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Subject: [all-prolearn] CFP 1. thematic PROLEARN ws on TEL for learning organisations Date: Friday 06 August 2004 13:32 From: Martin Wolpers wolpers@l3s.de To: all-prolearn@agws.dit.upm.es Cc: Christoph Strutz strutz@l3s.de
Dear all,
I'd like to draw you attention to the first thematic workshop of PROLEARN on Technology Enhanced Learning for Learning Organisations.
This 2-day workshop will bring together speakers and participants from all FP5 and FP6 EU/IST projects on technology enhanced learning, from companies sucessfully supporting or employing technology enhanced learning (including IMC AG, IBM, Microsoft, Volkswagen, and others), as well as EC/IST representatives.
The workshop will enhance cooperation and integration between the important actors involved in European research and application of technology enhanced learning, inform about funding possibilities and facilitate EU/IST project proposals for the upcoming EU/IST calls, and provide input for a roadmap highlighting the important research and application areas in technology enhanced learning for the next four years.
The workshop will take place right after the PROLEARN General Assembly on November 4 and 5, 2004, at the Radisson SAS Hotel (http://hannover.radissonsas.com/) and the L3S Research Center (http://www.l3s.de/), Expo Plaza, Hannover, Germany.
We are looking forward to see you here in Hannover. As soon as further information (e.g. in respect to the registration) become available I will post them here.
Best regards, Martin
-- - PROLEARN project manager - Dr.-Ing. Martin Wolpers wolpers@l3s.de L3S Research Center http://www.l3s.de Deutscher Pavillon Tel: +49 (0)511 762 9758 Expo Plaza 1, 30539 Hannover Fax: +49 (0)511 762 9779 Germany Mob: +49 (0)163 762 9734