canada Y. Sun - University of Hertfordshire, UK W.-T. Sung - National Central University, Taiwan V. Uskov - Bradley University, USA M.-F. Vaida - Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania V.V. Veeravalli - University of Illinois at Urbana - Champaign, USA A. Vukovic - Communications Research Centre Canada, Canada P. Vuorimaa - Helsinki University of Technology, Finland Y. Wang - University of Texas at Dallas, USA P.A. Watson - University of Bath, UK S.-M. Yoo - University of Alabama in Huntsville, USA C.J. Zarowski - University of Alberta, Canada S. Zeadally - Wayne State University, USA W. Zhuang - University of Waterloo, Canada
SUBMISSION OF PAPERS Submit your paper via our website at: http://www.iasted.org/conferences/2003/scottsdale/submit-408.htm . All submissions should be in Adobe Acrobat (.pdf), Postscript (.ps), or MS Word (.doc) format. The IASTED Secretariat must receive your paper by June 15, 2003. Do not send hard copies of your paper. Receipt of paper submission will be confirmed by e-mail.
Please provide four key words to indicate the subject area of your paper. One of the key words must be taken from the list of topics provided under Scope. Please designate a principal author and provide the full names, affiliations, addresses, telephone and fax numbers, and e-mail addresses of all authors.
Notification of acceptance will be sent via e-mail on August 1, 2003. Final manuscripts are due by September 15, 2003. Registration and final payment are due by September 15, 2003. Late registration fees or paper submissions will result in the papers being excluded from the conference proceedings.
Please send final manuscripts via e-mail to: calgary@iasted.com . The subject line for the final manuscript submission must include the six-digit paper number. The formatting instructions for final manuscripts can be found on the web and must be strictly followed. Formatting instructions are available at: http://www.iasted.org/formatting.htm . The page limit for final papers is six pages (single-spaced, double-column, 10 point Times New Roman font). Only one paper of up to six pages is included in the regular registration fee. The additional page and paper charge is USD $75.00 per page.
TUTORIALS Proposals for half-day tutorials (three hours) should be submitted online by June 15, 2003. Tutorials are to be submitted via the following website address: http://www.iasted.org/conferences/2003/scottsdale/tutorialsubmit-408.htm .
A tutorial proposal should clearly indicate the topic, background knowledge expected of the participants, objectives, time allocations for the major course topics, and the qualifications of the instructor(s).
SPECIAL SESSIONS Persons wishing to organize a special session should submit a proposal via e-mail to calgary@iasted.com by June 15, 2003. Proposals should include a minimum of five papers, a session title, a list of the topics covered, and the qualifications and brief biography of the session organizer(s). The name of the session organizer will appear in the program and proceedings provided five papers are presented. More information on special sessions is available online at the following website address: http://www.iasted.org/conferences/2003/scottsdale/sessionsubmit-408.htm .
For more information, or to be placed on our mailing list, please contact: IASTED Secretariat - CIIT 2003 #80, 4500 - 16th Avenue N.W. Calgary, Alberta Canada T3B 0M6 Tel: 403-288-1195 Fax: 403-247-6851 E-mail: calgary@iasted.com Website: http://www.iasted.org
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