-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: [AISWorld] Call for Abstracts: Pre-ICIS Workshop for MISQE Special Issue on "Strategies for surviving and thriving within and between digital platforms" Date: Tue, 11 Aug 2020 08:29:01 +0000 From: Joaquin A Rodriguez jrod122@lsu.edu To: aisworld@lists.aisnet.org aisworld@lists.aisnet.org
** UPDATE: The workshop will be fully virtual and innovative ** ** Deadline for submitting extended paper abstract: September 25th, 2020 **
CALL FOR ABSTRACTS MIS Quarterly Executive Academic Workshops
In preparation for the December 2021 Special Issue on: Strategies for surviving and thriving within and between digital platforms
Sponsored by: The Society for Information Management (SIM) and MIS Quarterly Executive
You are invited to submit a paper for the pre-ICIS 2020 workshop: * ICIS 2020, **fully virtual** (Date and time will be announced once ICIS virtual schedule is available)
In preparation for MIS Quarterly Executive’s Special Issue on “Strategies for surviving and thriving within and between digital platforms,” we invite you to submit an abstract for presentation at the pre-ICIS Academic Workshop. The purpose of these pre-conference workshop is to help develop papers for possible consideration for the special issue.
The special issue aims to examine the strategic opportunities, management challenges, and emerging practices that address the new realities of platform-based competition and examine the role of digital assets and capabilities in such settings. We define platforms broadly - as layered modular architectures that allow participants to create value through data, complementarities and transactions taking place on the platform. We are particularly interested in field research that reveals challenges faced by companies which try to compete within or across platforms, and strategies they adopt to deal with these challenges.
The CfP for the special issue is here: https://iu.app.box.com/s/dxtw4lnhuv7fr7f5xpibbgjfeau2rwy6https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fiu.app.box.com%2Fs%2Fdxtw4lnhuv7fr7f5xpibbgjfeau2rwy6&data=02%7C01%7Cjrod122%40lsu.edu%7C512acdba1d144bf308cd08d83204a6a4%7C2d4dad3f50ae47d983a09ae2b1f466f8%7C0%7C0%7C637314342847647072&sdata=GQnkdEo38Ot5eQtqrPYHXFPfs0Wc7NTN2w%2BBUt7wYyI%3D&reserved=0
Workshop Deadlines: · September 25th, 2020: Submit extended paper abstract · October 26th, 2020: Notification of workshop acceptance with preliminary editorial feedback
Abstract requirements: · Please list all authors, their affiliations, contract information. · Please be specific as to the status of the research, the access to data (field studies, case studies, etc), project funding, and plan for completing the study. · Page limitation: No more than 2 single-spaced pages of text and up to 2 figures. We will not count figures, contact information or references in the 2-page limit.
All submissions should be sent via email to both Program/Special Issue Chairs: · Kalle Lyytinen, Case Western University, kalle@case.edumailto:kalle@case.edu · Varun Grover, University of Arkansas, vgrover@uark.edumailto:vgrover@uark.edu
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