-------- Weitergeleitete Nachricht -------- Betreff: [WI] CfP Workshops and Doctoral Consortium - BIS 2016 Datum: Tue, 8 Mar 2016 08:44:15 +0100 Von: Rainer Alt rainer.alt@uni-leipzig.de Antwort an: Rainer Alt rainer.alt@uni-leipzig.de An: wi@lists.uni-karlsruhe.de
co-located with
19th International Conference on Business Information Systems - BIS 2016
Leipzig University, Germany
July 6 - 8, 2016
List of workshops and Doctoral Consortium
(1) AKTB 2016 - 8th Workshop on Applications of Knowledge-Based Technologies in Business
submission deadline: May 22, 2016
(2) BITA 2016 - 7th Workshop on Business and IT Alignment
submission deadline: May 10, 2016
(3) DeBASE 2016 - Workshop on big Data and Business AnalyticS Ecosystem
submission deadline: April 29, 2016
(4) FSFE 2016 - 4th Workshop on Formal Semantics for the Future Enterprise
submission deadline: May 1, 2016
(5) iCRM 2016 - 1st International Workshop on Intelligent Data Analysis in Integrated Social CRM
submission deadline: May 1, 2016
(6) IDEA 2016 - 2nd International Workshop on Digital Enterprise Engineering and Architecture
submission deadline: April 12, 2016
(7) INCLuDE 2016 - 1st International Workshop on Integrative Analysis and Computation of Life Data for Smart Ecosystems
submission deadline: May 1, 2016
(8) LIT 2016 - 6th Workshop on Legal Informatics and Legal Information Technology
submission deadline: May 22, 2016
(9) PMSPCR 2016 - Workshop on Process Mining for Security, Privacy, Compliance & Resilience
submission deadline: April 12, 2016
(10) SOC-LOG 2016 - 4th International Workshop on Service Orientation in Computing and Logistics
submission deadline: May 22, 2016
(11) TSRB 2016 - 2nd Workshop on Tools for Setting Up and Running a Business in Cloud Computing
submission deadline: May 29, 2016
(12) Doctoral Consortium
submission deadline: May 1, 2016
Detailed descriptions are also included below.
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(1) 8th Workshop on Applications of Knowledge-Based Technologies in Business (AKTB 2016)
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The AKTB2016 is the 8th workshop organized in conjunction with BIS series conferences. It pursues to engage researchers and practitioners, specialists and market analysts to share their research experiences and domain knowledge in application of contemporary computational intelligence methods for modelling and implementation of business information systems. We invite papers which provide advanced services for the information systems users, propose innovative solutions for Smart Business and process modelling, especially targeting Big Data issues.
* Artificial intelligence for big data
* Business process and information requirements analysis
* Advanced knowledge-based business information systems
* Advanced research and case studies of application computational methods in banking, insurance and credit risk evaluation, company rating systems
* Computational intelligence for business (artificial neural networks, fuzzy systems, expert systems)
* Decision support systems in business enterprises, financial institutions and e-management
* Knowledge-based models of data mining in business
* Agent-based and embedded systems in business applications
* Information systems in e-business, e-banking and marketing
* Advanced computational approaches to portfolio optimization and selection
* Analysis of financial time series
* Estimations, modelling, algorithms of application of investment strategies in financial markets
* Long papers: max. 12 pages
* Work-in-progress reports: max. 6 pages
* Demo papers: max. 4 pages
Important dates
* May 22, 2016 - submission deadline for papers
* June 6, 2016 - notification of acceptance/rejection
* June 12, 2016 - submission of final papers
* July 6-8, 2016 - workshop
* Vilnius University, Department of Informatics
* Dalia Kriksciuniene
* Virgilijus Sakalauskas
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(2) 7th Workshop on Business and IT Alignment (BITA 2016)
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A contemporary challenge for enterprises is to keep up with the pace of changing business demands imposed on them in different ways. There is today an obvious demand for continuous improvement and alignment in enterprises but unfortunately many organizations don’t have proper instruments (methods, tools, patterns, best practices etc.) to achieve this. Enterprise modeling, enterprise architecture, and business process management are three areas belonging to traditions where the mission is to improve business practice and business and IT alignment (BITA). BITA is many times manifested through the transition of taking an enterprise from one state (AS-IS) into another improved state (TO-BE), i.e. a transformation of the enterprise and it’s supporting IT into something that is regarded as better. Recent development within areas like Internet of Things (IoT), Cyber Physical Systems (CPS), and digitalization in general has brought new dimensions to BITA where BITA becomes an important part of smart business ecosystems. A continuous challenge with BITA is to move beyond a narrow focus on one tradition or technology. There is a need to be aware of and able to deal with a number of dimensions of the enterprise architecture, their connectivity, and their relations in order to create alignment. Examples of such dimensions are: organizational structures, strategies, business models, work practices, processes, and IS/IT structures. Among the concepts that deserve special attention in this context is enterprise architecture management (EAM). An effective EAM aligns IT investments with overall business priorities, determines who makes the IT decisions and assigns accountability for the outcomes. IT governance is also a dimension that traditionally has had a strong impact on BITA. There are ordinarily three governance mechanisms that an enterprise needs to have in place, 1) decision-making structures, 2) alignment process, and 3) formal communications.
This workshop aims to bring together people who have an interest in BITA. We invite researchers and practitioners from both industry and academia to submit original results of their completed or ongoing projects. We encourage to a broad understanding of possible approaches and solutions for BITA, including EAM and IT governance subjects. Specific focus is on practices of business and IT alignment, i.e. we have encouraged submission of case study and experiences papers.
* Business and IT alignment and smart business ecosystems
* Best practice business and IT alignment case studies
* Business and IT alignment in small and medium sized enterprises
* Business and IT alignment discovery, change and improvement – methodologies and best practices
* Business and IT alignment in the era of internet of things (IoT) and cyber physical systems (CPS)
* Business and IT alignment through BPM
* Business value of business and IT alignment
* Challenges in business and IT alignment
* Critical success factors and associated KPIs´ for alignment initiatives
* Design thinking in business and alignment
* Enterprise architecture management (EAM) for business and IT alignment
* Enterprise modelling as a tool for business and IT alignment
* Experience reports and case studies
* Human aspects of business and IT alignment; organizational staffing and structure, change management and leadership strategies
* IT governance as a mean for alignment
* Metrics associated with the alignment life cycle, re-design, implementation, management and improvement
* Practices of business and IT alignment
* Organisational implementations of various levels of business and IT alignment approaches
* The relationship between BPM and enterprise architecture
* Long papers: max. 12 pages
Important dates
* May 10, 2016 (11:59pm CET) - submission deadline for papers
* May 31, 2016 - notification of acceptance/rejection
* July 6-8, 2016 - workshop
* Jönköping University
* Rostock University
* Ulf Seigerroth
* Kurt Sandkuhl
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(3) Workshop on big Data and Business AnalyticS Ecosystem (DeBASE 2016)
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The notion of big data and its application in driving organizational decision making has attracted enormous attention over the past few years. As the label itself indicates, big data refers to large volumes of data generated and made available online and in digital media ecosystems. Associated with the notion of big data are aspects such as the diversity of data, the frequency by which it is updated, and the speed at which it grows. Companies are realizing that the data they own and the way they use them can differentiate them from competition, and even provide them with a competitive edge. Thus, todays companies try to collect and process as much data as possible. Big data and business analytics are also challenging existing modes of business and well-established companies. The need to harness the potential of rapidly expanding data volume, velocity, and variety, has seen a significant evolution of techniques and technologies for data storage, analysis, and visualization. Yet, there is limited understanding of how organizations need to change to embrace these technological innovations, and the business shifts they entail. As big data tools and applications spread, they will inevitably change long-standing ideas about decision making, management practices, and most importantly competitive strategy formulation. But as with any major change, the challenge of becoming a big data-driven enterprise can be enormous. Nevertheless, it’s a transition that executives need to navigate through, with limited empirical knowledge to guide their decisions.
The purpose of this workshop is to shed some light on how big data and business analytics tools are reshaping contemporary companies. The focus is on how companies should optimally deploy and exploit big data as part of their competitive strategies, as well as how the analytic methods, tools, and techniques are best utilized for supporting business operations. The workshop will be revolved on themes such as how big data are effectively leveraged in a range of contexts and industries (e.g. technology, retail, oil and gas, healthcare, telecommunications), and what critical factors drive successful diffusion. Papers that address topics on how information sources, technological infrastructure, human skills and knowledge, organizational/team structures, and management practices coalesce to achieve desired ends, are of increased interest. Furthermore, outcomes that demonstrate the organizational impact of big data and business analytics in terms of competitive performance, innovativeness, increased agility, and market capitalizing competence are encouraged. Emphasis will be placed on interdisciplinary papers that bridge the domains of organizational science, information systems strategic management, information science, marketing, and computer science. In addition, the workshop seeks to address the novel digital business strategies that emerge as part of these new technologies, and particularly the entrepreneurial wave and start-up business models that transpire.
Despite the hype surrounding big data, the aforementioned predicaments still remain largely unexplored, severely hampering the business potential of big data and business analytics. The workshop aims to add in this direction and therefore welcomes quantitative, qualitative, and mixed methods papers, as well as reviews, conceptual papers, and theory development papers. Especially concerning the theory development papers, we highly encourage authors to explore how information systems, information management, and strategic management theories can be used or extended to explain big data and business analytics-related phenomena.
* Emerging concepts and methodologies on big data and analytics
* Big data and management
* Organizational learning and innovation from big data and business analytics
* Data-driven competitive advantage
* Human resource management in the data-driven enterprise
* Big data digital business models
* Proactive strategy formulation from big data analytics
* Data and text mining for business analytics
* Big data and analytics to create business value
* Social media analytics for business
* Data quality improvement for business analytics
* Big data and its impact on business strategy-formulation
* Digital ecosystem big data
* Full research papers: max. 12 pages
* Research in progress: max. 7 pages
Important dates
* April 29, 2016 - submission deadline for papers
* June 3, 2016 - notification of acceptance/rejection
* June 17, 2016 - submission of final papers
* July 6-8, 2016 - workshop
* Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway
* Athens University of Economic and Business, Greece
* Patrick Mikalef
* Ilias O. Pappas
* Michail N. Giannakos
* John Krogstie
* George Lekakos
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(4) 4th Workshop on Formal Semantics for the Future Enterprise (FSFE 2016)
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The goal of the workshop is to bring together researchers to share knowledge and experiences on formal aspects of the Future Enterprise, particularly pertaining to knowledge representation and how it can be employed to manage various facets of the enterprise, both at design-time (e.g., descriptions of services, processes, business context) and at run-time (e.g., process execution, service discovery).
Current trends in manufacturing, supply chain management and product servitization systems are stimulated by emerging paradigms such as Factories of the Future, Virtual Enterprises, Smart Factories etc. The workshop aims to narrow down and crystallize the characteristics of such relatively informal notions, to consolidate them under the umbrella term of Future Enterprise and to highlight their requirements with respect to semantic information systems. Disciplines such as Enterprise Modeling, Ontology Engineering, Semantic Web Services or Linked Enterprise Data are expected to converge under the topics proposed by the workshop.
We invite papers which raise research questions and provide semantic approaches on challenges pertaining to next-generation enterprise information systems and enterprise virtualization. The workshop aims to attract interdisciplinary contributions that are rooted in areas such as Knowledge Management and Knowledge Engineering, while providing value and advancement opportunities for future enterprises. The proposed array of topics is an acknowledgment of the fact that non-ambiguous representation and processing of semantics can be tackled with a wide range of approaches (e.g. conceptual modeling, natural language, logics, knowledge discovery) and supported by heterogeneous technologies (e.g. ontologies, modeling languages, semantic lifting tools, information retrieval algorithms).
* Semantic support for collaborative business networks
* Cloud management and semantics for product-service systems
* Knowledge acquisition in virtual enterprises
* Modeling and simulation of manufacturing processes for Factories of the Future
* Description logics for decision support in virtual enterprises
* Description, discovery and composition of Semantic Web Services
* Description and execution of Semantic Business Processes
* Methodologies and technologies for the semantic lifting of legacy enterprise systems
* Formal methods for enterprise modeling
* Context-awareness in Enterprise Information Systems
* Computational semantics and natural language processing for business documents
* Reasoning for automated decision making in virtual enterprises
* Data linking and ontology management in collaborative business networks
* Semantics of cyberphysical systems in Factories of the Future
* Security and access control semantics for virtual enterprise resources
* The workshop will accept papers of up to 12 pages formatted according to the Springer LNBIP template. The initial submission must be in the PDF format.
Important dates
* May 1, 2016 - submission deadline for papers
* May 17, 2016 - notification of acceptance/rejection (including revisions based on reviewer comments)
* June 1, 2016 - submission of final papers
* July 6-8, 2016 - workshop
* July 20, 2016 - submission of final papers for publication (including revisions based on workshop feedback)
* Babeș-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Business Information Systems Department
* Robert Buchmann
* Razvan Petrusel
* Gheorghe Cosmin Silaghi
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(5) 1st International Workshop on Intelligent Data Analysis in Integrated Social CRM (iCRM 2016)
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Integrated Social Customer Relationship Management (Social CRM) is an emerging concept that includes strategies, processes and technologies that bring together Social Media on the Web and CRM processes. However, transforming the large mass of data available on social media into value adding opportunities for companies remains challenging. Today, a variety of software applications based on Web and Text Mining techniques is used for this task. These are helpful for identifying relevant Social Media postings and for extracting basic information (e.g. number of “likes”, occurrence of key words in postings, identification of simple sentiments), but they are insufficient for identifying more complex patterns, for example, semantic relationships between actors, profiles and postings from large, dispersed and unstructured databases. For instance, advanced techniques such as Semantic Business Intelligence (SBI) (e.g., semantic enrichment and disambiguation of social media data, data warehouses based on the semantic Web, semantic interoperability) or Computational Intelligence (CI) (e.g. artificial neural networks, Bayesian models, fuzzy systems and evolutionary computing) promise a great potential to improve the capabilities in knowledge discovery and may also enable new usage scenarios in Social CRM (e.g. impact simulation, network analysis, topic development, trend prediction) in various domains (e.g. tourism, banking, energy, public sector, publishing, health, logistics, education).
The workshop aims to shed light on current research efforts targeting the development of innovative tools and methods for intelligent data analysis in Social CRM, resulting in new (integrated) processes and capabilities. The setup is interdisciplinary and invites researchers as well as professionals to contribute research papers, case studies or to present prototypes on relevant topics, both completed and ongoing. The workshop will take place in conjunction with the Annual Meeting of the German-Brazilian Partnerships for Social CRM and a tutorial on Data Analysis in Social CRM hosted by the Social CRM Research Center.
* Innovative Social CRM tools
* Social CRM in business
* Novel data analysis algorithms
* Data integration and fusion in Social CRM
* Innovative and data-driven Social CRM processes
* Data enabled Social CRM scenarios
* Big data approaches in Social CRM
* CRM process support on the Social Web
* Requirement and current short comings of Social Analytics
* Value of data analysis in Social CRM
* Theory development
* Case studies representing the current and new scenarios in Social CRM
* Crowdsourcing in data analysis
* Privacy-preserving analysis
* Privacy Management and data analysis in Social CRM
* Data quality in Social CRM Analytics
* Full research papers: max. 12 pages
* Research in progress: max. 7 pages
* Case studies and teaching cases: max. 5 pages
* Prototypes, including an extended abstract: max. 5 pages
Important dates
* May 1, 2016 - submission deadline for papers
* June 5, 2016 - notification of acceptance/rejection
* June 26, 2016 - submission of final papers
* July 6-8, 2016 - workshop and tutorial
* Leipzig University/Social CRM Research Center, Germany
* Rainer Alt
* Olaf Reinhold
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(6) 2nd International Workshop on Digital Enterprise Engineering and Architecture (IDEA 2016)
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Digitization is the use of digital technologies for creating innovative digital business models and transforming existing business models and processes. Information is captured and processed without human intervention using digital means. Digitization creates profound changes in the economy and society. Digitization has both business and technological perspectives. Digital business models and process are essential for many companies to achieve their strategic goals.
Digitization impacts both the product, customer and the value-creation perspective. Digitized products are dynamic, their functionality can be extended on the fly by using external services. They are capable of reflecting on their own status and thus morph the selling of physical assets to services. Digitization changes the relationships with the customer significantly. Personal interaction is replaced by self-service and proactive action. The customer interacts with the enterprise using a multitude of implicit touchpoints created by the Internet of Things. Digitization fosters new models of value creation such as Service-Dominant Logic. Value is also created by platform and network effects.
On a technological level, digitization embraces the automation of processes and decisions. Advanced analytics provides the automation of decisions hitherto made by human beings. Typical elements of digital enterprise architectures are the use of decision automation, predictive or even prescriptive analytics. In this way, digital technologies such as service-orientation, cloud computing, big data, mobile or the internet of things enable the creation of new options for enterprises and organizations.
Due to the high diversity of concepts, the complexity of systems involved and the heterogeneity of stakeholders, a methodological foundation is crucial to the success of digitization. Therefore, the workshop “Digital Enterprise Engineering and Architecture” integrates business with technological themes and applies methodical and engineering principles to the design of Digital Enterprise Architectures (EA). It strives for deriving the EA from the enterprise goals and strategy and aligning it with the enterprise resources. The workshop embraces concepts from Computer Science, Business Information Systems, and Business Administration.
The goal of the workshop is to identify challenges from digitization for enterprises and organizations and to advance Digital Enterprise Engineering and Architecture to cope with these challenges. The workshop shall identify and develop concepts and methods that assist the engineering and the management of digital enterprise architectures and the software systems supporting them.
* Methods for the Design and Management of Digital Enterprises
* Alignment of the enterprise goals and strategies with the digital enterprise architecture
* Digital Strategy and Governance
* Architectural patterns for value-co-creation, dynamic and servitized products
* Service in digital enterprises
* Business process management in Digital Enterprises
* Advanced Analytics for the Support of Digital Enterprises
* Self-service and automation in Digital Enterprises
* Customer journeys and relationship management in digital enterprises
* Internet of Things and Digital Enterprises
* Impact of digitization on society and economy
* Security in Digital Architectures
* Full papers: max. 12 pages
* Position papers and tool reports: max. 8 pages
Important dates
* Apr 12, 2016 - submission deadline for papers
* May 17, 2016 - notification of acceptance/rejection
* June 24, 2016 - submission of final papers
* July 6-8, 2016 - workshop
* Université Paris 1 – Panthéon – Sorbonne, France
* MUAS (Munich University of Applied Sciences), Faculty of Computer Science and Mathematics, Germany
* Reutlingen University, Germany
* Selmin Nurcan
* Rainer Schmidt
* Alfred Zimmermann
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(7) 1st International Workshop on Integrative Analysis and Computation of Life Data for Smart Ecosystems (INCLuDE 2016)
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The enormous progress in information technologies (IT), in circuit miniaturization as well as the immense efforts in the investigation of biomedical and ecological systems builds a strong basis to realize an optimal, healthy, economically efficient environment. The data flow, coming from sensors, business processes, enquiries, social networks and other manifold sources is extremely complex and dynamic. Therefore, sufficient analysis methods and corresponding IT solutions are crucial for the extraction and handling of the information embedded in the data. The data generating systems need to be investigated separately. However, these systems function or exist in continuous interaction among one another. The content as well as the influence of these relations is partly investigated yet, and poses a huge challenge on innovative concepts, methodologies, models and IT-architectures. New paradigms of thought are needed for empowering science, society and business to understand, design and optimize high-dimensional, spatio- temporally interacting systems and processes.
This workshop provides the opportunity for interdisciplinary discussions of problems and potential solutions as well as for cooperation on the fascinating new world of complex life data. Competences from the area of Information Systems, Data Science, Environmental Science, Computer Science, Mathematics, Medicine, Psychology, Philosophy and Business are required to present complimentary knowledge, advanced approaches and new promising ideas contributing to the investigation of life data determined ecosystems.
* Methods for data analysis
* Predictive analytics
* Data integration
* Fusion of data, methods and results
* Modelling of complex life processes
* Process monitoring
* Ecosystem modelling
* IT-infrastructures
* IT-architectures
* Services, e.g. for the extraction, fusion, analytics and presentation of data
* Transformation processes
* Sources of complex life data, e.g. social media, enterprise databases, health data
* Privacy
* Data protection
* Result interpretation and application
* Full research papers: max. 12 pages
* Research in progress: max. 7 pages
* Case studies and teaching cases: max. 5 pages
* Prototypes, including an extended abstract: max. 5 pages
Important dates
* May 1, 2016 - submission deadline for papers
* May 15, 2016 - notification of acceptance/rejection
* June 26, 2016 - submission of final papers
* July 6-8, 2016 - workshop
* Information Systems Institute, Leipzig University, Germany
* Institute for Applied Informatics at Leipzig University, Germany
* Galina Ivanova
* Rainer Alt
* Peter Dietrich
* Bogdan Franczyk
* Markus Löffler
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(8) 6th Workshop on Legal Informatics and Legal Information Technology (LIT 2016)
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The Legal Informatics and Legal Information Technology (LIT) Workshop is a gathering of people interested in broadly understood Legal Informatics and its applications. The previous LIT was held in 2013 in Poznań, Poland as part of the 16th International Conference on Business Information Systems. As a continuation of previous editions, every LIT invites people dealing with different domains closely related to legal matter and Information Technology.
The 6th Legal Informatics and Legal Information Technology Workshop is planned to be a multi-disciplinary, one-day workshop that will bring together practitioners and researchers to investigate challenges and opportunities in the emerging trends on the verge of law and IT. The workshop will examine vital issues, including law-related business processes, legal ontologies, description frameworks, discussing new researches and innovative applications in Law, Information Technology as well as legal application domains (tax, commercial, insurance law, etc). The workshop is receptive to all papers dealing with any topic in these interdisciplinary domains.
* Alternative & online Dispute Resolution
* Computational models for legal reasoning
* Information extraction & categorization of legal documents
* Information Technology & Crime Prevention
* Information Technology & Dispute Resolution
* Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining in Law
* Knowledge management in the legal domain
* Law & Future Internet technologies
* Legal argumentation
* Legal aspects of BIS
* Legal aspects of IT
* Legal discourse modeling and legal reasoning
* Legal electronic agents
* Legal Expert Systems
* Legal ontologies – creation, use & lifecycles
* Legal reasoning and its computer representation
* Natural language processing in law
* Question answering retrieval for law and governmental services
* Risk management & trust in law
* Semantic indexing of legal documents
* Semantic Web technologies in law and e-government
* Specialized knowledge representation and logics for law
* Specific legal domains appliances (systems in civil, tax, commercial, insurance law)
* Text mining and knowledge extraction in law
* Validation of legal knowledge
Important dates
* May 22, 2016 - submission deadline for papers
* June 6, 2016 - notification of acceptance/rejection
* June 12, 2016 - submission of final papers
* July 6-8, 2016 - workshop
* University of Vienna, Austria
* Poznan University of Economics and Business, Poland
* Victoria University, Australia
* Erich Schweighofer
* Piotr Stolarski
* John Zeleznikow
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(9) Workshop on Process Mining for Security, Privacy, Compliance & Resilience (PMSPCR 2016)
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Security in Business Processes (BP) is an extension to well-known security analysis. Security rules are either defined by regulation, e.g. data protection law, or as guidelines for good conducts, e.g. Basel III or SOX. Business guidelines, e.g. ITIL and COBIT, form a specification of regulation and business conduct, but there are almost no satisfying approaches as far as computer science is concerned. This workshop deals with process mining as a means for security analysis.
Three phases may be identified: process analysis before execution, monitoring, or after execution of the BP. With regard to the latter, logs recording the events executed in BP build the basis for Process Mining (PM), which provides methods and tools to ensure compliance to regulations and guidelines.
This workshop aims to explore the potentials of process mining to bridge the gap between an analysis of workflows and a certification of compliance and security. We invite innovative and previously undisclosed contributions, but also case studies and best practices, which present the analysis of business processes related to security, resilience and privacy aspects “by design”, during runtime, and forensically, based on the analysis of process logs. In this regard, we explicitly invite submission of practical contributions.
* delegation of rights in business processes
* agility and resilience of business processes
* temporal aspects in business processes
* resource impact analysis
* forensic log analysis
* constraint based obstruction detection and correction/workarounds
* interoperability of workflow systems
* impacts of interferences on processes
* process mining and ex-post analysis of processes
* conformance checking
* process optimization with external data sources
* integration of automated workflows in existing structures
* Long papers: max. 12 pages
Important dates
* April 12, 2016 - submission deadline for papers
* May 17, 2016 - notification of acceptance/rejection
* June 14, 2016 - submission of final papers
* July 6-8, 2016 - workshop
* Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg
* Günter Müller
* Julius Holderer
* Adrian Lange
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(10) 4th International Workshop on Service Orientation in Computing and Logistics (SOC-LOG 2016)
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Service orientation has become a prevalent paradigm for engineering and managing new forms of smart, highly integrative, usage-based business ecosystems. Its significance is being increasingly recognized by research communities that study new approaches for establishing smart service offerings in different domains. Logistics is a service domain that has a particularly high potential of benefiting from service orientation and service-based systems. The objective of logistics is to service individual firms, supply chains and entire industries with flexible means for realizing flows of goods from the point of origin to the point of destination. Logistics relies essentially on the ability to: (1) share resources of different organizations, (2) provide complex services based on configurations of elementary services, (3) coordinate service delivery across organizations, and (4) maintain an agreed quality of service. These requirements match closely to the key characteristics of service-based systems. While recent advances in the engineering and management of such systems have been made, still many questions regarding the design of the models and methods to be used as well as their efficacy and usefulness remain to be answered.
This workshop aims at bringing together researchers and practitioners from different, though overlapping areas: services computing, information systems, and logistics/supply chain management. The objective is to to discuss the state of the art, on-going projects and open research questions at the intersection of services computing and logistics/supply chain management. The workshop intends to provide a forum for discussing research approaches that will (1) enhance the understanding of the problem domain, (2) provide ideas to solving important problems either in the domain or the models and methods, or (3) evaluate models and methods of services computing by reporting their use through, e.g., case study, experimentation, simulation. The workshop is not restricted to particular research methods and we will consider both conceptual, theoretical and empirical research, as well as novel applications.
* Logistics services representation
* Servitization of logistics systems
* Modularization of services
* Logistics service models
* Reference models for logistics services
* Semantic models for logistics services
* Repositories and dictionaries for logistics services
* Logistics services description
* Syntactical description of logistics services
* Semantic description of logistics services
* Logistics ontologies / ontologies for logistics services
* QoS attributes of logistics services
* Contextual and mobility aspects of logistics services
* Coordination of logistics services
* Discovery of logistics services
* Composition of logistics services
* Orchestration and choreography of logistics services
* Market-based coordination of logistics services, i.e., auctions, exchanges
* Data-driven logistics service coordination
* Management of logistics services
* Logistics service lifecycle management
* Logistics service governance, risk and compliance
* Logistics service portfolio management
* Logistics service level management
* Logistics service privacy and security management
* Domain-specific SLA models and semantic annotation of SLAs for logistics services
* SLA negotiation protocols for logistics services
* Accounting, pricing, monitoring of logistics services
* Integrating logistics services into service management infrastructures
* Delivery of logistics services
* Logistics service runtime management and monitoring
* Verification of logistics services
* Simulation and optimization of logistics services
* Transactional safeguarding of logistics services
* Service-oriented architectures for the setup and enactment of logistics services
* Technologies for service deliveries
* Submission system is available at EasyChair
Important dates
* May 22, 2016 - submission deadline papers
* June 5, 2016 - notification of acceptance/rejection
* June 12, 2016 - submission of final papers
* July 6-8, 2016 - workshop
* University of Hohenheim, Germany
* Kühne Logistics University, Hamburg/Germany
* Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia
* Joerg Leukel
* André Ludwig
* Alex Norta
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(11) 2nd Workshop on Tools for Setting Up and Running a Business in Cloud Computing (TSRB 2016)
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During the last decade technology evolved in a way that resulted in huge amount of data. This evolvement imposed on enterprises, the need to automate their core processes for operational excellence while spending huge amount of money to acquire the infrastructure and the tools to do so. The data repositories developed, provided the means to accrue the significant benefit of leveraging the value hidden in information accumulated during business transactions over time to support decision making and improve performance implying additional investments for the companies.
Nowadays, this need becomes crucial for the survival of enterprises since competition becomes more aggressive, profit margins are limited, market becomes more demanding and customers seek experience of high quality and value. Even though, the cost of such infrastructures has been significantly reduced, the economic crisis limited the business budgets (especially for small and medium enterprises) in ways that could not afford setting up high performance infrastructures.
The concept of cloud computing provides the solution to address the problem of high cost by providing infrastructures that accommodate the tools needed for setting up and running a business.
This workshop invites researchers and business experts to share knowledge by introducing innovative tools for setting up and running a business in cloud computing. We expect practitioners to demonstrate business case presentations or tutorials that will introduce the sophisticated technologies and skills needed to capture transactions and process business data: (a) to operate business and (b) to find patterns and relationships from past transactions to make decisions and to improve an organization’s performance and decision making ability.
* Cloud Computing: Solutions and Best Practices
* Innovative Cloud Business Products and Services
* Advanced Cloud-based Ecosystems
* In-memory Computing
* Business Intelligence and Data Analytics
* Advanced Cloud Management Solutions: Financials, HR, Sales, Procurement, Billing, Order Management, etc.
* Advanced Knowledge-Based Business Information Systems
* Decision Support Systems
* Digital Businesses
* Long papers: max. 12 pages
* Work-in-progress reports: max. 6 pages
* Demo papers: max. 4 pages
Important dates
* May 29, 2016 - submission deadline for papers
* June 20, 2016- notification of acceptance/rejection
* June 30, 2016 - submission of final papers
* July 6-8, 2016 - workshop
* Cyprus Telecommunication Authority
* Hariklea Kazeli
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(12) Doctoral Consortium
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The BIS Doctoral Consortium provides a forum where PhD students can share their work and interact with their peers as wells as senior scholars to receive valuable feedback on their work. By creating a collegial and friendly atmosphere, the objective of the consortium is to support PhD students in the effective design, implementation, and communication of their research. In particular, each student will be assigned a mentor who will also provide in-depth private feedback. In addition, the consortium offers opportunities for networking and, through the proceedings, publishing early results. Similarly to the BIS Conference, the consortium is open to PhD students from areas concerned with the development, implementation and application of business information systems, based on innovative ideas and computational intelligence methods. The consortium is not restricted to particular research methods and we will consider conceptual, theoretical and empirical research as well as novel applications.
Presentation and Publication
All accepted papers will be presented during the plenary sessions.
Revised papers will be published in a volume of the LNBIP series (Springer).
The consortium will be structured into three parts:
1) Plenary session including paper presentations by PhD students (30 minutes each),
2) Mentoring sessions of each one mentor and one or two students (60 minutes),
3) Final session to summarize results and feedback (30 minutes).
Applications should submit the following two documents:
* Dissertation proposal: This paper should outline the research in form of an extended abstract (research question; justification for the importance of the research; description of the research approach, theoretical foundation, and methodology; progress report). Formatting should follow the LNBIP guidelines. Papers should not exceed 10 pages (including abstract and references).
* Motivation letter: This two-page letter should include: a description of why the consortium is important to you; affiliation and contact details of the supervisor; short CV.
All documents must be submitted in English. All dissertation proposals will be peer-reviewed. The selection will be based on quality, relevance of the research, and potential impact to the field.
Important Dates
* May 1, 2016 - submission of applications
* May 23, 2016 - notification of acceptance
* May 31, 2016 - registration deadline (early bird rate)
* June 13, 2016 - submission of revised papers or consortium (including revisions based on reviewer comments)
* July 6, 2016 - doctoral consortium
* July 20, 2016 - submission of revised papers for publication (including revisions based on consortium feedback)
* University of Hohenheim, Germany
* Jörg Leukel
Rainer Alt, Prof. Dr.
Leipzig University
Information Systems Institute