Forwarded message from [laku@INDIANA.EDU (Chidambaram, Laku)] sent originally on Mon, 6 Dec 1999 11:57:25 -0500: : CALL FOR PAPERS : : e-Service Qu@rterly: A Journal of Electronic Services in the Private and : Public Sectors : : ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ : SUBMISSION DEADLINE FOR THE INAUGURAL ISSUE IS FEBRUARY 15, 2000 : ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ : : The e-Service Qu@rterly is a multi-disciplinary journal aimed at publishing : high-quality, original, innovative, peer-reviewed research about the design, : delivery and impact of electronic services rendered using a variety of : computing and communication technologies. The journal combines both private : sector and public sector perspectives regarding electronic services and thus : bridges e-Business and e-Government. (For more details on the journal and a : complete listing of its advisory and editorial boards see: : : : Articles are being solicited for publication in the inaugural issue of the : e-Service Qu@rterly to be published by the IU Press in the Fall of 2000. The : journal will publish regular research articles and shorter articles : including reviews, outlooks and responses. Any paper submitted to the : journal must be original, previously unpublished and currently not under : consideration for publication elsewhere. : : Proposals for guest editing special issues of the journal focused on themes : related to e-Business or e-Government can also be submitted. All papers and : proposals should be sent as e-mail attachments (in MS Word or similar : format) to For detailed instructions, please see the : journal's website at: : : Some examples of topics that fit the scope of the journal include (but are : not limited to): : - the design and delivery of electronic services in such fields as : education, entertainment, politics, travel and leisure; : - the transaction of consumer-to-consumer services, such as in : electronic auctions, and their effects on the global economy; : - the coordination of business-to-business services (such as with : Internet-based EDI and supply-chain management); : - designing effective e-service sites, making delivery choices (e.g., : "pull" versus "push" technologies) and evaluating performance; : - the transformation of traditional commercial services such as : banking and retailing via e-Commerce; : - charging for and pricing of e-Services (with digital cash, : electronic coupons etc.); : - the management of services within and across organizations (such as : with virtual teams and outsourcing); : - the role and impact of service providers (including ASPs, ISPs and : WPPs); : - the delivery of public services to citizens via electronic means : (such as in e-stamps and the electronic filing of tax returns); : - the electronic participation of constituents in policy making and : public service (such as in online voting, electronic volunteerism and : digital democracy); : - the development and management of the infrastructure and : technologies needed to deliver electronic services; : - the regulation of, and security for e-Services; and, : - the impact of electronic services on individuals, organizations and : society. : : ÿÿStart of ISWorld List Footer ÿÿ : Moving? Want to subscribe/unsubscribe? Find an old posting? : See: : If you do not find the answer contact : ÿÿEnd of ISWorld List Footer ÿÿ
-- Wirtschaftsinformatik, FB5, Universitaet GH Essen,