-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [AISWorld] PROFES 2013: Last Call for Short Papers & Posters Date: Tue, 19 Mar 2013 13:26:48 +0200 From: George Angelos Papadopoulos george@cs.ucy.ac.cy To: SIGSAND-L@CLIFFY.UCS.MUN.CA SIGSAND-L@CLIFFY.UCS.MUN.CA, confs-submit@hri.org confs-submit@hri.org, irlist@lists.shef.ac.uk irlist@lists.shef.ac.uk, hellas@lists.psu.edu hellas@lists.psu.edu, CHI-ANNOUNCEMENTS@LISTSERV.ACM.ORG CHI-ANNOUNCEMENTS@LISTSERV.ACM.ORG, aisworld@lists.aisnet.org aisworld@lists.aisnet.org, semantic-web@w3.org semantic-web@w3.org
PROFES 2013 ? 14th International Conference on Product-Focused Software Development and Process Improvement
12-14 June, Azia Resort and Spa, Paphos Cyprus
*** Last Call for Short Papers & Posters ***
PROFES ?13 invites submissions of Short papers and Posters related to all the topics of interest of the conference. Papers that address collaborations between industry and academia, case studies as well as experience reports on any of the conference themes are welcome. For more information on the conference topics, visit the PROFES 2013 webpage (http://profes2013.cs.ucy.ac.cy).
Short papers should promote current work, research, practices, experiences, and issues that are not at a mature stage to be submitted as full papers. As so, they represent a good way for fast tracking new technical work in progress. Short papers will be presented in a special session and will be published in the conference proceedings.
Posters should visually express an idea, and experience or research results in an appealing form. Work presented in a poster does not have to be fully developed, as so it represents a manner for receiving feedback on new ideas. Furthermore, an interesting poster will encourage interaction among conference participants, favor discussion, and possibly promote future collaborations. Posters will be displayed at the conference.
Short papers must not be more than 4 pages and poster proposals not more than 2 pages. Each submission will be peer-reviewed by the short paper and poster committee. All submitted short papers must conform to the Springer LNCS author guidelines found at: http://www.springer.com/computer/lncs?SGWID=
Publication is dependent on at least one author registering to attend PROFES 2013.
Submissions should be submitted to the easychair account on or before the deadline https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=profes2013
Important Dates (Firm)
Short papers and Posters Submission deadline: March 27, 2013 Notification of Acceptance: April 19, 2013 Camera Ready: May 1, 2013
Short Papers and Posters chair
Maria Teresa Baldassarre, University of Bari, Italy, baldassarre@di.uniba.it mailto:baldassarre@di.uniba.it