-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: EDEN 2019 Annual Conference Bruges - Late submissions welcome Date: Wed, 6 Feb 2019 12:45:55 +0000 From: EDEN Annual Conference Secretariat bruges@eden-online.org Reply-To: EDEN Annual Conference Secretariat bruges@eden-online.org To: neumann@wu-wien.ac.at
EDEN 2019 Annual Conference Bruges - Late submissions welcome View this email in your browser https://mailchi.mp/eden-online/eden-2019-annual-conference-bruges-late-submissions-welcome-1ybits4wcw-2049777?e=6610be86c2
EDEN 2019 Annual Conference: #EDEN19 /Connecting Through Educational Technology/ /In search for contemporary learning environments/
Late submissions welcome Registration open, PhD Symposium announced
Bruges, Belgium, 16-19 June 2019
*CONFERENCE HOME https://eden-online.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d513a442748b7ef82571e9bbb&id=ae629b8754&e=6610be86c2| CALL https://eden-online.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d513a442748b7ef82571e9bbb&id=bc6fbf6d69&e=6610be86c2| CONFERENCE TRACKS https://eden-online.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d513a442748b7ef82571e9bbb&id=e86bf9da7d&e=6610be86c2 PHD SYMPOSIUM https://eden-online.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d513a442748b7ef82571e9bbb&id=1780897bce&e=6610be86c2| SUBMISSION https://eden-online.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d513a442748b7ef82571e9bbb&id=4c820581c5&e=6610be86c2| REGISTRATION https://eden-online.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d513a442748b7ef82571e9bbb&id=f0ae6fe17d&e=6610be86c2| VENUE https://eden-online.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d513a442748b7ef82571e9bbb&id=539f15e7d4&e=6610be86c2*
Late submissions welcome
There has been an impressive response to the Call https://eden-online.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d513a442748b7ef82571e9bbb&id=d5743d694e&e=6610be86c2, showing high level compliance with the theme and concept. The relevance and diversity of submissions is reassuring for a conference rich in content and in networking opportunities.
Due to numerous extension requests received, the online submission will remain open until mid-February. Submissions, taking into account the conference theme and related to at least one of the conference https://eden-online.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d513a442748b7ef82571e9bbb&id=f0d86ced42&e=6610be86c2t https://eden-online.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d513a442748b7ef82571e9bbb&id=dc605295e8&e=6610be86c2racks https://eden-online.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d513a442748b7ef82571e9bbb&id=146ee2de74&e=6610be86c2 are welcome in paper, poster, synergy, training, workshop or panel discussion session and demonstration/technical presentation formats.
Registration is open
The EDEN Secretariat is taking care of the registration for the Annual Conference. *Registration is now open! https://eden-online.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d513a442748b7ef82571e9bbb&id=8fe41aadc5&e=6610be86c2*
The registration fee includes access to all conference facilities, the electronic Conference Proceedings, the Welcome Cocktail, lunches and refreshments during the conference days. The fee does not include accommodation and the conference dinner.
For young scholars a special discount will be applied.
PhD Symposium
Given the success of the EDEN 2018 Barcelona Research Workshop – PhD Student Symposium, this tradition will be continued on Sunday 16 June 2019 as part of the 28th EDEN Annual Conference hosted by VIVES University of Applied Sciences in Bruges, Belgium 16–19 June 2019.
The PhD Student Symposium aims at fostering the exchange of experiences and knowledge among doctoral students doing research in the broad area of the conference’s theme: “connecting through educational technology – to produce effective learning environments”, while providing a discussion forum for the advancement of doctoral research.
The Student Symposium will be supported by a panel of international scholars of education and supported by the community of EDEN Fellows. Read more on the PhD Symposium... https://eden-online.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d513a442748b7ef82571e9bbb&id=1d39b22805&e=6610be86c2
EDEN is pleased to announce its 28th Annual Conference hosted by the VIVES University of Applied Sciences in Bruges 16-19 June 2019.
*CONNECTING THROUGH EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGY In search for contemporary learning environments*
/How can information and communication technology in the age of Industry 4.0 create and enhance synergies between online learning programmes, the increased diversity of stakeholders, the workplace experience, socio-cultural influences and students’ work-life balance? Read more... https://eden-online.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d513a442748b7ef82571e9bbb&id=4ce5ddd402&e=6610be86c2/
Conference Tracks
For the EDEN 2019 Annual Conference, the major tracks set-up will be:
1. _Global connections_: How to organise online study programmes that enhance the students’ international competences, provide connections with international partners and promote virtual mobility? 2. _Connections with workplace_: How can innovative study programmes be developed to involve the workplace impact and experience (virtual dual learning, (distance/digital) internships)? 3. _Connections with the community_: How to organise study programmes that focus on relations of curriculum, delivery and the socio-economic environment – like community service learning, social partnerships, interdisciplinary projects? 4. _Connections with learners_: caring about the work-life balance of the students, attentive to learners’ needs, expectations and the changing behaviour of diverse student populations including career, other studies, family-life.
Nell Watson
Nell Watson is an engineer, educator, and tech philosopher who grew up in Northern Ireland. Nell founded Poikos (now QuantaCorp). This original, patented technology enables fast and simple 3D body measurement from only two planes (front and side), using a simple cellphone camera, by applying sophisticated deep learning technologies. This service enables fast and accurate personalization services in telemedicine, mass customization, and retail. Today, Nell Watson educates others in how to implement such technologies, for example, by creating video coursebooks for O’Reilly.
She is also Co-Founder of EthicsNet, a non-profit, building a movement of people who are committed to help machines understand humans better. This community acts as role models and guardians to raise kind AI, by providing virtual experiences, and collecting examples of pro-social practices.
Nell Watson lectures globally on (humanizing) Machine Intelligence, AI philosophy, Human-Machine relations, and the Future of Human Society, serving on the Faculty of AI & Robotics at Singularity University.
Learn more about her here https://eden-online.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d513a442748b7ef82571e9bbb&id=6f42da1189&e=6610be86c2.
Jan Elen
Jan Elen is a full professor at the KU Leuven, Center for Instructional Psychology and Technology. He was the head of the educational support office of the KU Leuven, coordinator of the expertise network School of Education of the Association KU Leuven, and vice-dean Education of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences.
He is currently the academic leading the teacher education program in behavioural sciences. He has been the coordinator of the Special Interest Group on Instructional Design of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction and is the current editor-in-chief of ‘Instructional Science’. His research mainly pertains to instructional design and higher education. He teaches courses on educational technology, the design of learning environments and didactics for behavioral sciences.
Learn more about him here https://eden-online.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d513a442748b7ef82571e9bbb&id=3f26b658fc&e=6610be86c2.
Steve Wheeler
Steve Wheeler is a Learning Innovations Consultant and former Associate Professor of Learning Technologies at the Plymouth Institute of Education where he chaired the Learning Futures group and led the Computing and Science education teams. He continues to research into technology supported learning and distance education, with particular emphasis on the pedagogy underlying the use of social media and Web 2.0 technologies, and also has research interests in mobile learning and cybercultures.
He has given keynotes to audiences in more than 35 countries and is author of over 150 scholarly articles, with more than 7000 academic citations. An active and prolific edublogger, his blog Learning with ‘e’s https://eden-online.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d513a442748b7ef82571e9bbb&id=1ff6df719d&e=6610be86c2 is a regular online commentary on the social and cultural impact of disruptive technologies, and the application of digital media in education, learning and development. In the last few years it has attracted in excess of 8 million unique visitors.
Learn more about him here https://eden-online.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d513a442748b7ef82571e9bbb&id=8e04a247e6&e=6610be86c2.
Ilkka Tuomi
Ilkka Tuomi has written books, including /Networks of Innovation: Change and Meaning in the Age of the Internet/ which develops theory of open innovation based on analysis of Internet-related innovations and open source, and /Corporate Knowledge: Theory and Practice of Intelligent Organizations/, which develops theory of knowledge management.
He has written several articles in /First Monday/, an important peer reviewed journal on the Internet. The most famous of Tuomi's articles is probably /The Lives and Death of Moore's Law /, in which Tuomi states that Moore's law is an expression of technological determinism, used sloppily, and to a large extent not properly founded in empirical studies.
Learn more about him here https://eden-online.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d513a442748b7ef82571e9bbb&id=88c74b5c3a&e=6610be86c2.
Did you know?
VIVES Bruges holds the VIVES Archive of Games, the largest collection of games in the world, with more than 20.000 titles and many educational (party) games. In the archive you will find the most recent (educational) games, but also some very old games are kept in the closed section. The oldest game dates back to 1810!
For each of these games, as much relevant information as possible is kept and stored in a central database.
The conference is hosted by the VIVES University of Applied Sciences https://eden-online.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d513a442748b7ef82571e9bbb&id=cbb5b86650&e=6610be86c2.
Conference website: http://www.eden-online.org/2019_bruges https://eden-online.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d513a442748b7ef82571e9bbb&id=65c900e557&e=6610be86c2
Inquiries in relation to the conference should be sent to: bruges@eden-online.org mailto:bruges@eden-online.org
The 28th EDEN Annual Conference is the initiative of EDEN supported by the ERASMUS+ Programme of the European Union
EDEN - European Distance and E-Learning Network Secretariat Tel: +36 1 463 1628, 463 2537 Fax: +36 1 463 1858 E-mail: bruges@eden-online.org mailto:bruges@eden-online.org http://www.eden-online.org https://eden-online.us9.list-manage.com/track/click?u=d513a442748b7ef82571e9bbb&id=c4768aa380&e=6610be86c2
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