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Subject: [RE03] 2nd CFP 11th IEEE Int. Requirements Engineering Conf. Date: Wed, 04 Dec 2002 11:32:45 +0100 From: Roel Wieringa roelw@cs.utwente.nl To: re03list@cs.utwente.nl Cc: roelw roelw@cs.utwente.nl
We made every effort to remove duplicates from this mailing list. We apologize for any multiple postings that may have remained.
******************************************************************* 11th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE'03) 8th-12th September 2003, Monterey Bay, California U.S.A. http://www.re03.org ******************************************************************* Sponsored by TCSE - IEEE Computer Society In cooperation with ACM Sigsoft - ACM
Requirements Engineering (RE) is the branch of systems engineering concerned with managing desired properties and constraints of software-intensive systems and with goals to be achieved in the environment. It is concerned with these aspects from the problem analysis stage to the implementation and maintenance stages of a system. Additional variety is added because of differences in issues that arise in different domains, ranging from public administration software to workflow systems, groupware and embedded systems and control software.
RE 03 will contain technical paper tracks and an industry presentation track. Two kinds of technical papers can be submitted, research papers and experience papers.
* Research papers must present an original research result in a clear way. They must indicate the research method used as well as the significance of the contribution to the field. Examples of research methods used are case study research, empirical research, experimental research and analytical research. * Experience papers must present a significant experience in a clear way. They must indicate the lessons learned from the experience. Examples of experience papers are a success or failure report about the transfer of known research results to industrial practice, and a report about an industrial experience that is generalizable to other contexts.
In addition to the technical papers, there will be industry presentations. See the submission page at http://www.re03.org for more on industry track submissions.
Topics of interest include, but are not restricted to: * Requirements elicitation techniques * Requirements validation techniques * Requirements management and traceability * Requirements evolution * Requirements, software architecture and business architecture * Requirements prioritizing and negotiation * Combination of formal and informal specification techniques * Requirements for high-assurance systems * Making formal techniques usable * RE for mechatronics systems * Specification of quality attributes * Requirements metrics * Tool support for RE * Prototyping, animation and execution of requirements * Requirements for business systems (workflow, groupware, e-commerce systems) * Requirements for web-based systems * Requirements for ubiquitous computing * Requirements for product families * Requirements engineering case studies and experiences * Cognitive, social and cultural factors in RE * Requirements engineering education
SUBMISSION INFORMATION Electronic submissions will be accepted at the RE'03 Paper submission site. Authors without web access must make advance arrangements with the Programme Chair at least one week before the deadline. Papers must not exceed 10 pages in length, and must in the IEEE CS Press Proceedings format (see http://computer.org/cspress/). Accepted papers must be accompanied by a signed IEEE copyright release form. See the submission page for information on how to submit technical papers (research and experience), workshop proposals, panel and tutorial proposals, doctoral workshop papers, posters, research demos and industry track contributions. For any other queries, please contact info@re03.org. Revised and extended versions of a selection of the best papers will appear, depending upon focus, in a special issue of the Requirements Engineering Journal or IEEE Software.
EVALUATION Research papers will be evaluated on their originality, significance, technical soundness of result, soundness of research method and clarity of presentation. Special attention will be paid to the validation of the results. Experience papers will be evaluated on the novelty of the contribution, significance for practice, technical soundness, and clarity of presentation. Special attention will be paid to the (positive or negative) lessons learned.
For more information about RE03, please contact us at info@re03.org.
KEY DATES Paper abstract submissions (mandatory) 31st January 2003 Full paper submissions 7th February 2003 Industry track submissions 1st March 2003 Notification sent to authors 11th April 2003 Workshop proposal submissions 29th March 2003 Tutorial proposal submissions 29th March 2003 Doctoral symposium submissions 29th March 2003 Poster submissions 26th April 2003 Research demo submissions 26th April 2003 Camera-ready papers received 13th June 2003
STEERING COMMITTEE CHAIR: Nancy Mead, Software Engineering Institute, U.S.A.
GENERAL CHAIR: Carl K. Chang, Iowa State University, U.S.A.
PROGRAM CHAIR: Roel Wieringa, University of Twente, the Netherlands
DOCTORAL SYMPOSIUM CHAIR: Mats Heimdahl, University of Minnesota, U.S.A.
POSTERS AND RESEARCH DEMO CHAIR: Didar Zowghi, University of Technology, Australia
WORKSHOP CHAIR: Betty Cheng, Michigan State University, U.S.A.
TUTORIAL CHAIR: Stuart Faulk, Portland State University, U.S.A.
INDUSTRIAL TRACK CHAIR: Nader Kameli, Guidant, U.S.A.
INDUSTRIAL TOOL EXHIBITION CHAIR: Ly D. Sauer, Sandia National Laboratories, U.S.A.
LOCAL ARRANGEMENTS TEAM: Roy Chardon, Cisco Systems, U.S.A. Merlin Dorfman, Cisco Systems, U.S.A. Brian Lawrence, Coyote Valley Software, U.S.A. Gregory Scott, Cisco Systems, U.S.A. Weider D. Yu, San Jose State University, U.S.A.
PUBLICATION CHAIR: Klaas Sikkel, University of Twente, the Netherlands
TREASURER: Johnny Wong, Iowa State University, U.S.A.
REGISTRATION CHAIR: Jane Cleland-Huang, Depaul University, U.S.A.
PUBLICITY CHAIRS: Asia and Pacific Rim: Mikio Aoyama, Nanzan University, Japan Europe: Michael Goedicke, University of Essen, Germany North America and the Middle East: Daniel Berry, University of Waterloo, Canada South America: Karin Breitman, Pontificia Universidade Catolica do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
WEBMASTER: Jinchun Xia, Iowa State University, U.S.A.
PROGRAM COMMITTEE: Annie Antón, U.S.A. Joanne Atlee, Canada Dan Berry, Canada Sjaak Brinkkemper, Netherlands Betty Cheng, U.S.A Al Davis, U.S.A. Eric Dubois, Luxembourg Steve Easterbrook, Canada Christof Ebert, France Steve Fickas, U.S.A. Anthony Finkelstein, U.K. Don Gause, U.S.A. Carlo Ghezzi, Italy Martin Glinz, Switzerland Michael Goedicke, Germany Sol Greenspan, U.S.A. Anthony Hall, U.K. Mats Heimdahl, U.S.A. Constance Heitmeyer, U.S.A. Peter In, U.S.A. Michael Jackson, U.K. Mathias Jarke, Germany Marina Jirotka, U.K. Nader Kameli, U.S.A. Søren Lauesen, Denmark Julio Leite, Brazil Michel Lemoine, France Pericles Loucopoulos, U.K. Robyn Lutz, U.S.A. Neil Maiden, U.K., John Mylopoulos, Canada Bashar Nuseibeh, U.K. Andreas Opdahl, Norway Oscar Pastor, Spain Klaus Pohl, Germany Colin Potts, U.S.A. Bjorn Regnell, Sweden Bill Robinson, U.S.A. Colette Rolland, France Kevin Ryan, Ireland Motoshi Saeki, Japan Andy Schuerr, Germany Jawed Siddiqi, U.K. Arne Sølvberg, Norway Ian Sommerville, U.K. Alistair Sutcliffe, U.K. Tetsuo Tamai, Japan Eric Yu, Canada Axel van Lamsweerde, Belgium Didar Zowghi, Australia