-------- Original-Nachricht -------- Betreff: [WI] CfP CAiSE 2009 - Industrial Track and PRET 2009 - Practice-driven Research on Enterprise Transformation Datum: Mon, 1 Sep 2008 13:20:47 +0200 Von: Stefan Strecker stefan.strecker@uni-duisburg-essen.de An: wi@aifb.uni-karlsruhe.de CC: Stefan Strecker stefan.strecker@uni-due.de
----- Apologies for cross-posting -----
CAiSE 2009 - Industrial Track - Call-for-Chapters PRET 2009 - Practice-driven Research on Enterprise Transformation
Modern day enterprises, be they businesses, organisations, or government departments, are in a constant state of flux. New technologies, new markets, globalisation, mergers, acquisitions, etcetera are among the "usual suspects" which require enterprises to transform themselves to deal with these challenges and new realities. Most information systems practitioners will find themselves working in a context of enterprise transformation. One could even go as far as to claim that a business oriented perspective on information systems is really about enterprise transformation, where enterprise transformation involves the use of methods and techniques from enterprise engineering, enterprise modelling, enterprise architecture, and information systems engineering. As a field of study, enterprise transformation requires a close interaction between practice and academia. What works and does not work requires validation in real- life situations. Conversely, it is in industrial practice where challenges can be found that may fuel and inspire researchers.
The industrial track at the 2009 CAiSE conference focuses on enterprise transformation. The track will run in parallel to the main conference and will be filled with key-note speakers, paper sessions, and poster sessions, which cater to both an industrial and academic audience. To further stimulate the exchange between academia and industry, the industrial track will also be combined with an industrial exhibition.
More information is available on: - http://www.mastering-ea.eu/pret
CALL-FOR-CHAPTERS Linked to the industrial track a book will be published in Springer's LNBIP series (http://www.springer.com/series/7911) as part of the Advances in Enterprise Engineering sub-series. This book will comprise of chapters (of about 20 pages) concerned with different aspects of enterprise transformation.
We invite authors to submit chapter (proposals) which clearly bridge the gap between industry and academia. For example, by providing practical insights, evaluations of theories in terms of experiences from real-life practice or identify practice-driven challenges for further research. Most importantly, the chapters should be appealing to both an industrial and an academic audience. The authors of al l accepted chapters are expected to present a poster at the event. In addition, the authors of about four chapters will be invited to give a 45 minute presentation on their chapter.
TOPICS Relevant topics include (but are not limited to): - Architecture governance - Business-IT alignment - Business process modelling - Business rules - Collaborative and/or participative modelling - Enterprise architecture - Enterprise architecture frameworks - Enterprise architecture management - Enterprise engineering - Enterprise modelling - Enterprise modelling languages - Enterprise ontologies - Enterprise splitting and allying - ERP implementation - Design authorities - Managing/governing enterprise evolution - Outsourcing of business processes and/or system development - Requirements management - Roles and skills in enterprise transformation - Service-oriented architecture (wrt the enterprises and/or its applications). - Simulation of enterprise designs and models - Stakeholder management - Technology impact assessment "Game changing technologies" - Transformation, program and pro ject management - The impact of open source software development on enterprise development.
ORGANISING COMMITTEE - Chair: Erik Proper, Capgemini and Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands - Egon Berghout, M&I/Partners and University of Groningen, The Netherlands - Frank Harmsen, Capgemini and University of Maastricht, The Netherlands - Nico Lassing, Accenture, The Netherlands - Bas van der Raadt, Capgemini, The Netherlands
Further information from: Erik Proper (E.Proper@acm.org)
THE EVENT A one day event on Thursday 11th of June, organised in conjunction with the 2009 CAiSE conference in Amsterdam, The Netherlands. The industrial track will have its own registration. At the day of the industrial track, all visitors to the CAiSE conference will be allowed to visit the industrial track, and vice versa. The final program of the industrial track will include: 1. Keynote speakers. 2. Poster sessions of the chapters included in the book. 3. Presentations of the authors of selected chapters in the book. 4. Industrial exhibition. 5. Conference dinner at the Amsterdam concert-hall (The Concertgebouw).
ENDORSEMENTS * Conference on Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAiSE, http://www.lirmm.fr/caise08/) * IFIP Working Group 8.1 (http://home.dei.polimi.it/pernici/ifip81) * The Benelux Chapter of the Association for Information Systems (AIS, http://home.aisnet.org/) * The Netherlands Architecture Forum (NAF, http://www.naf.nl) * The GI-Fachgruppe 'Informationssystem-Architekturen: Modellierung betrieblicher Informationssysteme' (MobIS) of the German Computer Society (http://www.wi-inf.uni-duisburg-essen.de/MobisPortal) * Via Nova Architectura (http://www.via-nova-architectura.org/)
Abstracts, as well as the chapters, should be submitted in PDF format to: (PRET@mastering-ea.eu). The results described must be unpublished and must not be under review elsewhere. The camera-ready copy of accepted chapters must conform to Springer's LNBIP format (which differs from LNCS!). Authors should expect their chapter not to exceed 20 pages, including all text, figures, references and appendices.
Three to five keywords characterising the paper should be indicated at the end of the abstract.
KEY DATES October 1th, 2008 Deadline for submission of abstract. November 1th, 2008 Invitation to submit chapters. January 1th, 2009 Deadline for submission of chapter. February 15th, 2009 Notification of acceptance plus selection of chapters to be presented. March 15th, 2009 Camera-ready copies due.
PROGRAM COMMITTEE 1. Anne Persson (University of Skovde, Sweden) 2. Bas van Gils (Strategyworks, The Netherlands) 3. Bas van der Raadt (Capgemini, The Netherlands) 4. Camille Salinesi (University of Paris 1, France) 5. Denis Verhoef (Kirkman Company, The Netherlands) 6. Egon Berghout (University of Groningen, The Netherlands) 7. Erik Proper (Capgemini and Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands) 8. Frank Harmsen (Capgemini and University of Maastricht, The Netherlands) 9. Geert-Jan Houben (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands) 10. Gregor Engels (SDM and University of Paderborn, Germany) 11. Ha jo Reijers (Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands) 12. Hans Mulder (VIA Groep and University of Antwerp, Belgium) 13. Henry Franken (BizzDesign, The Netherlands) 14. Jaap Gordijn (VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands) 15. Jan Dietz (Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands) 16. Jan Hoogervorst (Sogeti, The Netherlands) 17. Jan Mendling (Queensland University of Technology, Australia) 18. Johan Versendaal (University of Utrecht, The Netherlands) 19. Marc Lankhorst (Telematica Instituut, The Netherlands) 20. Marta Indulska (University of Queensland, Australia) 21. Nico Lassing (Accenture, The Netherlands) 22. Patricia Lago (VU University Amsterdam, The Netherlands) 23. Pnina Soffer (University of Haifa, Israel) 24. Raymond Slot (Capgemini, The Netherlands) 25. Robert Winter (University of St. Gallen, Switzerland) 26. Sadie Legard (Corus, United Kingdom) 27. Stefan Strecker (Duisburg-Essen University, Germany) 28. Stijn Hoppenbrouwers (Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands) 29. Wolfgang Hesse (Philipps-University Marburg, Germany)
-- On behalf of the organising committee, Dr. Stefan Strecker, Postdoctoral Researcher Information Systems and Enterprise Modelling Research Group Institute for Computer Science and Business Information Systems University Duisburg-Essen, Campus Essen, Germany
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