-------- Original Message -------- Subject: [AISWorld] GITM2012 conference in Bangalore - E-Politics track Date: Sat, 22 Oct 2011 10:19:32 -0400 (EDT) From: Celia R. Livermore ak1667@wayne.edu To: AISWorld@lists.aisnet.org
GITMA 2012, http://www.gitma.org. June 17, 18 and 19, 2012 in Bangalore, India. SUBMISSION DEADLINE: November 15, 2011.
THE FIRST MAJOR INTERNATIONAL IS/IT ACADEMIC CONFERENCE IN INDIA. The submission deadline is November 15, 2011. Full papers, short papers, extended abstracts, and panel/workshop proposals may be submitted.
The 13th Annual Global Information Technology Management Association (GITMA) World conference will be held in Bangalore, India on June 17, 18, and 19, 2012. Bangalore is known as the software capital of the world. Besides the academic program, field trips and fun trips are planned. For further information about GITMA and the conference, please go to our web site: http://www.gitma.org. You can also directly go the conference management system to make a submission: https://www.easychair.org/account/signin.cgi?conf=gitma2012
In this call, submissions are invited to the following track:
TRACK: ePolitics TRACK CHAIRS: Celia Romm Livermore and Piereluigi Rippa DESCRIPTION: Power and politics (defined as influence attempts) are prevalent in all aspects of system implementation. In fact, there is a significant body of literature on how issues of power and politics affect the role that CIO's play in organizations, the negotiations that take place during the process of system design, and aspects like pre-implementation decision making, training, maintenance, and modification of systems. The objective of this track is to attract quality papers that focus on these topics. POSSIBLE TOPICS:
Topics to be discussed in this track include (but are not limited to) the following: • Changes in the power of the IT unit as a function of the diffusion of new technologies • CIO as a political actor in the process of design and implementation of IS • Impact of cultural issues on the political aspects of system design and implementation • Impact of gender and other demographic variables on the power and politics of system design and implementation • Impact of global issues on the political aspects of system design and implementation • Political behavior of members of the IT function vis-à-vis the organization • Political impact of outsourcing • Political role of the CIO vis-à-vis the management team, including his/her perception and acceptance by the other members of the executive team • Politics of changes causes by implementation of new information systems • Politics of design • Politics of implementing information systems in times of recession and downsizing • Politics of merging systems • Politics of modifications and upgrades
THE GITMA WORLD CONFERENCE IS BY DESIGN FOR ALL INTERNATIONAL IS/IT RESEARCHERS, EDUCATORS, AND PROFESSIONALS. The 12th annual GITMA conference was held in Las Vegas, USA in June 2011. It was a huge success, with excellent papers, research forums, panels, workshops and keynote speakers. We are a truly international IS conference and we attract participants from all parts of the world.
Program Chair: Dr. Celia Romm Livermore, Wayne State University, USA, ak1667@wayne.edu Program Co-Chairs: Dr. Dolphy Abraham, Alliance University, India, dolphy.abraham@alliance.edu.in Dr. Pierluigi Rippa, University of Naples Federico II, Italy, pierluigi.rippa@unina.it Conference Chair: Dr. Prashant Palvia, University of North Carolina at Greensboro, USA, pcpalvia@uncg.edu Local Chair: Dr. Sajan Mathew, Alliance University, India, sajan.mathew@alliance.edu.in
This conference provides a unique opportunity to all IT educators, researchers, and practitioners from all countries to get together to network, develop lasting relationships, and exchange ideas. The clear strength is the international participation and the following people should attend:
Educators, researchers, and practitioners from North America (including US, Mexico, and Canada) Given the location of the conference, we encourage educators, researchers, and practitioners from Asia and Europe. Educators, researchers, and practitioners from all other parts of the world, including developed, developing, and under-developed nations. We encourage Educators, researchers, and practitioners doing work in all areas of Global IT Management
Representative Tracks: ePolitics, IT in Africa; IT in Asia; IT in Australian Region; Culture in Diffusion of IT; Customer Relationship Management; Decision Support& Knowledge Management; Doctoral Consortium; eGovernance; Global IT Education; Global ERP& SCM Systems; IT in Europe; IT in For-mer Communist Countries; Global Business Processes; Global E-Commerce; Global IT Complex Networks; IT for Government& National Development; Global IT Research Issues ; Global Software Development; Mobile Commerce; IT and Change Management; IT in Africa; IT in Middle Eastern Countries; IT in Manufacturing; IT in Multinational Companies; IT in North America; IT in Newly Industrialized Countries; IT Outsourcing; IT in South America; Social Issues& Ethics in Global IT; Security& Privacy; IT in SMEs; Strategic Applications of IT; Global Hospitality IT. In addition, there will be several panels, workshops, and keynote speakers.
JOURNAL PUBLICATION: Submissions accepted as full papers will be given an opportunity for publication consideration in the journal: Communications of Global Information Technology (COGIT). Paper judged as higher quality by the reviewers will be further considered for publication on an expedited basis in the Journal of Global Information Technology Management (JGITM), Journal of Information Technology Cases& Applications Research (JITCAR), International Journal of ePolitics (IJEP), and Journal of Information Privacy and Security (JIPS).