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Subject: [prolearn] CfP AH 2004 Date: Tuesday 03 February 2004 15:39 From: Martin Wolpers wolpers@learninglab.de To: prolearn prolearn@learninglab.de
Dear all, please find the call for papers for the Adaptive Hypermedia conference below. Please excuse any cross-postings. Please also keep in mind that we plan to have some work package meetings that accompany the conference.
Third International Conference on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems
August 23-26, 2004 Eindhoven (The Netherlands)
The AH conferences are the major forums for the scientific exchange and presentation of research on adaptive hypermedia and adaptive web-based systems. In 2004, the third International Conference on Adaptive Hypermedia and Adaptive Web-Based Systems will take place at the Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands, August 23 - 26. This conference follows two very successful conferences held in Trento, Italy in 2000 and Malagà, Spain in 2002.
In the context of the World Wide Web as well as in Hypermedia, adaptation and personalization functionalities prove increasingly important for a variety of applications, including e-commerce systems, learning environments, tourist information systems, interactive TV and many more. To provide these functionalities, an interesting mix of techniques from quite a few different areas is needed, and AH 2004 will once again be an exciting opportunity to bring these areas together and promote substantial cross-fertilization of ideas, projects and researchers.
The conference site, the Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), is one of the leading technological universities in the world (often ranked in the top 10). It offers masters and engineering degrees and educates around 5.000 students. The Computer Science Department hosts the Adaptive Hypertext and Hypermedia Homepage, the Adaptive Hypermedia Mailing List. Eindhoven is a highly technologically oriented city, home of not only the university but also Philips Research and a large technology college. The TU/e owns an excellent conference location on campus, next to the city center, the railway station and a major hotel.
General Conference Chair: ========================= Paul De Bra, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Program Committee Chair: ======================== Wolfgang Nejdl, University of Hannover and L3S, Germany
Topics of Interest: =================== Submissions are invited on substantial, original, and previously unpublished research in all aspects of adaptive hypermedia and adaptive web-based systems, including, but not limited to: AH systems and techniques Adaptive information filtering for the Web Information retrieval in AH and the Web Intelligent tutoring systems Adaptive learning environments Web recommender systems Personalization for the Semantic Web Open adaptive hypermedia systems Intelligent Web agents for personalization Personalization and metadata Personalization and standards Personalized Web sites and services Data Mining for Web personalization User modeling for adaptive systems Acquisition, updating and management of user models Empirical studies of AH and web systems Security and privacy aspects for adaptive Web systems/applications Personalization on PDAs and other handheld devices Personalization and adaptivity in e-commerce Personalized tourist information systems Personalized digital libraries
Important dates: ================ Submission deadline: March 29, 2004 Notification of acceptance or rejection: May 20, 2004 Final versions due: June 3, 2004 Workshops and Tutorials: August 23, 2004 Main conference: August 24 - 26, 2004
Submission categories: ====================== Full papers: 10 pages original and previously unpublished mature research results. Short papers: 4 pages original and unpublished ongoing research, best presented through either a short presentation, a poster, or a demonstration. Doctoral consortium: 6 pages phd students presenting topic and progress of their research to get additional feedback on their presentation and ideas. Workshops and tutorials: send a description (2-4 pages) to the tutorials and workshops co-chairs as soon as possible, but no later than the general submission deadline.
All submissions must be formatted according to Springer LNCS guidelines and submitted through the conference website, http://wwwis.win.tue.nl/ah2004/. This site will contain all further instructions when ready. All submissions will undergo a thorough reviewing and refereeing process in order to decide on acceptance.
The proceedings of AH'2004 are expected to be published by Springer-Verlag in Lecture Notes in Computer Science (LNCS).
Program Committee: ================== Elisabeth Andre, University of Augsburg, Germany Liliana Ardissono, University of Torino, Italy Helen Ashman, University of Nottingham, UK Peter Brusilovsky, University of Pittsburgh, USA Ricardo Conejo, University of Malagà, Spain Alexandra Cristea, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands Serge Garlatti, ENST Bretagne, France Franca Garzotto, Politecnico di Milano, Italy Wendy Hall, University of Southampton, UK Lynda Hardman, CWI, Netherlands Nicola Henze, University of Hannover, Germany Charalampos Karagiannidis, Informatics and Telematics Institute, Greece Judy Kay, University of Sidney, Australia Alfred Kobsa, Univ. of California at Irvine, USA Rob Koper, Open Universiteit Nederland, The Netherlands Henry Lieberman, MIT Media Lab, USA Paul Maglio, IBM Almaden Research Center, USA Mark Maybury, MITRE Corporation, USA Maria Milosavljevic, Microsoft Research Inst. and Macquarie University, Australia Tanja Mitrovic, University of Canterbury, New Zealand Dunja Mladenic, Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia Michael Pazzani, Univ. of California at Irvine, USA Fiorella de Rosis, University of Bari, Italy Vittorio Scarano, University of Salerno, Italy Daniel Schwabe, University of Rio de Janeiro, Brasil Frank Shipman, Texas A&M University, USA Alan Smeaton, Dublin City University, Ireland Barry Smyth, University College Dublin, Ireland Rudi Studer, University of Karlsruhe and L3S, Germany Julita Vassileva, University of Saskatchewan, Canada Gerhard Weber, PH Freiburg, Germany Ross Wilkinson, CSIRO, Australia Massimo Zancanaro, IRST, Italy
Doctoral Consortium Co-Chairs: ============================== Perez de la Cruz, University of Malagà, Spain Peter Brusilovsky, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Tutorials and Workshops Co-Chairs: ================================== Lora Aroyo, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands Carlo Tasso, University of Udine, Italy
Industry Co-Chairs: =================== Mehmet Göker, Kaidara Software, Inc., USA Geert-Jan Houben, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
On behalf of Wolfgang Nejdl, best regards, Martin Wolpers -- Dr.-Ing. Martin Wolpers wolpers@learninglab.de Learning Lab Lower Saxony http://www.learninglab.de Deutscher Pavillon Tel: +49 (0)511 762 9758 Expo Plaza 1, 30539 Hannover Fax: +49 (0)511 762 9779 Germany Mob: +49 (0)163 762 9734
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