-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [AISWorld] Call for Papers - HICSS-52 Dark Side of IT Minitrack Date: Mon, 28 May 2018 18:09:16 +0000 From: Soror, Amr asoror@Fullerton.edu To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org aisworld@lists.aisnet.org
Call for Papers - HICSS-52 Dark Side of IT Minitrack
Conference: Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) Minitrack Title: The Dark Side of Information Technology; Track Title: Organizational Systems and Technology
The "Dark Side of IT" track welcomes theoretical and empirical papers examining alternative consequences of IT use and implementation in organizations and societies. The objective of this mini-track is to focus not only on the antecedents, development processes, consequence of numerous phenomena related to the dark side of IT use but also the potential strategies and techniques for behavioral interventions. We seek, based on this forum of discussion, to provide practitioners (e.g., IT developers, managers, psychologists, and policy makers) in a multitude of contexts with a deeper understanding of the potential consequences regarding the dark side of IT use. Further, we hope these studies help to shape guidelines for designing and implementing organizational and hedonic IT while minimizing the potential negative consequences of IT use.
Submitted papers might focus on, but are not limited to, some of the following themes related to the dark side of IT use. We acknowledge that over time new dark side of IT phenomena will emerge, and we hence call and welcome topics that focus on IT-related phenomena which is harmful, that may extend this list. * IT-related addictions * Cyber loafing, * Cyber bullying * Deceptive computer-mediated communication * Disrupted work life balance * IT interruptions * IT misuse * Technostress * Impulsive use of IT * Physiological effects of IT use
Submissions are welcome and encouraged from a variety of theoretical foundations (e.g., information systems, psychology, cognitive science, decision sciences, sociology, social networks, organizational behavior, neuroscience, computer science, and informatics) which might advance our knowledge of the antecedents, processes, interventions and consequences of the dark side of IT use. The track invites relevant and rigorous studies without restriction for the methodologies used, units of analyses and levels of theorization.
Journal Publication Opportunities: High quality and relevant papers from this mini-track will be selected for fast-tracked development towards Internet Research (http://www.emeraldinsight.com/loi/intrhttps://exchange.fullerton.edu/owa/redir.aspx?C=BSUYtg_IceP554A9hNhNEpmPOCjUnAOA_cj5VLDqliNMuc1-i5zUCA..&URL=http%3a%2f%2fwww.emeraldinsight.com%2floi%2fintr). Internet Research (IntR) is an international and refereed journal that is indexed and abstracted in major databases (e.g., SSCI, SCI, ABI/INFORM Global), with the impact factor and the five-year impact factor of the journal in 2016 as 2.93 and 4.58 respectively. Selected papers will need to expand in content and length in line with the requirements for standard research articles published in the journal. Although the mini-track co-chairs are committed to guiding the selected papers towards final publication, further reviews may be needed before final publication decision can be made.
Paper Submission Begins: April 15, 2018
Submission Deadline: June 15 (11:59 PM, Hawaii Time)
Author Notification: August 17
Revision deadline: September 4
Final acceptance notifications: September 10
Final manuscript submission (camera ready): September 22
Registration deadline: October 1, 2018
Conference: January 8-11, 2019 Maui, Hawaii, USA
More information about:
HICSS-51 may be found at http://hicss.hawaii.edu/
Author Guidelines: http://hicss.hawaii.edu/tracks-and-minitracks/authors/
If you have a question or wish to discuss a paper concept before submitting your work, please contact Ofir Turel (oturel@fullerton.edumailto:oturel@fullerton.edu), or Amr Soror (asoror@fullerton.edumailto:asoror@fullerton.edu. We will be more than happy to address your question and discuss your paper concept with you.
Dark Side of IT Minitrack Team Ofir Turel, PhD Amr Soror, PhD California State University, Fullerton
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